Dream interpretation about Police, Friend, Moving, Laughing, Eye, Middle, Tattoo, Hair, Looking, Walking, Uniform, Backpack, Men, Selling
I was with my best friend we were in a cafeteria and the was no one else there. There was a stand that sold some goods but I only noticed where the cigarettes were. There was no one there running the stand. Then a teenager walked up. He looked middle eastern and had tattoos all over him. He was actually very handsome in my eyes. And he had reddish brown hair and long red painted nails as well. He had backpack. He acted as if he was covering for the person befor him. And continued to look at the cigarettes. So I said “are you even 18 you look like you should not be selling us this.” And I laughed. And turned to my friend to say something. And tunerned back and he had a book of sales and was reciting surahs. I said “oh he’s reciting surahs” and then men in police uniforms were around us. Just in the background not moving or anything. And I woke up
Dream date:
28 Jan 2024
Emotional tone:
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