Dream interpretation about Car, Family, House, Ladder, Snow, Neighborhood
I started in a car, there was snow outside and it was dark. We were going up a hill. I was with a group of people, but it seemed like we were in a rush to get out of there. I eventually ended up out of the vehicle with my fiancé and we were trekking up a snowy hill. We came upon a house, it was very big and very nice. I went in by myself and there was a family there. They started chasing me out and I made it out through a garage. Then I ran through this neighborhood and up a ladder. When I was half way up and kind of dangling off a badger came up and started trying to bite my feet. It hurt and I could feel it but I couldn’t seem to get up the ladder all the way. That’s when I woke
Dream date:
21 Apr 2024
Emotional tone:
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