Dream interpretation about Apocalypse, Parent, Zombie, Searching, Family, Group, Children, Flying, Castle, Rock, Looking, Food, Village
I lived in this village with my family and a lot of other people. All of them were around the age of 1 to 50. Then there was an apocalipse. Zombies everywhere and I had to protect everyone, so I searched for a safe place to bring all those people. I flew around and found a few places. Then I picked up a few people and flew them to the safe place. Later there was this group of children I had to safe from the zombies and bring them to their parents who were already at this safe place. So I made a whole plan and made some kind of what looked like a ski lift, but with only a rope and a wooden crate and transported them that way all at once. Once I had brought everyone to that safe place, I went to look for food as they were all hungry, so I went to look for food. Flying ofcourse. Then I found another village with other villagers and there was this big castle and roads made of small rocks like in the time of the Romans.
Dream date:
14 Feb 2024
Emotional tone:
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