20 Apr 2024
I dreamt I had a group project in geography with 3 boys from my school. One day, a guy who is in love with me come to my room without my consent, sat on my bed, more precisely on me. I was partially naked, so I tried to cover my body, but his weight was too heavy. I told me he asked about the project, and I was uncomfortable. Then, he got out my room, and I prepared myself to got out too and to go to class with the boys for my project. When the teacher came in to see how our project was going, the same guy, discreetly touched my breasts several times, but I didn't speak, because the teacher was here. Then, the guy came to me, asking me to kiss his temple because his ear hurted. At this moment I saw he had super deep scars on his face, as if a bear ripped his face. I stepped back, and told him everyone's ears could hurt sometimes. When I came back to my room, I saw that the same guy was in my room, touching my personal items. So I yelled at him, and asked him to get out. He didn't move quick, and told me quietly that he didn't understand my reaction.