Dream interpretation about Killing, Fire, Friends, Hugging, Oil, Woman, World, Planet, Boat, Bus, Guy, Space, Thank, Going, Human, Lighting, Survive
I think I was like... working in some kind of oil factory or something. It was very big and there weren't much people. Only me, some other woman, and some guy I think we were friends or something. And then this... big dude who claimed he was going to destroy the earth because he saw what humans did to this planet and they should be punished and he started lighting random things on fire and we begged him not to do this but also wanted to kill us and he set me on fire but I survived or something. And then we were on this big space ship which had the vibe of a very big and very old bus it was really weird. Erm and then my friends confessed to eachother but the guy also confessed to me but I'm aroace so I was like no thanks and he was like okay and then he hugged me 💀 ok it was really weird.
Dream date:
25 Dec 2023
Emotional tone:
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