Dream interpretation about Falling, Rats, Classmates, School, Woman, Birds, Mind, Mouth, Side, Walking, Forest, Grass, Going
I were on a walk with my classmates and on the walk there was a forest and then there was a end of a path so we were going back but then I slipped and I slipped and I i slipped and fell and caught on the grass because it was a mountain and it was steep but next to me slipped too and then I tried to get on the pat but the grass was falling down and I were about to fall but then the woman who slipped next to me offer me to go to the less dangerous side of the mountain and I said yes but already when I was about to be on the path I slipped and then I were riding on my butt down and then I become a mouse and then I finally was on the path as a mouse but my goal was to get to the school but then there was some bird that was catching mouses so I hide but then I become the bird and the bird was having something black in his mouth but I didn't mind.
Dream date:
19 Nov 2023
Emotional tone:
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