1 Apr 2024
I had a dream that I visited my childhood home on F.E. Warren Air Force Base. I was kind of living in the van, but kind of living in the house. I think the house was going to fall down and it was really cold in the winter, so it became necessary to live in the van as well, but there were neighbors next door who would come in and mess up the house while we were gone, so I had to go next door and kind of fix their bathroom. I'm not really sure why. My cat went outside and waited for me, and so did my friend. He was a different person inside the house than he was outside the house, like literally. When we were inside the house, he was just a friendly roommate, but when we were outside the house, he was my friend Jason from Wyoming, who there was a hijab exposition on a parade field across the street, and he came with me, and I was in a wheelchair, but he wasn't pushing it or anything, and then another girl showed up, and she said, I'll push your wheelchair for you, and she ended up also being a Muslim, and Jason basically didn't speak to us at all, but there were some people who were like, why are you in a wheelchair? You're too young to be in a wheelchair. You don't look disabled, but in the dream, like I was having trouble walking. So I needed it because of my hips, and I wasn't wearing my hijab for some reason, but neither was she, so I'm not sure, and I also got free ice cream in the dream.