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13 May 2024



There was this place where there was a cultural festival going on. My mom was trying to help me get dressed in the bathroom but I was getting pissed. Later, someone I wrote an article for at work, that I spent a lot of time on, said he hated the article. At some point masked people with swords and arrows attacked the school. I kept texting everyone my get away plan of running into the forest, getting into a car and zig zagging on the highway so no one catches up to us and recognizes us (or me, they would be driving their own cars). I had to return since my family didnโ€™t listen. At that point we had all driven off the army of people. But once I was inside, the perimeter holding them off began to start shrinking, indicating they were back. Again I tried to escape to the woods. Then a new group attacked that had control over animals. We had to start killing the animals (not me but others). The chief of the attacking army saw that My father was crying whenever an animal got shot.

13 May 2024

Plane Crash


My dream started off with my sister and I working at a restaurant. The restaurant was going under because it had no money. I suggested to my boss that she should ask for donations, but before she could respond a bunch of workers came out of nowhere and started working in the restaurant. Apparently, that saved the restaurant because my boss started celebrating after the workers showed up. After our shifts were over, we all decided to sleep on the floor of the restaurant together. While sleeping, I had a dream. (A dream inside a dream? Thatโ€™s insane!) In this dream, my sister and I were designing a town in a mobile game. I had to stop though because my phone lost its wifi connection. A few minutes, itโ€™s connection came back and I started watching YouTube on it. I watched a video of 4 people playing a Mario game made by Nintendo. There was this one part where the person playing Luigi was skiing on top of a body of water and was collecting coins. Suddenly, dream me woke up from her dream. She was at the same place as Luigi was. Only this time, she was with her sister and friends. After realizing that dream me woke up, she started swimming in the water, trying to collect coins. After that, her friends pulled her out of the water and took her on a walk. While everyone was walking around town, they heard plane noises. They looked up and saw a plane crash into a building. Every person in town started freaking out after seeing that. My friends and I started running towards our homes when we spotted a giant plane. The plane was heading to the restaurant from earlier. After taking one look at that plane, my friends and I assumed it had a nuclear bomb on it. So, we all ran to a bomb shelter and sent โ€œI love youโ€ texts to our families. After that, we waited for the explosion. Then, there was a bright flash and the ground shook. We all knew what that meant: a nuclear bomb went off. We decided to stay inside the bomb shelter for as long as possible. We quickly got bored, so we turned on the tv to pass the time. The tv started playing My Little Pony and Disney movies after we turned it on. And then I wake up because my alarm clock went off in real life.




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13 May 2024

Living Room


I was supposed to order some clothing from my nonprofit organization. I didn't have the items, so I called the apparel vendor on the phone and was attempting to order with him. I figured out we hadn't ordered yet. I went through everything and placed an order over the phone. When I hung up the vendor representative that we have worked with for years was sitting in my living room she's been there since 4 o'clock. She heard the entire conversation so I apologized and she got up from the chair in the living room and came into the dining room. She had her daughter with her and then she's explaining why the order wasn't processed. Her daughter has special needs. She wasn't sure if the daughter was possessed demons or gifted. I was nice to the daughter and I just tried to be extra kind to the daughter I had some challenges. We went downstairs to the basement and there was all kinds of Native American artifacts and things like that in the basement. The mom and daughter were hungry. There was a stuffed eagle downstairs and the eagle appear to be dead. We took the eagle, skinned it and cook the meat like chicken. We kept the feathers, head and claws. One of the neighbors came over and realize that we had desecrated a holy object for the Native Americans and he was really upset about that. We didn't know what to do, so we thought he should pray on Native American land and an exchange for him helping us he could pick one of the artifacts to have himself. He picked out a bear skin. Then as we talked more and more, we discovered he was part Native American and he belonged to a certain tribe. At that point, I had a little more acceptance from the neighbor because I also had a little Native American Indian blood in me. I was with my twin or with my brother and we're on this bridge at night. We had to get through this dictatorship property in order to continue on. It felt like we were 3 or 4 stories above the ground. The building was similar to a hotel. The dictator came out almost like the wizard in the movie The Wizard of Oz. He questioned us to see if we're going to let us pass throught the territory or not. At some point, he started torturing us. He took my left hand and started to cut between my fingers with a saw. It was a circular saw. He cut about a half inch through my hand, rhere was blood everywhere. He wanted me to cut through my own left hand using my right hand. He wanted me to use the circular saw and I wouldn't do it. Two Doberman dogs appeared and they were very intimidating. The dictator put us in some type of jail cell. in the jail I'm not sure if it was in the ground but it looked like one of those jail cell the Vietnam prisoners of war were kept in. Then we would get out and we can work everyday. Eventually the dogs became friendly with us and they realize that we had Native American Indian blood in us. at one point the dogs actually would follow our commands. If the dictator was there they would act as if they were still mean and enforce the rules with us.

13 May 2024



I was in a house with some other people and we were all having to hide and run from people who were monsters and would hurt and eat us. I was sitting in a locker trying to be very quiet and a group of being trying to do the same passed by, when one of the monster people entered the locker room we were in and myself and the group split directions and started running. The monster person followed me and degraded me, I eventually escaped by jumping out one of the houses windows and running outside the houses front yard. Eventually I ran back inside the front yard to get my mom, and the dream changed to my mother and I having been in a house fire that we survived. My mom then found out that she would die from an illness and wanted to kill herself tonight before going through any illness. Her my dad and I sat in the kitchen discussing dropping me off to college at the end of the summer but I was imagining her in her coffin and I started bawling and wailing because I knew she would kill herself tonight and I wasnโ€™t ready for her to be gone.

13 May 2024



For some reason I was in my ex wifeโ€™s house with a female, a friend, and his girlfriend. We were all there sleeping when my ex wife came home for the evening and thought we were intruders and got out a pistol to defend herself. I was in a panic trying to get out of the house and was in complete panic mode. It was complete darkness and I couldnโ€™t find my way around the house. The cops came and handcuffed me and my friend but somehow my handcuffs fell off but I kept going in circles trying to find my way out. I was attempting to surrender to the cops but they wouldnโ€™t take me to jail. Instead, they wrote me a citation to appear for court and left. My ex wife asked me if I wanted to reconcile our marriage and I said yes, in hopes of getting out of there. Even though the cops had already left, I was still frantically trying to escape the house. It was as if I kept getting lost trying to find my way out.

13 May 2024



I was in the city and walking around apartments when two skeptical men who were sex traffickers walked around the apartment and surveying for other individuals to interfere with their business. I was spotted by them. Soon after, they met up with their prostitute that they had an appointment with. One of the men took a photo of me and asked the prostitute if she knew me. He did this to make sure that I wouldnโ€™t intervene or mess up their appointment or bring justice. The prostitute said she had never seen me before. The environment was a really rundown and poor environment. The prostitute was a very young Hispanic woman, maybe in her late teens probably 17 years old. After the men discovered that I wasnโ€™t a resident one of the men got in their truck to pursue me and brought a shotgun. I was riding a bicycle at the time down the street trying to avoid conflict. The truck drove crazily towards me. The man in the truck pulled up beside me with his window down and a shotgun point at me while it hung outside the truck. He said, โ€œI have some questions for you.โ€ But I knew his full intention. He was going to kill me no matter what. Somehow, I shotgun randomly appeared in my hands and then started to shoot at him. He held his gun fire and kept saying, โ€œI just have some questions for you.โ€ But I still knew his intention, he was waiting for me to get close then he was going to shoot me. Then I kept shooting at him and trying to escape. I hit him several times but he wouldnโ€™t die and he became unscathed from the shotgun blasts. He shot at me but I managed to dodge his bullets. He wrecked his truck and had to get out. I kept shooting at him and I made contact and hit him but he kept pursuing me while getting hit by my bullets. He stopped his truck and got out then I kept shooting at him but he wouldnโ€™t die or get harmed. He ran up to me and got a knife and managed to cut my cheek and was still unharmed by my shotgun bullets. Then I tried to run away and then I woke up as I was running away. The man never died and in the dream I felt like I was being pursued relentlessly.

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