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2 Mar 2024

Running away


I was on a date with someone and he said his favorite food was Putin and he seasoned him with salt. I got out of the car and he tried to kill me but my sister came and helped me run away. We escaped but then she revealed she was actually going to kill me and that she will keep me here for 5 days to see whatโ€™s it like being in prison. She said after that sheโ€™ll kill me and she never loved me. Her friend nikko was also there and I asked if he was in on this and he said he was. I then replied I thought we were cool man. Then we transported home and I was in jail. My mom was there but she didnโ€™t know what was happening. And then my sisters friend turned white

2 Mar 2024



I was living in a share house with 2 friends and a bunch of other random women. The share house was in the middle of a giant carpark I know from my waking life. I don't know the friends in real life. One of them was in labor but didn't have a boyfriend. I ran to the kitchen in the share house with 2 trays and put them on the bench and told the ladies in the share house that I would wash them after so leave them there because the girl was in labor. As I walked away I heard one of the ladies we lived with say "See she's fucking lazy I hate her so much." I walked away back to my friends and called emergency services but they didn't answer. I called a different number and was asked what type of help I need. I asked for ambulance and the woman replied "oh she's in labor now isn't she!?" I was left confused as this was the first time I called them. I said yes and told them where I was and they said the ambulance would be there soon and they then hung up. I went back to my friend who was in labor and I was holding her from behind and holding her hands and rocking with her and she was squeezing my hands and I was telling her it's okay sweetheart the ambulance is on the way. The other friend was taking photos of us. My friends water broke and the ambulance arrived.




DreamApp: Journal & Dictionary

DreamApp provides an answer for what you saw in your dreams immediately after you wake up.

1 Mar 2024

Being Late


I dreamt that I was sitting in my living room, watching TV, it was late at night so It was very dark and I was alone. I was watching a weird TV show where a woman was the main character. She had yellow eyes and was scary but seductive. I remember most of the time It was just her on a black background and Iโ€™d just stare at her. It gave off an eerie feeling of being watched but also drawn by the woman. Eventually I got up and went to the kitchen to get something, when I went back to the living room I felt a very tense presence in the atmosphere, as if something was about to happen. And then, one of the pillows that was on the couch simply started levitating and making itโ€™s way through the couch, like it was being dragged by an invisible hand. That made my heart race and I felt very scared and uncomfortable but I also felt the urge to fight back, and so I did. I suddenly ran to the couch and grabbed the pillow so it would stop moving, and then I fell on the couch like if something was grabbing me as well. I started feeling heavy and then I had to shake my body to try and take that thing off of me. I was moving a lot to push that presence off of my body and thatโ€™s how I woke up

1 Mar 2024

High School


I was in a small college town where I knew a lot of people, some I knew from when I was in college and some were past co-workers. It was night time and we all met up to get food and drinks, I was having such a fun time, but something felt off. I was forgetting to do something but couldnโ€™t remember what. The next day, I woke up in what seemed like my dorm room and looked at my phone and it said Saturday, March 2nd and then I remembered, I was supposed to meet up with my friend the day before because he was leaving that Saturday morning. I started to panic and freak out, I missed my last chance to see him before he left and I didnโ€™t know when Iโ€™d see him again. I started running down the hall, I got to a point in the hallway where you needed a key card to get thru and as I was running and trying to scan the card, I ran into a familiar person from high school. The person wasnโ€™t a friend and I hadnโ€™t seen him since graduation. I ended up dropping my key card and having to get help to scan in to the other section of the hallway. When I made it through, I collapsed on the floor and started crying because I missed my last opportunity to see my friend.

1 Mar 2024

Large rocks


My friend and I were in the woods with big hills, it was snow on the ground, but wasnโ€™t currently snowing. My friend had the idea to skateboard down a huge hill, however the skateboard was long to the point we could lay on it. My friend laid on his back and I laid on top of him on my stomach and we were off. We didnโ€™t realize until it was too late, but there was an intersection at the bottom of the hill, he said he was was gonna throw me off and he was going to continue down so I wouldnโ€™t get hurt or die (there were trees on the other side of the intersection). But instead I was able to flip him on top of me and I pushed him off and I hit the tree instead. I didnโ€™t die, I landed on my back on a large rock, I couldnโ€™t move my body but I could still talk. When I opened my eyes, my friend was standing above me asking me questions. Then the dream ended.

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