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13 May 2024
I had a dream about Jillian. Jillian is my uncles step daughter. She is a drug addicted and homeless. I had a dream that she showed up at my aunts house (her mom). She was sneaking around outside and the vibe felt scary. She was doing subtle things to show my aunt she was there without showing her. My uncle didn’t believe my aunt. Jillian ended up breaking into the house, I remember my uncle wanting to warn my mom she might come and try to rob us
went to a old dj house seen some friends and my ex. i was back in the car listening to my music on earphones
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The main dream i remember was me being in my friends cecilys house. I has a massive amount of plaque behind my lower bottom teeth. I saw that with tweezers i was able to chip away at it. It began to crumble. Then i saw that as I lifted it all my front teeth came up with it. While my teeth where out of my mouth my back molars on both sides were still intact and i was able to take the plaque all the way off when it was outside of my mouth. I had a bit of trouble putting my teeth back in, but it was possible. It was like stacking a puzzle to get all my teeth back in my mouth
I went to my childhood home and somehow ended up in the basement. While in the laundry room, my aunt Rachael and I were going through old boxes of things because the house had been sold and we needed to clean out the house. While I was there, she and I were talking about life and I begin to cry about how no one wants to be with me and how I’m going to be alone forever. I told her about me feeling like I was never going to have a partner because the current guy Marco basically played me and is just breadcrumbing me but doesn’t want to actually be with me and I’m too stupid to walk away. I then cried about feeling trapped in life and behind in life and how I just want to be done. She urged me to keep going and my life is my own journey and I shouldn’t compare myself to others. She asked me about my feelings while living in the childhood home and do they feel different now that I’m grown and I told her slightly but I wish I could find my inner child and hug her because we survived a lot. We packed up for the night and I left.
Died in my dream I’ve had a very weird night having nightmare after nightmare but there’s one dream I can remember that woke me up. I would be in my bed, wake up and feel paralyzed. Then when I was able to move a bit my sight would become blurry and blackish. I would try to go to my mothers room to call the ambulance the whole time but in front of her bedroom after opening the door when she was sleeping I felt paralyzed all over again and while on the floor I would completely turn blind. After that I can’t remember clearly. Then I remember that some deep male voice echoed around me saying some stuff I can’t remember. I would be running and feeling my body go paralyzed slowly and my sight decline again. I ran and accidentally fell into an elevator shaft. At first I thought it wouldn’t be too deep but then I felt the air pressure getting stronger and faster. I would try thinking about what to do, I couldn’t see anything anymore. But I realized I was gonna die and then I did. After a long time falling I feel into an ice cold iron floor thing and heard my body splash and bones crack. That’s when I woke up. I have nightmares and bad dreams frequently since years but this one surprised me, I never had a dream like that and I wonder what y’all think. Could it mean something?
I was in a store and I saw a boy walk in while he was talking on the phone. He seemed suspicious so I watched him. He stole a piece of nicotine gum from a shelf so I yelled out to an employee at the desk and brought the boy to the counter with me. It was then I realized the boy was someone who I used to be friends with but now I don't like him. I still tried to tell the employee that he stole and the employee said they can't do anything without proof. I said to look at the cameras while me and the boy were walking away. Next thing I know is I'm at home during a time that I was living with the boy. I was cleaning the walls when the mail came and got pictures of the boy stealing. He asked me to move out so I started getting my things to leave. While I was packing I knocked a panel on the wall that let ghosts escape. It was scary at first but I had to keep saying a line like "I'm me so I'm not scared of you" or something like that and it kept the ghosts away
I dreamt I was driving to go and get my other car it was snowing then I got pulled over the cops searched my car and thought they had found drugs but they didn't then they let me go I was ask by my self in this garage and then I found my sister and took off to get my other car
My abusive ex boyfriend was in my apartment and literally acting like nothing ever happened. Like we never broke up. I knew something felt off about this but I couldn’t remember that we broke up or that I’ve been with someone else for a while now. It was weird and off putting how normal everything seemed and then toward the end of the dream when I could remember my actual life and my actual relationship with this man, I told him I needed him to get out. He looked at me and said “Oh? It wore off you can remember now?” I told him I have no idea what he’s talking about but he needs to leave immediately. He told me he will but that he hopes I didn’t like my actual boyfriend for his looks because he’s disfigured now
i told a random guy to come have sex with me in the shower . i moved out of my dorm and into a new one. i had sex with 3 random guys
I was walking down the street to where my father had lived close to me and my grandmother I went inside the house with my father and we were talking like normal and then I looked out the window and saw a clone of him walking down the street with a gun and then he shoots my father. I went back to sleep after waking up and restarted the dream to where this time instead of my father getting shot we shrunk in size and hid inside of a genies bottle
My ex Boyfriend unblocked me and came back to me
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