4 May 2024
So I have a dream that I'm driving with three of my boyfriend's relatives. One is his grandmother, another is an older female relative, and the other is a younger female relative, niece, possibly younger cousin. And we had been with my boyfriend earlier that evening, but he was not with us on that drive for whatever reason. And I am taking these ladies home. So I'm driving down the street and their house is directly in front of us, but there is only a left turn and a right turn that you can make. So I make a left turn into a U-turn to pull up directly in front of their house. Because at that intersection you can only go left or right, you could not go straight. So I pull up directly in front of their house and their house has a long driveway on the side of it. So they do not enter the front door. So as the grandma and the other older woman relative go into the house, the younger girl, she hugs me and she says, I wish I had more time to get to know you, you seem so nice. And I pull back and I look at her and I say, I'm not going anywhere. And she says, grandma said it's not going to work. I said, what's not going to work? My relationship? She says, yeah. I said, why did your grandma say that? She said, because you said you had to figure it out. I asked her, so I should just trust him? And she nodded, yeah. And I said, I need to talk to your grandmother. So I walk to the door, but there are no stairs to get into the house. There are remnants of stairs. And the door is about three feet from the ground. So I can't get in. But there's a screen door and the second door is open. So I open the screen door and I knock on the door frame and I lean my head in and the grandmother is sitting on the couch next to the other woman. And they're watching TV. I says, ma'am, may I come in? She doesn't look at me. She doesn't acknowledge me. She's just watching TV. And I give it a few seconds because I'm thinking maybe she didn't hear me. And I knock again a little harder and state a little louder, ma'am, may I come in? Grandma does not budge. The woman sitting to my right leans forward a bit, looks at me, looks at grandma, doesn't say anything. Neither one of them say anything. I said, okay. So I start to walk back to the car. And I thought I heard the younger relative called me. So I stopped midway of the driveway and I looked back and she looked at the house and she looked at me and she shook her head softly, no. So I go, no, grandma's not coming. Grandma did not change her mind about talking to me. So I go to get into the car. And I look up, there's a vehicle parked facing me because I've parked facing the wrong direction. So there's a car facing me. So I'm looking for the keys. I keep all my keys together with a hook. So when I'm ready to drive, I separate the car keys from my house keys. Again, this is not my car. But I have all of my keys. And I feel the car move. And I look at my hand confused because the car key is in my hand. It's not in the ignition. I didn't start this car. I'm troubled by what I just heard what just happened. And I'm confused. But I didn't move this car. And I look up. And now there are two cars facing my car. And I realized the second car has hit the first car. And so there's two guys outside of their cars, one yelling at the other one. And it dawned on me, did he hit my, this car, this rental car? Because this car moved and the car is not on. So I get out of the car. And I look at the front of the car that I'm driving and the car, the front car is smashed up. Driver's side tire is flat. And I start to yell, what did you do? What did you do? And I'm hysterical because I need to pick up my boyfriend. I'm hysterical because this is going to be a financial burden on me. And I take out my phone and I'm looking for my boyfriend's phone number to call him. And I'm hysterical. I'm crying. And then someone touches my shoulder. I feel a hand on my shoulder, my right shoulder. And I turn around and it's my boyfriend. He's got on a green army fatigue jacket and he's just standing there. He doesn't say anything. He just holds me. He hugs me. And I break down again, even more. And I ask him, how did you get here? How did you get here? And he never says anything. And then I wake up.