Dream interpretation about Fighting, Mother, Family, Sister, Bones, Arm, Beach, Cousin, Baby, Climb, Sand, Looking, Climbing, Smile
We had a huge birthday party for one of the family members we made a huge lunch and eating and singing happy birthday The party was located at a river /beach as well but this beach didn’t look muggy as the 1st dream this river was clear blue waters there to seperate ways to the water you walk down the hill and around and the other way to the water is you go up a little sand dune with clear white sand like at the beach and climb down on rocks like as if your hicking I was climbing the rocks with Celine and while I was climbing there were other family at the river and the one person I came across was a Samoan boy he just kept staring at me while I was climbing so I look straight into his eyes and swore in Samoan and climbed over the sand dune after climbing the long way It seemed that all the family took the short way and already arrived and setup shade area in the dream Toto and mamu was in it After walking to the family I sat down and sore my mum with my new born baby and she was asleep the little kids were fighting on who wanted to hold the baby but I yelled and told them to stop fighting and told mum to hand me my baby so I can hold her she was a new born so I was scared of hurting her as I had strong bones but she slept in my arms and I rocked her to sleep and was still scared and I looked at Mamu and he just looked at me with the calmest eyes and his big smile and tells me to adjust my arms on the baby I looked back at mamu with a smile
Dream date:
26 Jan 2024
Emotional tone:
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