9 May 2024
I had a dream last night that I was going to be appearing on a TV show, and I went down for a trial, I think it was a trial interview or appearance or something, and I went into this building, and there were lots of different rooms, and I chose which one I was going to audition for. I went in, and there were loads of people there, and there was lots of furniture, and I went in, I was following these people around, and some people were acting, some people were just chatting, so I went along and I was just hanging around, I wasn't saying anything, and then towards the end, I think I heard somebody mention that I hadn't said anything, and I was like, well, nobody's told me what to do. Anyway, I decided that I was going to leave, I got in a bad mood, and I kind of left, and I said I wanted the feedback that I wasn't very happy with that, and nobody gave me any direction as to what to do. Anyway, I made my complaint and I left, and as I left, I'd gone to the train station to get home. I was in a foreign country, and realised as I got to the train that I'd lost my bag somewhere, and I was trying to find my bag everywhere, I couldn't find it, so I panicked, and I went back to the place to do the audition, and they were saying, oh, if you've lost your bag, you have to fill out a form, and you have to fill out this form saying where you'd lost it, and you also have to pay £1,000, £1,000 fee for them to find it, but I didn't have £1,000, and I was freaking out because I didn't have £1,000, I was trying to fill out this form, I didn't like the form, so I decided I was going to try and make a new form that made more sense, so I was trying to make this new form, and the whole time I was thinking I really need my bag, because I really need to go home, because I need to catch that train, and that's where I woke up.