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Dream Of Being Initiated As An Egyptian Goddess By Isis And Bastet

Dream interpretation about Oil, Eye, Light (Not Dark), Sleep, Floating, Wall, Looking, Magical, Men, Playing, Smell, Temple, Speak, Words

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This dream was about

I was in a temple and I had just been initiated as an Egyptian goddess by the goddess Isis and Bastet themselves. There was Egyptian ceremonial music playing in the background, smells of different oils and herbs. Dimly lit with Torches along the wall. The men served us and worshipped us. Day and night they stood guard with those torches. We never slept and neither did they. There was magical auras and energies floating everywhere. It was beautiful. I was there to learn but no words were spoken , I looked deeply into Bastets Green eyes and began energetically absorbing the knowledge. I can’t wait to dream again. It feels like just the beginning

Dream date:

25 Mar 2024

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👧 women of your age from 🇺🇸 had dreams about Family by 35% more than 👨 men.

Emotional tone:

The dream has a spiritual and mystical tone, with a sense of awe and excitement at being initiated as an Egyptian goddess. The dreamer feels connected to ancient wisdom and power.


This dream was recurring 1 times last week


The dream is highly intense, with the dreamer feeling a strong sense of energy and excitement throughout.


The dream is set in an ancient Egyptian temple, with realistic details such as torches, ceremonial music, and the presence of the goddesses Isis and Bastet.


The dream is very vivid, with clear and detailed imagery, such as the green eyes of Bastet and the smells of oils and herbs.


The dream is coherent and well-structured, with a clear narrative arc and logical progression of events.

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Light (Not Dark)

Light (Not Dark)























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🤩 Emotion
😟 Depression
🤯 Sentiment

Dream review

Yvette Miller

Yvette Miller

Behavioral psychology & Wellness Advocate

Brii, your dream of being initiated as an Egyptian goddess is rich with symbolism and seems to reflect a deep sense of empowerment and spiritual seeking within you. Being chosen by goddesses like Isis and Bastet, who are powerful deities representing magic and protection, suggests that you may be experiencing a period of personal growth and self-discovery. The ceremonial music, the scents of oils and herbs, and the dim light from torches create a sensory-rich environment that can symbolize the depth of your subconscious mind and the rituals you are undergoing in your waking life to nurture and discover your inner self. The fact that men served and worshipped you in the dream might indicate a desire for respect and recognition from those around you. It could also reflect your inner strength and the acknowledgment of your own power and influence in various aspects of your life. The detail that neither you nor the men ever slept suggests a continuous process of learning and guarding knowledge. This may be a metaphor for your own continuous pursuit of wisdom and the vigilance you apply to your personal growth and protection of your values. Absorbing knowledge from Bastet's eyes without words being spoken points to an intuitive learning process. You might be gaining insights and understanding through non-verbal cues in your waking life, relying on your intuition and the energy you perceive from others. The magical auras and energies floating everywhere signify that there is a certain mystical or transcendent quality to the knowledge you are acquiring. Looking at your previous dreams, the recurring theme of confusion about reality versus dreams, as well as unexpected elements appearing in mundane scenarios (like the beetle in the skillet), suggests that you might be exploring the boundaries between the conscious and subconscious, the real and the imagined. Your dreams seem to be a place where you confront the unexpected and seek deeper understanding. Your anticipation to dream again and the feeling that it is just the beginning implies that you are on the cusp of a new chapter in your life, or at the very least, in your inner world of self-realization. The dream's positive emotions and absence of negative feelings or nightmares, along with an emotions level of 6, indicate that these experiences are not causing distress but are instead intriguing and potentially fulfilling for you. It seems your dream life is a vivid and meaningful realm where you are actively engaging with your innermost thoughts and feelings.
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Yvette Miller

Behavioral psychology & Wellness Advocate

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