Dream interpretation about Died, Dead body, Wife, Cancer, Hostage, Police, Sick, Storm, Car, Woman, Mind, Bathroom, Looking, Walking, Order, outside, Pretty
I was working but I was a cop and there was this dude who was like holding people hostage. And then I stormed in by myself and I found him in the bathroom with his dead wife who was strapped up to all these machines. And she was like really sick and there was a dead body hanging from the ceiling pretty sure it was a cop but I talked him down and he told me about the fact that he had brain cancer and that he couldn't get treatment becuase his wife's medical bills were his priority and she like just died. And I took him outside and he was put in the car and then whoever was there with me was like cmon hop in and I was like nah I'm gonna walk to my car at the precinct. And on my way I saw this Pho shop. So anyway I was standing there ordering a sandwich evem though I wanted pho the woman just looked so excited about her sandwiches so I didn't want to destroy her happiness. So I stood there. Trying to make a sandwich for like an hour. Idk why it took me so long like idk if I just couldn't read or something but there weren't like alot of ingredients that could go on this sandwich. So idk why it took me so long. But like she finished the sandwich. And then I woke up.
Dream date:
5 Jan 2024
Emotional tone:
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