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4 Mar 2024
Crocheting a blanket with a really big and tall crochet hook, my English bulldog I had as a kid was there. I was sitting by an oak staircase in a Victorian style house.
Was a Jedi in a city. Had to escort a princess and her entourage to safety. We were pursued by a Sith Lord known as Darth Glutton. When the dark lord found us, we got unto a lightsabre duel. It was a drew, but the princess and i were able to escape the city. The city came under occupation as a corporate army seized control of it, lead by Darth Glutton.
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DreamApp provides an answer for what you saw in your dreams immediately after you wake up. card
I was running across this path to a door it was dark outside not sure what I was running from but I think it was from a woman with dark hair and dark clothes
In a town full of monsters I've never seen before. No other humans. I find a house full of lots of rooms, I've seen this house in other dreams before. In the house there are people, I am relieved. The people then tell me they aren't real and start disappearing
My girlfriend who came back, left me in my dream I became extremely anxious and wanted to die. I traveled with friend at the ski. I was with a friend in Biarritz, the food wasn’t good enough to die. My father helps me. I handled the travel but I forgot myself in the process. I gotta go on stage. My friend wanted to invite me to sleep over but I had to get back home.
i felt a really strong and sharp pain on my lower stomach in my dream, didn’t know what was happening, turns out i was going in labor but in my dream i didn’t know i was pregnant, i had triplets i named them riccardo eros and emily, they were so cute and so good outside, they never cried, they were always smiling, i felt like a hole in my chest when i woke up and didn’t have my babies
I was driving in my car down the highway and was in a car accident, I got trapped in my car and couldn’t get out, then the car caught on fire
Late to work, stolen car, someone stole my yogurt with red strawberries and blue berries, I saw some old and new friends, and an old boss, I was assisting at a Photoshoot
I can't remember most of my dream. What I do remember is i was standing outside near a field. By the way the sky looked i couldn't tell if it was sunrise or sunset. Then, someone gave me a piece of honeycomb. I've never had one before, but in my dream it tasted perfectly. Later on in the dream, I dropped my phone onasphalt. My phone and screen protector was fine. But my phone case broke. I was outside with a black sweatshirt on, and I was with 2 or 3 other women who were sitting and leaning on the hood of a car.
Went to watch the six musical again. Can’t remember anything else.
Me and my dad were getting ice cream and then we looked at the chocolate sauces and saw one that was really cheap. We bought it and brought it home. We read the dessert and it says it uses natural ingredients and is to honor this 16 year olds death. We thought that was really sweet. Later on, some one put it on their ice cream and started to look at the bottle, they started to gag and ran to the bathroom. Later when the bottle was shaken it turned into this light brown- tan color and it turns out it wasn’t chocolate sauce, it was human. It was made with the 16 year olds flesh. It was basically forced cannibalism
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