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4 May 2024
Babies and baby bottles. Dark but I’m happy. My husband is happy too.
I made two new female friends around my age that are different races than myself I am black and one was a Asian woman and the other a white woman, we decided to travel together to go to a nice spa resort in a different city and everything was fine, the weather was beautiful and the people were nice but then we found out that there was a large bridal party of over 200 people that would be showing up and my friends and I became worried, one of my friends even said that if the entire party arrives the place will become short staffed and nobody will be able to cater to us because they’ll be to busy with the large group of people, suddenly a thick storm rolled in and all of a sudden the weather turned harsh and only a small group of the bridal party showed up the rest canceled and the luxury room that we originally wanted became available and for way less than what it originally costs so we were able to upgrade from our basic room into the large beautiful luxury suite at a price we were able to afford.
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I know I had a lot of dreams last night. But the one I remember was of myself with a group of people who were playing instruments, and I was playing bongos with my hands. I remember seeing the color violet as I pounded my hands on the drums. The dream had an eerie/creepy vibe to it, but now that I’m awake I can’t remember why. I also think it was someone’s wedding. We were running/hiding from the enemy. I remember looking at a world map, that looked similar to what you would see when watching weather radar but instead of the blue being rain, it was actually showing where the enemy was either located, or where they had cellphone towers. The group of people I was with were trying to flee from this other group of people that I’m calling the “enemy”. One specific location I remember the enemy being saturated in was New Mexico, but New Mexico was either outside of the United States, or I was the one in a different country.
Using the app I was dreaming. I was in college again. I Was looking around just walking around with my sister And I was trying to buy school supplies for my up-and-coming year We weren't saying too much anything The other part, the second part of my dream Is where I Was Seeing people up on TV getting catfished And all that stuff. They were saying how this guy hacked into my social media and Stole my money, cleaned up my bank account Maxed out my credit cards and stuff
I was about to get in the shower and a man in a black and white polo shirt was climbing out of the tub
David, a friend of mine, the son of my old Bible teacher, Haskell was over at our house he was teaching kids about Jesus. I love David very much and wad very excited for this. At one point however he opened our water dispenser and allowed it to run all over the floor to illustrate a point he was making. It was making a huge mess as it ran across the floor and under the furniture. I was worried that April would come in and see the mess and get mad at David. So I started to clean up the water spill with a towel. I pulled a pack of lined note paper from under the couch, obviously ruined. David apologized and I told him it was okay. I stepped into the kitchen for a moment to get something and when I had come back most of the mess had been cleaned. I was relieved.
I dream a guy who I'm interested text to me at about 13:00 asking me do you want to go in bologna but I didn’t answer
Car crash I had a dream that I was driving in my car with my wife and that the road ahead was closed because there had been a crash. I was aware that the police had not arrived yet. I went to try to help. There were three wrecked cars all smoking and dead bodies on the floor, I realized I could not help. One of the dead bodies rolled over and I realized the man was still alive but did not help him. I carried on walking down the road and was then on a balcony talking to others about the crash. A man came up to me protesting about something that was not important. I told him to be respectful and he wouldn’t stop talking. I warned him to stop and he didn’t so I Pushed him into a ditch and then started to stamp on his head until he agreed to stop talking. He eventually agreed and he had blood on him. I walked back to my car at the crash scene. There were police everywhere however the road was still closed. I went to get my car but it was blocked in. There were other people I did not speak to. I eventually moved my car and left.
i dreamt about being home sitting on the couch in my room beside my bookshelf. i remember looking at the time, and i think it was around 8 pm? i wanted to read a manga but i somehow couldn't. i was able to read in that dream, but all the words didn't make sense. every time i put the book back and took it again, the words were different. it creeped me out really badly, because i remember that i also was thinking about someone watching me and knowing of every single step i took. i also kind of remember that something happened which made me realize i was being watched. i wanted to tell my dad that i couldn't really read and that some words disappeared and some sentences didn't make sense. i was worried about my health, because everything was so blurry when i tried to read something. the dream itself was really creepy because i remember something happened, but i sadly don't know anymore.
Last night I dreamt that I owned a little house that was next to murky, deep water filled with ugly black fish and snapping turtles.
Hotel - [ ] I had a dream I was on holiday in a poor country but in an expensive hotel. I was talking to a lady who ran a hotel in the country. We went outside the hotel and there were poor people. I remember seeing a rich man who was sitting on the floor talking to the locals. He had headphones on and I remember thinking that although he looked comfortable he may be in danger of getting robbed. I was then at an airport with two strangers I did not know and I could not find my passport to go through passport control. I was looking through all of my pockets in my case but could not find it. I then went in an elevator but it went down instead of up and I found myself in a totally empty terminal. I looked around and it was very quiet. I went back up via the stairs and saw a friend who I told what happened and she went back into the elevator. I then saw a Chinese man with his two children. He was travelling around the world. I remember sitting at a table with his daughter and she was on telephone trying to book a hotel in England. She managed to get a room but she was not happy with the price. I asked her to call back and make sure that breakfast was included. Hey brother then started speaking to me but can’t remember what he said. I left and was walking toward another hotel where my wife was waiting and looking out of the Window. I could sense I was in trouble for something. I entered the hotel and she said words I cannot recall. I was then with my girlfriend in a very large expensive white walled hotel room. We were having really good fun. She then changed into being really upset with me, although she wasn’t crying she was being matter of fact saying that our relationship was wrong and she didn’t want to continue it. I was confused and upset. I remember leaving the room with her and we went to meet her two sisters. There was a frosty atmosphere between us but it was not my fault. I remember that she was being horrible to a lady through a Window who was down below. She was shouting abuse. The lady was the model Kate Moss. My girlfriend and I went in the elevator and back up to the room and she told me it was over and that she was happy about it. She was teasing me in a horrible way. We were back in the lift and this time I was carrying a bag. We got out the lift on the wrong floor but still went into a room. It was not the room from before. I left my bag outside the door and was aware it may get stolen but did not collect it. I remember opening up all of the drawers to check for my things but they were empty. There was one tiny drawer that I opened that had pills and drawing pins inside. I remember thinking I wish I knew about the pills earlier. I put 3 pills into my pocket. The Two sisters were then with us in the room and one handed me a note saying “she will really miss you” I was too upset to think of anything else. I screwed up the note and left the hotel room. I went back to the elevator and cannot recall getting inside it.
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