Dream interpretation about Ex, Friends, High School, Life, Meeting, Couple, Middle, Name, Guy, Hair, Tall, Looking, Orange, Auditorium, Reoccurring, my-ex, Old People
I had this dream where I was in the high school auditorium and school was about to let out, that's actually a reoccurring theme that school's about to let out for me in my dreams. So school was about to let out and we were in some kind of auditorium everybody gathering around. I saw a lot of old people there that I used to know. One was Alexis Cooper and a couple of other old high school and middle school friends together. And there was this guy who wanted to talk with me and meet with me in the summer. His name was Patrick. He had orange and white hair and he was kind of tall sort of kind of like my ex-boyfriend. In real life I already have a boyfriend and they look completely opposite.
Dream date:
1 Feb 2024
Emotional tone:
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