22 Apr 2024
My dream started off with my sister, my grandparents, and I all going to a fancy hotel. Once my grandpa pulled the car up to the front door, the hotel workers opened the door and led us inside while the valet parked the car. There were a bunch of fireworks going off as we entered the hotel. My sister started asking the workers a bunch of questions while they led us to our room. I could tell that the worker was annoyed, but he answered her questions anyway. Once we got to our room, we all went to sleep. When I woke up, I noticed that the hotel room had fused together with a small apartment complex. Now, there was a kitchen in the hotel room and the bathroom was bigger. As I looked around, I heard weird noises coming from inside the bathroom. I opened the door and saw two alien creatures in the bathtub. One was round and blue, while the other was slim and orange. Both of them were small. They were about the size of a small child. I freaked out when I saw them, but they told me not to worry. After gaining my trust, the blue alien said something in its native language, pulled a blue carrot out of nowhere and gave it to the orange alien, then faded away. After that, the orange alien told me that he needed help in order to get back to his home planet. I offered to help him, and suck him out of the hotel. Which was really easy, because nobody was in the hotel for some reason. After that, we made our way onto a boat. While we were sailing, I started seeing these dream-like visions about the boat sinking after crashing into another boat and everyone getting stranded. The orange alien told me not to worry about it and to just go to bed. So, I went to bed. Next thing I know, I’m at my house at 4 AM. I see my pillow and my blanket are on the downstairs couch, so I pick them up and head to my room upstairs. As I’m walking to my room, my dad, who had fallen asleep on the upstairs couch, wakes up and asks me what I’m doing. I tell him that I’m rearranging my bed, and that I needed to remove everything from it. After that, I go to my room. As I open the door however, I step back inside the hotel room from earlier. Then, the orange alien from earlier tells me that I need to hide him. So, I hide him in the bathroom. After that, my family enters the room. After some talking, we all hug each other and my parents hint at knowing about the orange alien. After that, they leave. Then, the orange alien comes out of the bathroom, tells me that he found a way home, hugs me, and leaves.
(Then I wake up.)