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Dream Interpretation: Raven 😴 - What Does it Mean to Dream About a Raven? Discover the significance of seeing a Raven in your dream 💤 - Get a free dream analysis to find out the interpretation if a Raven appears in your dream ✅

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💡Possible meaning

A raven in a dream symbolizes mystery, darkness, and death. It may represent a warning of impending danger or a message from the subconscious. It can also signify transformation and rebirth, as the raven is often associated with magic and mysticism.

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🧭 Direction


Think about the context of the dream and how the raven was behaving. Was it flying or perched? Was it making any sounds? This can give you clues about what the raven may represent in your life. If you feel like the raven is a warning, take extra precautions in your waking life. If you feel like it represents transformation, embrace change and new beginnings.

❤️ Feelings

The dream of a raven may evoke feelings of mystery, darkness, and foreboding. It symbolizes a sense of impending doom or a hidden secret. The presence of a raven in a dream may also bring about a feeling of unease or fear, as it is often associated with death or bad omens. This dream may leave one with a lingering sense of curiosity and a desire to uncover the hidden meaning behind the raven's appearance.





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5 Mar 2024



it was a little dark outside and i was in my room and i noticed that there was a raven sitting outside of my window and it was looking at me and making crowing so loud that if physically hurt me and i needed to cover my ears with my hands and then i tried to scare him off by rolling down the shades but he still sat there and was looking at me and crowing. then i walked up to him trying to scare him of in that way but he wasn't scared at all and then he suddenly flew super fast through the closed window right into my mouth and i fell to the floor

9 Feb 2024

Snake bite


A sunny day at the beach and I pick up litter and throw it into a trash can but it's not a trash can. The trash can is a giant spider and it is hungry. I try to run but the spider is to fast and I fall into the sand but as I do lightening strikes and ravens start circling. A rattle snakes bites the spider before it reaches me and the sky turns red as a giant wabe approaches. I run for the hill but a wind pushes me back onto the beach but a truck sees me and pucks me up. The truck crashes into a building and a dinosaur is on the other side of the building and it's hungry. The sky turns red and dark and climb into a sewer to escape.

29 Nov 2023



The way my dream started was me doing makeup from Hyunjin and K-pop Idol from stray kids. The it switched real quick to me winning an award for best hair and makeup and how Hyunjin only now wants me to do his hair and makeup. Then I remember at one point in the dream me and my best friend ended up in an ally where there was an abandon factory and we found so many cats and one of them reminded me so much of Raven. My cat who passed away. I couldn’t stop crying cause I missed her so much, but something about the cat didn’t feel right for me to take home. It’s like I almost knew she was sick, so I didn’t take her. Then it switched over to Hyunjin again and how we were in a racing competition, but the dream seemed to have started from the beginning ok how I even got the award to begin with. As if me winning an award, was just a preview of my whole dream. However, we were racing so much and eventually I caught up to the front and the ones who won the race, we’re able to pick from which stray kids member we can do hair and makeup and I fought from Hyunjin. Then at one point, Hyunjin turned into a little school girl that I had to take care of and I didn’t question how, but she some how become a super important girl where I needed to take care of. She came from a super rich family and her family hired me. Then the girl said she wanted to go to a store so I told the driver which store, but in Korean she told the driver to go some where else and he listened and I told her like like what did she say, but she ignored me. Then we went to this hospital like building and she went to see a friend that she kept a secret. When I saw the friend, she looked super familiar and it was someone I went to high school with. This person though didn’t have their legs. They had robot legs and the person was so ashamed and I tried to tell them it was ok and that I hadn’t seen them in forever and asked how they were doing. It got blurry and I woke up.

3 Nov 2023

New Job


I dreamt I was in an airplane with my mom, my daughter, and my friend. The airplane started to fail and was empty other than us. I searched everywhere for parachutes but couldn’t find any. We didn’t understand what was going on. The back of the plane opened up, and we were going to land in water. I knew we had to jump out fast before the weight and pressure of the sinking plane traps us. We all jumped out after I threw out an inflatable boat. Charly and my mom made it, and I remember pulling raven up onto the life boat. We swam for a while. I was so cold, when my friend juju was there with her car. I climbed in to warm up and told her I was never flying again that this was the second time something like this happened to me. She said she had to go to work and I was supposed to go hang out with an old friend named Parker. I liked my friends new car, and we went to some resteraunt. The resteraunt ended up being attacked by people with guns. My friend and I grabbed some and pretended we were apart of the bad guys, and we ran to her car but she had a hard time unlocking it and wanted me to drive. It took me a minute to figure out how, after closing my foot in the door.

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