Dream interpretation about Died, Killing, Blood, Giants, Secret, Movie, Metal, Name, Year, Front, Sky, Looking, Ground, Purple, Figure, Creepy, Crystal, Playing, Rapper, Watched
I had a dream about a black and purple figure that looked like steppenwolf from the justice league movie go on a quest to kill a small unbeatable creature. Anyone who got near it would die instantly. The environment was creepy as well as it contained giant black and purple crystals, the ground was black and the sky was very dark gray. After that, my dream transitioned into a YouTube rapper named Quadeca (I remember who he is but I have not watched or listened to him in years and just recently saw 1 YouTube video of him) telling me that all movies are made from witchcraft and that the people playing them are not real and that I have to protect my blood. After he said that, all the sudden, a book that was opened closes in front of me and gets stored in a metal bookshelf with other books as if it was telling a secret and had to be stored away. What does my dream mean?
Dream date:
2 Mar 2024
Emotional tone:
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