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2 May 2024



I was on a school field trip with my class and our Busdriver had this haunted doll head and after a while he began to murder my classmates and hide them in the bus and their luggage. I saw and was one of the last survivors. I kept pretending i didn't know anything and secretly called for help

2 May 2024



I am at some kind off church with my husband, but again I don’t see it from my own perspective. We are walking around this church, and my husband wants to get the car, and so he does. But when he comes back out the car, the car starts to roll and hit into another car. We find the person who owns the car who says she will pay for driving in to our car, since she was parked in the bushes like it was her fault, we agree to it since my husband is fuming about the damaged car. We do the exchange of number and walk our separate ways. I pull my husband to the side and says that, it was really nice of the lady, but it was exeatly is there should be paying since it was our car who hit the other one. But my husband brushes it off and says but now that not possible. So he continues to walk around. Where I hit up the cars number plate and finds out it is our old car that we sold to a younger man the other day and I check if it has been registered to that man, but can see that it is still in our name at insurance, so I queakly find my husband and tell him that our own car hit our own car, and he gets mad right away, but I tell him, that’s a good thing, because we hit each other so insurance will still cover, but we could get both cars towed to the nearest car dealer for evaluation, and that’s what we do. Then I wake up from my dream because my son wakes me up




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2 May 2024



I had a dream I was in my Hometown walking to the shops in the dark, I was aware that it was very late at night. I was not afraid to be walking at that time of night. I was walking and using a mobile cellphone. I remember that I was not my current age I was about 14 years old. There was a group of boys of a similar age who started following me and teasing me calling me gay and asking for sexual favours. I was then scared but carried on walking in front of them. I stopped at a corner and was unable to walk any further, they also stopped and I became aware that my phone had no battery life. I was scared. I then hatched a plan to escape and started running back to my house via a secret route. They did not see me leave. I was running away at a fast pace and knew that I had got away from them. I stopped and picked up some round pieces of metal and started throwing them at glass on the floor. The glass broke and then I started running again. I did not make it home and I was standing under a street light, a boy walked past me and spoke words I cannot remember. I then walked home at a normal pace aware that nobody was following me anymore. I did not arrive at my destination.

2 May 2024



I had a dream that I was in a crowded room with all of my golf friends but although it wasn’t I recognised it as being a caravan. I was with my girlfriend who they were meeting for the first time. A woman from work made a comment about blood and everybody started to laugh at my girlfriend and teasing her. One man then made a comment about her breasts and I felt angry. My girlfriend thought it was funny and one of the men called Andy was laughing and walking backwards into a bedroom, she followed him giggling and wouldn’t listen to me telling her no. I left the caravan which was then a house and I heard people asking where I was going and someone said I was going home. It was dark outside. Nobody followed me to ask if I was ok. After I left I was running down a hill faster than possible until I reached a crossroads. I turned left and there was a primary school. I knew I was in my home town but didn’t know where. A man about twenty in a tracksuit walked past me and looked at my shoes as if he was going to rob me. I told him the shoes were not very good, he smiled at me and carried on walking in front of me. I then saw two other young men who I asked for directions and They told me where to go, I wasn’t sure if they were telling the truth to me. I went the way they told me and I was then in a building with 3 large windows with people sitting behind helping customers. Someone told me to look up and I realised I was in a police station reception area. I did not speak to any of the police people but at one of the windows there was a man with a funny haircut talking in a strange voice. I left the police station and walked towards what I thought was my childhood home. I did not arrive

2 May 2024



I am hanging, suspended and still, in a vast depth of water. Ice mingles with my flesh as I drift within the Abyss, phantom beings carving my flesh. I am drowning within it all. In moments of clarity I believe I see things around me that terrify me, monsters made of shadow and teeth. In time, I strike out, fighting and clawing at them, trying to reach for the light I know must be above me. My hand strikes something solid, and, for a second, I think it might feel like I do. I think it must be of flesh and warmth. No, I scream, even though I cannot hear my own voice. I shriek that it is a monster, for nothing familiar lies here but darkness and I. Voices grate on my ears, and I feel certain I am persecuted. This is a version of hell, I am sure. Of cold terror and silent thoughts. I feel my bones brittle and wear, my muscles strain and tear. I feel my eyesight grow stronger and better, then, even as my body withers. With time, I realize that the blackness I have found to cover my vision is not the cloak of night, but my own closed eyelids. I open them, nearly crusted over with disuse and thickened with opinion. What I see is light. Not above me, but behind me. When I look around I see monsters, creatures with gnarled skin and grotesque claws, biting tongues and teeth to shred hearts. I am disgusted, terrified at these things that surround me. It is when I try to turn myself around to go back to the light, that I understand. With strong eyes, I see that my hands, once pink with newness and youth, are withered like a beast's. They are clad with long, shredding claws like a Reaper's sickle. I run scaled fingertips across my face, but I find only teeth and bone. I hear, then, that it is them screaming around me, accusing each other of being monsters as I did moments before. For I am them, striving for light with eyes closed, determined in my suffering, dragging others with me into darkness.

2 May 2024



I stand alone on a cold grass hill. My bare-feet slide to anchor themselves, but i don’t look down. All around me, far below my cold hill, are cities. The skyscrapers and Towers lean into a horizon glowing as embered dusk, the sun burning across their spires and features. The sky is warm and peaceful, it’s golden and red hues a welcome contrast to my cold hill. As i watch, though, Suddenly, the sun is not the sun, but a fire, blazing across the buildings, the skyscrapers. As the fire touches the city, the homes, I think, ‘They will burn away.’ Rather, though, they freeze under scorching flames, for the fire turns them to glass. I see the white and gold and red flames blanket all that the world is made of and bend the sky, freezing the cities eternal it its horizon. As it nears me, i believe it  will do the same to me. But as it touches me, I peel away, not to glass, but to ash, and i am devoured by the flames. For I am not made of the same as the city is of.

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