Dream interpretation about Crosses, Father, Sister, Driving, Reason, Front, Type, Walking, Circles, Ass, Glasses, Going, Bleed, Words
Me and my mum dad little sister and big sister were all going out together and some reason my mum was drinving and we noticed she went around a round about and took the 2nd exit instead of the 1st and i told everyone we need to go gound and check if shes okay cause we are walking down the path. as we cross the road almost getting trampled the vishion of a wrecked car lying on its roof was more noticable and my mum walked towards me so i knew something was wrong .THEN SHE TURNED AND THERE WAS GLASS ALL OVEN HER CHEST , THE FRONT OF HER AND SHE WAS BLEEDING ALOT AND ME AND MY BIG SISTER BOTH SEEN AND IMETIETLY PHONEF 999 BUT SHE GOT THRU BEFORE ME AS I WAS tO SHOCKED TO TYPE FOR A SECOND ,M6 MUM STARTED TO TALK TO US LIKE IT WAS GOING TO BE HER LAST WORDS.then i quickly woke up in a panic
Dream date:
22 Feb 2024
Emotional tone:
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