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Dream Interpretation: Coffin 😴 - What Does it Mean to Dream About a Coffin? Discover the significance of seeing a Coffin in your dream 💤 - Get a free dream analysis to find out the interpretation if a Coffin appears in your dream ✅

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💡Possible meaning

Seeing a coffin in your dream symbolizes the end of something in your life. It could be a relationship, a job, or a phase of your life. It also represents your fear of death and the unknown. It may indicate that you need to let go of the past and move on.

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🧭 Direction


Reflect on what in your life has recently come to an end or needs closure. It could be a relationship, a job, or a phase of your life. Accept that it is time to move on and let go of the past. Embrace new beginnings and opportunities that come your way. Remember that death is a natural part of life and should not be feared.

❤️ Feelings

The dream of a coffin may evoke feelings of fear, sadness, and anxiety. It symbolizes the end of something, whether it be a relationship, a phase of life, or even one's own mortality. The sight of a coffin can bring about a sense of loss and grief, as it represents the finality and inevitability of death. This dream may also trigger feelings of unease and discomfort, as it confronts the subconscious with the concept of mortality and the unknown. Overall, the dream of a coffin can leave one with a sense of trepidation and a reminder of the fragility and impermanence of life.





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Dreams of users containing the word Coffin

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31 May 2024



I had a dream I was on this big alien ship. The inside kinda resemble what I assume a large alien mall would look like. Yet very clean. There were plants and stuff growing normally on board too. Anyways this lady with bright red (super) curly hair dropped me off on earth saying I must save god. This was either the beginning or end times of earth. I’m not sure but earth looked like a frozen tundra with visible blue like energy flowing between the snow blanketed trees. It was Ethereal. I’m not gonna lie to you dream notes, I kinda wish I could see it irl. It was so pretty yet kinda spooky cause there weren’t any creatures seeming to inhabit the plant. I felt things there but very few in my witchy perception. In the very center of there earth, I found a white glowing coffin where I assumed god layed. I didn’t actually see his face but I knew instinctively what he looked like. His hair was Snow White and quite long. Not like a girls hair but definitely longer giving him an elf like effect. Very tall and slender I think. A guy. The coffin was locked and I needed to find the key yet I had no idea where to look or if that’s even what I was supposed to do. There was this massive hellhound guarding him though. The beast was kinda scary and growly but as soon as I approached the coffin it layed at my feet all cute like. What a confusing creature. I remember thinking “You should really make up your mind if u wanna eat or cuddle” The silly thing got me a stick and had me throw it for him 💀it was pretty wholesome tho. The massive black creepy dog bounding toward me with a mini stick in its mouth. Its head was like the size of my body. I remember the lady said only I could save him, Only I had the key but I just could not figure out what that was supposed to mean? Earth had looked like a frozen grave yard in the dream.

21 May 2024

Childhood home


I find myself in a coffin as a 12 year old boy. I am wearing all white robes. I underneath my robes I am covered in sweat. This is clearly the aftermath of the rape I experienced at that age. I can also smell the order of my perpatrator on me. As I get out of the coffin I read the headstone which reads "Hayden G 1995-2008" which is the year I was born, and the year I was first raped. I walk around the cemetery and find many empty graves. These graves all appear to be children who were abused at some point in their lives. I leave the cemetery and enter my perpatrators house. However when I enter the room in which I was raped there is nothing there except a coffin with his name on it. Then I walk to my childhood home and I am greeted by my mom. I ask her what happened to my perpatrator and she doesn't even know who he is even though is real life she knew him.

13 May 2024



I was in a house with some other people and we were all having to hide and run from people who were monsters and would hurt and eat us. I was sitting in a locker trying to be very quiet and a group of being trying to do the same passed by, when one of the monster people entered the locker room we were in and myself and the group split directions and started running. The monster person followed me and degraded me, I eventually escaped by jumping out one of the houses windows and running outside the houses front yard. Eventually I ran back inside the front yard to get my mom, and the dream changed to my mother and I having been in a house fire that we survived. My mom then found out that she would die from an illness and wanted to kill herself tonight before going through any illness. Her my dad and I sat in the kitchen discussing dropping me off to college at the end of the summer but I was imagining her in her coffin and I started bawling and wailing because I knew she would kill herself tonight and I wasn’t ready for her to be gone.

10 May 2024



Living on the garden …. Can’t remember. Either someone. Dad’s Dad or Dad or Doc. Waiting to die. He wants to go hear music - Vagner’s 5th or something. We are in a garden/ cemetery. He dies. We have him on a coffin. Are planning ceremony. Young woman wants to add something. She does -it’s beautiful. Cemetery is now in a small crevice next to a mountain cliff. I am learning death yoga postures.

11 Apr 2024

Dead body


I was in a dream among many people. The dead body was of a late prominent person. This person had died years before I was born. Suddenly as the people were carrying the coffin it accidentally fell on one side. And th body came off the coffin. His prominent son who still is under our country politics started hitting the face with a big rope for him to wake up. Again I see another like body of the dead watching the scene like it was not the person being hit. Still wearing the same blue suit. I'm not connected to this family or anything to do with them but I got really confused over this incident. Why would I dream something like this. Why would the son hit the dead body to wake up and stop being stubborn falling off from the coffin. Why wasn't I scared I remained confused and watching the scene with much curiousity. I wanted the dream continue but unfortunately it was very short.

2 Dec 2023



I was going to a light show with one of my friends but when we got there it turned into a party and somehow it was someone's house and apparently we all signed a contract that we were going to die and we all wanted to die. We all were sad and wanted to end things ig. My dad then offered me drugs since it was my last day and me and all of my friends and I got high off of Marijuana edibles. We walked around everything got super disoriented. Im pretty sure somewhere down the line i got offered crack and i took it. I had a seizure and everyones face was super weird. For some reason my teacher was there and also signed the contract and he was announcing that it was time for us to die. Some people were refusing but eventually the teacher convinced them.Then it got time for us to die and we all got into this coffin thing but it fitted all of us. My teacher was also there and gave us each one more edible since we were gonna die. When we were all in it felt as if the coffin was falling and eventually it hit and then we all died. Then it went to black.

17 Nov 2023

New Job


I was with my Cousin and we were in the driveway and the Cadillac that my Grandma used to own she was in the trunk as a funeral service and I don’t know why it was in the trunk maybe because the hearse usually puts the coffin in there. Anyway I was sad but I was with my Cousin and we got through it together. There may have been other people in our driveway and then we said our goodbyes and prayed and the car took off and we were sad but celebrated her. I’ve also been going through some significant life changes in my life as losing weight becoming more independent and having good friends and relationships so this could be a sign of new life and it all started when I believed in myself. Amen 🙏 Claiming with a High Faith and a rightfully achieved status! 🥰🥰

11 Nov 2023



I just had a dream that my cat that died two weeks ago came back from the dead. We are going to bury him tomorrow, so I dreamt that when we took his coffin out from the freezer, he started to scratch from the inside to sign that he wanted to come out and was alive, and he came out and was fully alive and acted like he just been sleeping

22 Oct 2023

Dead body
New Job


My dream wasn’t a flowing story line. It was different scenes. But for two nights in a row I had this dream. I was staying in a house with three other younger women. There was a separate covered patio structure painted yellow and white, in the back yard. The patio was filled with junk and a screen curtain was surrounding everything under the patio. Somehow three coffins appeared. The coffins were white with blue trim, almost like they were home made coffins and painted by hand. We placed the coffins up on the ceiling to get them out of the way , ( I have my bikes and kayaks hanging up in the garage where I live- is this why possibly that I would put something on the ceiling in a dream?) . The bottom of the coffins were bolted to the ceiling. And the coffin lids were not coming open exposing any dead body inside, which I was glad. But then in the next scene, I noticed two bolts broke loose at one end of one of the coffins but was still attached at the other end hanging from the ceiling. Then later the other two bolts ( 4 total) must have let loose and I saw that the coffin was laying on top of the pile of junk. Later the other two coffins were laying on top of all the junk so I assumed they all fell. The coffins were still closed, but I remember distinctly thinking I better do some thing before the bodies start falling out. The coffins don’t belong here. Then I told one of the girls as I was leaving be careful, don’t let the dogs go out there because the coffins fell. I asked her if we could exchange phone numbers because of this communal issue in our back yard and she declined to give me her contact info. The context of what I’m going through in real life, of which is causing me concern in real life , is that I’m confused and wondering if I’m seeing red flags in a new relationship budding over the phone with a man I met on line a few weeks ago. I’m wondering if the “ coffin” image is baggage I’m worried about and I need to get rid of or are these two dreams about coffins warning signs that danger could be in front of me ( as in “death” or danger”) if I choose this relationship. I find fault in just about everybody so I could be operating with fault finding to protect myself. I certainly don’t want to push a good man away because of this. Or would these dreams indicate that I am truly seeing legitimate red flags that are indications that this is not a safe relationship? This Dream is the same as my first one only in more detail. Thank you so much.

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