Hello Kassie,
The underground setting and the theme of transformation in your dream, with people adapting to breathe underwater, could symbolize a subconscious exploration of adaptability and change. The end-of-the-world motif and the destruction of a statue of someone important might represent a feeling of impending transformation or the need to make a significant life change. The intense weather conditions that follow could be a manifestation of your internal emotional turmoil regarding these changes, suggesting that you might feel they are beyond your control.
Your previous dreams, including the recurring presence of your late uncle and the confrontation with your abusive ex, indicate a pattern of dealing with past relationships and unresolved issues. The figure of the underwater statue being destroyed may echo your subconscious efforts to break from the influence of these past figures in your life. The fact that this act was broadcasted on TV and led to public chaos could be reflecting your anxiety about how your personal healing process might affect your public life or how others perceive you.
The dream appears to have a strong connection to significant life events, such as the passing of your Uncle Rus and the end of a relationship with an abusive ex. Both events are likely to have left a profound impact on you, shaping your subconscious mind's way of processing grief, loss, and personal growth. The sense of an ending, as suggested by the end-of-the-world scenario, might be tied to the feelings of finality and transition you've experienced during these moments in your life.
Although we don't have specific biographical details to connect directly to this dream, the military presence can be linked to your own experience with enlisting in the military, which could be a source of disciplined strength or a reminder of structured environments that you have been part of. This connection may suggest that you're seeking a sense of order or looking to your past experiences to navigate current emotional challenges.