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3 May 2024



I had a dream I saw a 3 br house in an add for rent to own in the north east and I gave my job a notice I was going out of town not sure to come back. And when I went and looked at it, it was very pink and beautiful. A bunch of family came with me. It was bigger than I thought. Big enough for everyone to have their own rooms. And my cousin came in to surprise me and party with me and said she’d come to visit all the time! I was so shocked! I went on a tour of the town and found all sorts of cute shops to shop at. One of them was an awesome upper class candy store and coffee shop. The other was a vape shop. I was worried about employment but had enough money saved up to sit comfortably for 3 months.

3 May 2024



I go to an in person Spanish class. I follow this redhead woman who is kind and a teacher. The place is near my middle school, a residential area. We climb 3 flights of stairs with her leading me. It’s nighttime. We get to the place and it’s in an apartment. We come in and she introduced me the host then I remember I have my shoes on and go take them off and leave them in a basket full off shoes by the front door. I come back and it’s a mixed crowd of different levels of Spanish speakers. Mostly beginners. After intros and one of the teachers explaining how the lesson was going to go today, we all depart and get in a bus where I see My younger brother by 2 years Chopper. We acknowledge each other and then I ask my love interest/friend how long they have known each other and how they have been in the same class. He says they started around the same time and I start asking my brother how he felt about the class and he said nonchalantly that he enjoyed it and It was helping with his language learning. Then we’re in a neighborhood and the teacher was rhyming in Spanish what we were seeing and putting it in s sentence that made sense. As we all walked down the quaint street of homes and shops? We passed by a mailbox in which I saw a pair of cat eyes and commented to the friend I was walking with, when I turned around to go back and look at it the cat jumped and ran out of the mailbox and hit a student‘s face with its body as it was doing so. Immediately busted out laughing and turned back around and said to my friend “ never mind but the cat just bodied somebody.” Then I woke up. Earlier, I had a dream that I was murdered by AI psycho ex lover. Who also tried to murder my mom he used an ax. He was tall and white, and as he became more sinister, he became weirder looking. We lived in a very luxe apartment complex on a high floor. A notice is unusual behavior when he sort of questioning my whereabouts when it wasn’t with him and following me to my mom‘s. He lived in a building next-door or the balconies faced each other. The buildings were connected by glass dome type fixture there was an exoskeleton that was glass and concrete, very contemporary modern that my building and his building. Kind of like minority report vibes. Anyway, I end up finding out he’s a ax murder and he comes after my mom cuts her throat, but she survives and then comes after me and, I had no self-defense. He hacked me to pieces and I left my body and watched. He was found and convicted and sent to insane asylum but was held upside down like a bat in straight jacket suit. Where he would just repeat things himself over and over again.




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2 May 2024



It started with my friend Brady inviting me to his graduation so I went, but I ended up being part of it, so I was back in a classroom and we were taking a final test and because I had already graduated I thought it would be easy, but the questionnaire confused me, they were supposed to be easy but it was all worded in a weird way where I had no clue what to do so I didn't write anything on the test cause I realized I didn't have to since I wasn't really a student, but I took it with me when I left, then I ended up in a room decorated with three mining carts and each one had a big sac in it, I thought they were just decoration but I started to get hungry so I opened one and there was water in it and I scooped some in my hand and drank it and then I was time to leave but I got curious about the other bags so I opened them too before I left and there was stuffed animals in them so I took a few I liked, and then we were passimg through the library and I could pick one thing to get from the library, not all of it was books so i looked around and I looked at everything like three times but i wanted so much that i couldn't decide on one, I wanted so many books to learn so many different things, and then my grandma drove me to Wendy's to eat and then we went to the place for the graduation and we ended up it was like a big dining hall place full of students and my dad was there with me and we were talking to some of the people around us at the table and for a long while before eventually my dad started arguing with someone and we had to go, and then he was Homer Simpson and I was Bart Simpson, and my jaw was wired shut so I couldn't have certain food, which lead to Homer trying to find the ultimate sandwich for some reason and he found it and then I was at the graduation as Bart Simpson and I graduated, and then we were in the car to get the ultimate sandwich but Homer was driving really bad, swerving around and drifting on corners trying to be fast, but it was obvious he had no clue where he was going, so I got out and grabbed the paper that said where the ultimate sandwich was and I said it was in Hell Hawaii and I realized we needed to fly there and then my friend asked if I did the grad review and I said no cause it was just some paper with a couple questions about the school quality or whatever and he said if I didn't I wouldn't actually be allowed to graduate and so I took it and scribbled a bunch of random junk on it and posted it to the front of the school and left an ominous message to a prank with it and then I went off planning to go find the ultimate sandwich with Homer but I woke up.

2 May 2024



I was confined in a large area that had an inside area and an outside area. The inside area was al white and had a bathroom and a living space but it was very bland and there wasn’t much to do, there was a small workout space but there was no equipment. The outside was under a glass dome and it was a circle with some grass and trees. I didn’t feel like myself in the dream, it felt like I was someone else and I was called by a different name. I don’t know if it was a name or a number or object but it wasn’t my name. I felt like a lab rat. I had never been outside of this cage place, people would only come in and that were usually scientists or a women who was called my mom. I think she was the reason I was put in there. I was miserable and unhappy as the girl locked up, but my subconscious mind was watching this like the dream it was so I didnt actually have these emotions. The mom lady comes in and takes me for a walk around the outside part of my cage and talks about things like responsibility and power which makes the girl I am annoyed. She takes me indoors to one of the rooms and makes me play a game and I lose. She makes me play more little games and she all has tricks up her sleeve for them so I can never win and we play by her rules. She says I’ll never go out into the real world if I can never learn and that there are dangerous people that want to use me out there. I get frustrated saying that the mom is the most dangerous one to me and I shouldn’t be kept here. She is very sly and watches me when I don’t know it and analyzes my behaviors and patterns to have control. She uses her powers on me to make me go into a daze and follow her every word and action.When I am in the daze I “love” her. Then after a while she will return me to normally and I’ll be too exhausted to think or do anything. When she eventually leaves and I’m left in my extravagant prison, I walk around some of the rooms. It’s all white walls or glass. I can’t see anything outside only inside, and I don’t know where the door is. The people call different days by colors which assosiate how the day was. I told myself there has never been a maroon day which was going to be the day I escape, but I was going to make it happen. I see the sunlight and it’s a bright day and there are cleaning ladies that come in to clean the rooms so I am kicked outside. My indoor area is locked up so I’m stuck outside but I go and pester them through the chain fences that surround the places. The indoor area is elevated too so I’m looking up. I try to get in an area that is left open but they close it saying I can’t come in. They call me “your majesty” and I don’t say anything I just run to another area that might be open. There are 3 ladies working and they start yelling at each other to close all openings. So I run and I see some random hole in the chains that I’d have to jump up a concrete block to reach but I pass it going to another open door. None of the ladies seem to notice the small opening so I bring there attention to the door since it’s hard to get to each opening from the other one really quickly while inside. Once I see the ladies are far enough where I want them I quickly cut back and sprint towards the small opening. And I struggle to get up the concrete block but I make it before the ladies can push me out. I see them panic through a window looking from where they were to me. I smiled and felt very mischievous for what I was doing. I felt a little bad for the ladies since they would take the blame for my escape but in no way was that going to stop me. I keep running through my indoor area looking for the place they would’ve come in and I don’t find it but I find a gap in the wall and a new area on the outside so I squeeze myself through it and I’m in a new room and then I opened the door out of the room and it’s an indoor gymnasium with a bunch of people playing tennis or basketball and I see a door across the ways. I here yelling behind me and I know now security is about to be called and I need to get out quickly. I smile because it’s my very first maroon day and it’s one I created that they will remember for years. I’m sprinting across the gym taking the most direct path to the door which meant jumping over people lounging on the ground or pushing aside some tall guys playing basketball. I open the doors and I have to sprint through another court inside the gymnasium but after I do that there’s grey doors with an exit sign and I think subconsciously about how someone would write about this situation if it were in a book (I do this a lot in real life if I’m going somewhere). I run out of these grey doors and I’m in the back of the building which is really tall and white. I’m outside for the first time and it’s this parking lot with trees on the left side. I haven’t heard the alarms go off so either security is slow or they don’t want to alarm all the people inside the gym. I hop onto a car and just run on all the hoods of the car until I have cleared the parking lot. I look to my right after hearing some noise and it’s the mom, an older man, a guy my age, and three girls wearing some white robe. The mom and older man tell the people my age to go after me and that I need to be captured. He also said that it would be easier since I didn’t know how to talk to people and was really socially and emotionally unsmart from being alone my whole life. Subconsciously I laughed because the girl I was in the dream had the actual me in her who actually had being socially and emotional smart as my strengths in real life. I knew I wouldn’t trust many people though in the dream. I couldn’t go back now since I was caught so I run towards an open grass field and I’m just sprinting to lose track. They all have some sort of powers that they are trying to shoot me down with and they are orange. I have some white power that has some other color that I use to boost my speed and ability to jump. I’m running into highways and jumping over cars to get away. I take some turns that I hope would lose the male following me, I don’t know where the females went. I’m running a lot time until I get to this giant white wall of air that extends further than I can see. There’s a small circle that has more transparent air but it says beyond that point is for intermediate people referencing how skilled you are with powers. I immediately go in and it’s like the normal world but slightly more dangerous. It’s just the guy following me and he’s yelling at me to turn back and that I can still fix things. He seemed relatively close to me and like he would be a friend or love interest in the future if this was a movie. He had brown fluffy hair and brown eyes, and I thought he was relatively attractive but I was gonna run away. I’m still running and it’s a little easier to lose the guy, but then the 3 girls show up and I see another white wall of some air particle but if I go in this one it’s for experts only and I’ve never really used my powers so I’ll be in a lot of danger. The girls all have blond hair and brown or blue eyes. They seemed like workers of whatever agency had me locked up with their plane white dress gowns. I almost go past the wall but quickly cut back and go through the transparent circle because it was worth the danger to try to get rid of the girls. It’s very distopian once I enter this area. There was no one around except trees and large white buildings that were half broken. I think there are monsters and demons in here but I didn’t see any of them while in the dream. There are these big white buildings with a lot of glass areas. The girls eyes turn orange and they are using these beams of powers against me that I barely dodge. Some things are to trip me up and to capture me but this one was to put me under a spell of their control. It was one that my mom figure would use on me so I particularly didn’t like that spell. I use my own powers to boost me forward enough that I enter a building and I go through lots of doors. As I was running the guy and these girls were putting little red flags on the ground to track where we were which was annoying because I would have to continuously move to finally get away. Me and the girls go through and building and I lead them into a new building that’s bigger and I’m going to try to lose them in this building. I go in and out the other side of some small rooms and then I circle back to areas that they already went through because they would try to look in new areas. I finally at one point got them turned around after I used some controlling powers on them. It put them in a daze for about a minute and their bodies glowed. As they were going around a room, I was slowly just mirroring their move on the other side of the wall so that they didn’t ever see me but I knew where they were. They were annoyed when they finally gave up and called up the old man who came really quickly. He was definitely experienced and he said to them to keep searching this area and backup would be coming. I almost got caught a few times when I was trying to peak at them from out of the corner wall I was using as a shield of vision. I would have to get on the move when they were gone and go a new direction. The dream ended as I almost got caught when the opened a door, but I hid between the wall and the door as it opened and then slipped out before it could close after they all walked in the sciency looking room. It was very risky.

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