Dream interpretation about Argument, Friend, Husband, Brother, Father, Sister, Child, Dog, Girl, House, Shower, Hallway, Point, Clothes, Ground, Pants, Camping, Online
We were in some environment I have never seen before, a lot of wooded area, some sort of showering building it was almost like a camping ground of sorts. There were A LOT of people there. One of them being my online friend Stephie, & the others being her sisters and brothers (I don't even know that she has brothers) I remember one of her brothers had a crush on me and I tried to steer clear of him. There was a point where all us girls were showering and I remember feeling uneasy then. I also vaguely remember a tiny dog, I think we adopted it, I don't remember much just that there was a little scrappy dog. There was also a point where my husband was being rude to me when his dad was over, we got into an argument and I took off with the kids to go to the store. My oldest didn't have pants on so I felt bad because he wasn't even dressed. When we got to the store there were a lot of people again, but a lot of them were from the Kingdom Hall so I felt happy to see them.
Dream date:
29 Feb 2024
Emotional tone:
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