Dream interpretation about Shoot, Gun Point, Leaving, Screaming, Daughter, Eye, Girl, House, Man, Reason, Guy, Class, Door, Front, Hallway, Face, Floor, Hand, Walking, Woods, Looking, outside
I was in this house that had class rooms attached. As I was walking down this hall, I stopped in front of a wood stove and opened the door. As I saw a reflection of a girl to my left, I noticed she was lying on the floor, passed out. There was a man laying next to her and I felt he was there for all of the wrong reasons. As soon as I tried to approach him, the girl on the floor transformed into an elderly lady, close to the man’s age. At this point, I felt I needed to leave. I grabbed my daughter and went outside. As soon as my daughter and I were outside, we heard screams inside the house. My daughter told me we needed to leave, and in a blink of an eye, that same man came out of the house with a gun pointed in my face. I put my hands up and told the guy don’t shoot, I’m not the person you are looking for. I picked up my daughter and brought us to safety.
Dream date:
23 Jan 2024
Emotional tone:
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