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5 Mar 2024

New Job


My online friend Sarishka from Russia had come up to Shetland to meet me and to stay for a little bit. Me and her went to our new school, which was in the Lerwick Health Centre building now for some reason. We got dropped off and were about to go into the school, until Sarishka stopped me and told me that we need to have a talk first. So we stood outside the school doors where other people were coming in, and she whispered to me that she was part of this weird gang at the school and she warned me about these 2 teachers who were not going to be very nice to us, but if I stuck by her then I should be fine. I said okay in a wary and confused tone of voice, since I didn't really know what she was talking about since I'd never been to this school before. We walked in the door and just had our classes as normal until lunch time came. I was in the line to get lunch, which was at the reception bit of the health centre building, and I was counting my money whilst wondering where Sarishka was. Then this teacher with straight dark brown hair in a ponytail and glasses came up to me and started talking to me, wearing a dark green blazer. She seemed really nice and we chatted for a bit in the lunch line. I think she was that teacher from Bulgaria that I had in the online school at school thing in 2021. She then went back to her place in the lunch line and I went back to mine. Then this other teacher with slightly curly, light brown hair in a ponytail and glasses came stomping up to me wearing a long floral dress. She started talking to me rudely and I didn't understand why, and then she started screaming at me, took a hold of me and threw me out the lunch line. She then started beating me up whilst strangling me and trying to chop my hand and head off. But no one in the lunch line seemed to notice even though I was screaming at the top of my lungs for someone to come and help me. She eventually stopped beating me up and left me. I then went to the school nurse to see about my injuries. I had large scars on my neck and my hand. The nurse gasped when she seen it and asked how I managed it. I then told her about the teacher that had been beating me up and she was absolutely shocked and said she will report it immediately. She gave me a bunch of bandages and I thanked her, and then I was annoyed because I had missed lunch. School ended and me and Sarishka met up with each other again outside the door as the sun was setting. She said that she will stay here to hang out with her group of friends, and I could go home if I wanted to. I said okay and went on the bus to go home and looked out the bus window at the sunset. The next day at school, I was really hoping to not bump into the horrible teacher again in the lunch line. I seen the nice teacher and I was releaved, but then I seen the horrible teacher and was like 'Oh, no, not again'. But gladly she didn't pay attention to me this time and just left me alone, but I could feel her glaring at me. I was confused because I didn't know why she hated me so much when she didnt even know me. School ended and me and Sarishka had our usual conversations outside the door. Then, I suddenly ended up in this weird, mysterious world. I was standing on a tree lined platform looking at these floating and moving tiles that were going along all these different places. Me and Sarishka were both on the platform, and we jumped onto the tiles. The first tile was of the street in Lerwick, in the side where the bookshop is, we walked up it, then slipped through all the tiles until we got to the end. The world at the end tile was of some weird place with a view of a forest/some trees and some buildings. There seemed to be a bunch of wooden carts and stalls and shops around as well, all painted in beige and pale pink, and the sky was a duck egg blue colour with clouds. We played around happily in this world for a while, wondering how we managed to get here. Then we decided to jump back to the beginning of the tiles where we started, and as we were jumping, I teleported to this weird scene when I was in Sandveien/Sandwick, and the sun was setting. I was sitting on the steps of this random person's house whilst sighing with my head in my hands. I also went into the house of that doctor and I also saw my cousins whilst I was wandering/ running/ floating through the different lanes and houses. Then I went back to the scene where me and Sarishka had reached the street again on the tiles, and then the tiles disappeared and we just ended up standing in the middle of the street at the bookshop/old post office bit, and it was snowing lightly now. Me and her were now walking along the street going towards the direction of Don Leslie's and my house

5 Mar 2024



Me and my auntie and cousins were on holiday in the Baleriac Islands, Spain. We were driving in a red car along a winding grey and yellow road and looking at the scenery out the window, which was of a blue sea and white/ beige rocks with shrubs, sparkling in the sunlight. I thought the place looked familiar, so I asked auntie Vivien if this place was Menorca, since we'd been there before. But she shook her head and said no...I think this place is called Marina? And then I remembered where she was trying to remember and I went mean Minora? And she was like, yes, Minora, that's where we are, even though a Baleriac island called Minora doesn't even exist in real life. We got to our hotel, got out the car and went to find our room. We went in our room and it was really weird. The room was square and very small, there was a bed and a bunch of dark wooden tables, and there was a lot of furniture in the room so we had to walk sideways in it. We went to our balcony (which was actually just a window with a railing) opened the window and looked at the view. The view was of the Viking Bus Station car park in Lerwick, and it seemed like we were above the Raba restaurant across the road, which was really weird since we were supposed to be on holiday in 'Minora'. We then went down to the ground floor of the hotel and out the door, and it was true, we were standing outside the Raba restaurant in Shetland. We were all really disappointed and confused as to how we'd ended up back in Shetland, but then we just had to go with it, and we walked down the road towards the street.




DreamApp: Journal & Dictionary

DreamApp provides an answer for what you saw in your dreams immediately after you wake up.

5 Mar 2024

Make up


I had a dream that i drove to kansas with my dog (he turned into a poodle at some point) to watch a movie and go to an event. We got there and it was great but a lady picked a fight with me. Thanfully someone stood up for me and that made it easier to soeak up for myself. The lady took my bank cards so i took something of hers. We went through this path that waa pretty at first then turnes into a horrendous landscape with spikes cocered the trees and ground. I made it out and also made up with the lady. We gave each other our things then i decided to enjoy the many pools in the dog parks they had with my pet. There was one pool that was so murky and dirty but when we made our way back around the resort to that small pool it was cleaner and i allowed my dog to swim in it. There was a bigger longer olympic type poil and that one had crystal clear water the whole time but wasnt fenced in like the other one. I found my keys and was ready to drive three hours home.

5 Mar 2024



My family and friends and I went on another trip together visiting islands and eating great treats when things suddenly turned for the worst, there was a person who came to us wearing a person's skin as a mask and we knew something was off but they turned out to have a gang of others who were trying to kill people and we beat them up, then they ate some poison and we were confused but when we look up at the sky it was pitch black, no stars or moon or anything. Then one of the people explained they were trying to save us from the "end" the last war between some aliens and humans so I asked for one of their poisoned pills and they gave me one. Then hell appeared and some devil lady with fire powers was trying to get us bur I somehow had ice powers but the ice only lasted so long since the hellfire wouldn't go out. And I managed to save everyone except my mom that fell thru the melting ice and the devil lady took her deep into hell. The rest of us ran and we ended up getting caught but I fought back and smashed her head open and smashed her brains so she couldn't do anything anymore. Then we were trying to figure out what to do with her body and destroyed brain so she never comes back

5 Mar 2024



I had a dream I was on a road trip and I had to stop at a gas station cause I completely ran out of gas and I had to push my car into the gas station to the pump while I was putting in my car starts harassing me a little bit and making me feel really uncomfortable so I asked him to leave and he doesn’t. I start looking around asking people to help me they didn’t really believe me that was bothering bizarrely so then they started trying to help me and he still wouldn’t stop no matter what, so I started screaming and being crazy, what I did, he wouldn’t leave me alone he kept coming back and then I got violent and he still nothing was taking him down. Nothing hurt him. I tried to call 911. I was trying to figure out where I was telling them the streets, the street names didn’t make sense and Moore spelled really weird the guy unplugged the phone was on and disconnected me from the police, then one of my coworkers stepson that’s really big and starts trying to protect me and it was working and then I found like bug spray or something and sprayed it in the guys eyes. Nothing seem to work. I tried giving him money didn’t work being up he was too strong and big for that, and then I woke up with no resolution to my dream

5 Mar 2024



I was at my Grandparents land in Mexico. There was this small glowing blue creek that went through the area. In the glowing water there was this glowing green and white big crystal points. When I looked up at the sky it was covered in giant bats circling above us. They would swoop down from the sky and fly around us causing this strong burst of wind. At my Grandparents house there was this cage filled with parakeets. My deceased father was there too. Since the cage was full and crowded he would hold one or two parakeets in his hand and release them. The parakeets would fly high into the blue sky until the disappeared. There were only two parakeets left in the cage. A bigger one with white and brown feathers, and a smaller one that was colorful rainbow colors. My Dad said we were going to keep those to breed. I said “the smaller one is a baby so we have to wait”

5 Mar 2024

My crush


I was living as a pregnant women I went to dc with a friend from my real life Troy that I know from school but I don’t really talk to him in real life but I’ve always has a crush on him. We were going to a baby shower at like a bar. While I’m at the bar these girls let me use the bathroom when they were in line because I was pregnant. Some time goes by and I decide to leave the baby shower cause my car was in dc and I didn’t really wanna go to the shower I just basically used the ride to dc to the shower as a excuse to get to dc. I left to look for my car, Troy was really worried cause he said once he left he was coming back and he didn’t want me to be stranded in dc with no ride home pregnant but I told him I had family there and I’d get home. It’s like I was lying about EVERYTHING. I even ended up realizing that I was lying about be pregnant and I was only use pushing my stomach out. Idk why I was lying about it but I kept on lying and pushing my stomach out as I looked for my car. I ended up running into the girls who let me use the bathroom and I don’t think I was pushing my stomach out as much when they saw me so they realized I was lying and they took it as I was faking just to use the bathroom first and they were furious!! I didn’t realize them until they were close up so I decided push it back out and at the top of their lungs they started yelling “your fèaking, you aren’t pregnant, you just wanted to cut the bathroom! You b****” and I was scared trying to tell them I wasn’t lying and i was trying to get them off me because they were shoving me and hitting me. I kept screaming to bystander to help lying telling them I’m pregnant but no one seemed to believe me or care. I’m crying cause it’s almost like I actually believed I was really pregnant because I was crying thinking the baby. I fought back a while till they eventually got me tired and they pinned me down and starting stabbing my stomach and I cried and kept telling “my babbbbbby nooo” and I think I bleed to death and died but it’s like I died and then came back to life in another situation and it’s like people were after me again and I end up getting chased by wolves, they finally got a hold of me and killed me and I came backs to life in another situation. It’s like I just kept coming back into situations just to get killed and come back to life in another situation.

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