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21 May 2024
I was creating vampire fangs out of thermal plastic beads, and then was flirting with a bunch of my guy friends.
Iโm with a group of friends I donโt know very well. They seem kinda offโฆ they start prepping for us to all have a sleepover. I have a really bad feeling about it. I donโt want to be thereโฆ I say Iโm going home but they all look at my weird and they turn on a horror movie. As soon as I start watching it the screen expands and the movie scene slowly becomes my reality. Everything goes dark and around us and I hear the shrieking of inhuman rage. I look around at the group but they donโt look backโฆ they all ripped their eyes out and their flesh is turning molten black and begins to melt off their bodies. One guy stands next to me screaming at themโฆ he darts away but I grab his hand and pull him deeper into the landscape away from his friends who scream and rip at eachothers melting flesh. We run into the feilds the sky turns dark red casting a glow onto the soggy fields. I look downโฆ itโs not a field itโs mounds of dead baby animals and bloody naked children. I know most of them were raped or eaten. The sky begins to pour blood. I let go of the guys hand and dart into the woods. I look behind to see him turning and screaming flesh monsters running after me. Out of the ground blackened bony fingers rip off me clothes and drag me down assaulting my every inch of inner flesh and began ripping me into pieces from my inside out.
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Iโm watching a calico female cat. She keeps getting bitten and attacked by a giant male orange cat. I walk around to the ditch where theyโre fighting. I see a bunch of white kittens with one brown patch laying flat and lifeless all around. The father cat starts attacking the female cat too. She canโt fend off both. I look away
Iโm in a large clothing store that seems fimilar. Iโm shopping alone but everyone knows me. I look around the endless rooms at all the clothes and a girl points out a fluffy dark purple coat on the highest rack. I want it so bad. No one is around to help. I grab one of the hooks that reaches the ceiling, I am too afraid to look up. I ask for help and no one can. I face my fear and look up even though it hurts I reach for the coat with the gaint hook and snag one down. I try it on, other girls gather around and I ask how it looks. Everyone loves it but it feels too small. The coat is now orange and purple and Iโm wearing an orange shirt. Too much orange, I take off the orange shirt and Iโm wearing a white tank top. My body is perfect in the mirror. I want to try on the larger size coat but I have to use a hook that is 10 times harder to get it. I canโt reach the bigger size itโs impossible. I settle for the small coat but I canโt afford it. I start looking around for my mom to ask her to buy it because I know I can convince her easy. Then I start looking at everything Iโm wearing, a lot of it is from the store. How can I buy it all? I think I could probably steal the belt. Iโm wearing white tights I begin to take off and they rip to shreds like paper. The scene changes and Iโm in a grocery store, I have to buy something. I look at the kids chocolate milk. Then I look for my mom.
Waking up on my friend on the couch. I accidentally crush her genitals with my elbow she winces. All my fake nails came off while sleeping, I gather them and realize my ring finger nail is the only one that remains. My friend turns into my childhood friend I havenโt seen in decades. Her family is all in the kitchen. Weโre waking up on the couch. She puts out chips to eat. I keep finding things under the pillows. I find the number 3 and more nails from a long time ago. I lay the number 3 on the table with the food. I get ready to leave. Maddie asks if she can bring a friend when she meets up with me later to hang out for the first time in forever. I tell her I wouldnโt be mad but I rather just us hang out. She says she has a desperate need for attention I tell her I donโt like attention. She walks me out in a fancy red suit. She says to call her up if I ever want to make out again. I tell her Iโm not really into girls like that but okay. I get to my beat up tiny black car in the dusty parking lot and I wake up.
I find myself in a coffin as a 12 year old boy. I am wearing all white robes. I underneath my robes I am covered in sweat. This is clearly the aftermath of the rape I experienced at that age. I can also smell the order of my perpatrator on me. As I get out of the coffin I read the headstone which reads "Hayden G 1995-2008" which is the year I was born, and the year I was first raped. I walk around the cemetery and find many empty graves. These graves all appear to be children who were abused at some point in their lives. I leave the cemetery and enter my perpatrators house. However when I enter the room in which I was raped there is nothing there except a coffin with his name on it. Then I walk to my childhood home and I am greeted by my mom. I ask her what happened to my perpatrator and she doesn't even know who he is even though is real life she knew him.
My teeth falling out
I a dream of me being in this world world my siblings were playing with them. They alsways wanted to play with them so they played all night. So they were always in front of my door playing around. Me and my girl was in the room together later on. I wanted to have sex woth her but she declined. Later i realized that we were running from someone. Bit then it quickly got out my mind and the adter that we stayed by the door to wait for the kids to come in. They began to be really annoying so i rished out there. But the bad thing was that i forgot all of my clothes were off. The thing was that the lights were off. Later the came onside. Then the dream sorta turned into a game i guess. The person found us and wanted war. We were tovether and 3 other people were too and we were a team. It was cool though we all had abilities. We were fighting but tried to avoid the enemies. They were taking ove this whole land and we were loosing. We went to this old ladies house for wisdom and she gave us hints and thoughts and told a story and we automatically visualized it. Dont remember much about the story but ot quickly ended tge story due to some enemies fighting outside. The old lady passed snyway and se tried to escape. That whole island actually looked familiar as if it sas another dream i had a while bavk in the waking world. I had this adventurius feeling in the dream and it excites me. Later on the island was completely dominated and we lost the land. So we went into the kitchen to clean up everything and keave. But apparently my crew left me and they escaped. I was alone defending people and transporting people to safety. I completed it and the dream was getting ready to turn to a slight nightmare. But my brain was trying to wake me afterwards but i declined because i knew there was something i can do. And i went and flew past this island and found rooms next door to the island. I tried to block and lock the door but it was too small. Then it was this woman celebrity that made music, which i think was doja cat. She was the one looking for us snd she had a idea to manipulate the door sizing. So i had shrunk down to a fly to fly through this tiny net to avood her because tgere was no other way. And then i went outside and passed another house and decided to go there. I seen my friends! They were actually so happy to see me. They were crying saying that they thought we lost you. They told md there side that they found the way and wanted to tell me but i was on the other side of the island so thats why they left. They all hugged me tight. But after tgat i told them doja cat was chasing us and was coming this direction. I told them about my abilities and guided them on how to use it. We turned into flying bugs to escape the building again to go outside. We turned normal size again and flew across the land. There were some monsters in there but we avoided them. Then we met goants there which were just regular humans but taller than a forest tree. I greeted tgem and grew their size and they were shocked. But they were happy to greet us while everybody else did what i did. We ate with them later on. They gave us and idea of work to go and what to do. Then we said our goodbyes to them while we flew away. There were more people to talk to because we needed a access point to tge direction we going to. So someone came and helped us and told us that we had to interrupt DJ Akademiks and his security and still 2 pairs of jordans from their foot. So we plotted until the walked in the mall. I was the first one to attack and i was really fast for a moment. Then this guy caught on to my abilities and bacame very difficult. But i was still successful. And we were able ti mive on to the next segment. We hurried and left the mall due to survelliance there. So we can back to the people that helped us with the access point and they granted more ablilities to unlock things. Then later on we had to separate atleast a mile away from each other due to recognition issues. So i went with another friend in the group which we were the two leaders. We went by a forest and rested there. We got some papers and lit a fire there and created fire aith sticks to stay warm. Then we closed our eyes and rest and the dream woke me up.
Was in a village in the hills where weirs stuff was happening. Felt like watching a movie and in fact I remember going frombeing in that world to just watching that world on TV with my dad and sister. We were all sitting in this big bed watching it. In the movie world I was like investigating odd sighting of overgrown and overly aggressive animals. I was viewing a house at the top of the hill where there was a bulldog in a backyard wearing some black leather and chains like bdsm or something. He fell down a step a bit and it was kinda cute and funny but I didn't seem to react to it. The house was expensive looking but tiny backyard. It was midday at that time and then became night and there were hearts of animals likehuge moose running towards me from multiple directions. It was chaos. I started running and dodging best I could till I was hit by and enormous 20 foot tall moose. He used his antlers to throw me 50 to 100 feet. He was attacking me. I was able to escape. I then was higher up on the mountain and there was a giant crocodile in a very small pond that jumped out at me but stopped short. The pond was more like mud so thick that I couldn't really see the crocodile features but knew it was a crocodile. I then was at the house from the beginning with the bulldog and it was empty. The dog was gone too. I feel like I may have found something suspicious but can't remember. I then found myself in that bed watching this on TV with my dad and sister. I got up to use the bathroom. I went down the hall and it was like a huge white hall that was shiny and looked more business office like than a house. The bathroom was rather large too and was a public bathroom with many people. I was going to the bathroom and realized that there was poop on the ground and that my pants and shoe got some on it. I was upset. Why was it here and why didn't I see it? I remembered thinking, am I dreaming? Because this felt like a dream and the poop was a common symbol. I think I did my reality checks but they didn't seem weird so I thought, okay, I must be awake but had my doubts. Made my way back to the bedroom and was thinking I was in a dream but still couldn't become lucid and fully aware. Once back in the room I saw they were further into the movie and didn't pause like I thought they would. I was them back in that world and now in a big wide building with glass walls and someone set off a bomb or something. We had to figure out how to stop it. Next thing I remember I was watching in the sky like a movie and saw people in glowing red hot jets, maybe 20 or 30 of them, amd they were on a suicide mission to crash into the building and blow up the entire place. They accomplished their goal and the explosion could be seen from space. I was told internally that that impact destroyed 20% of the planets liveable surface. I then found myself hanging out with a recently estranged friend Gabe and his new girl he was dating. I was explaining to him this dream and how I couldn't become lucid for some reason despite performing my reality checks. He went into the kitchen while I was explaining and the girl mentioned about the bed not being made. We were at my house despite it looking nothing like my house. We started making the bed and I thought it was nice she was helping me make my bed even though I felt like she was a little bit of a bitch and she kept talking and made it difficult for me to finish my story and train if thought about my dream.
I was writing a novel in a composition notebook (thatโs my journal in real life). Iโm bringing this notebook everywhere with me. I was in a room with two tvโs, someone was watching something on one tv and I went to the other one and we were both watching something at the same time. Something about a garden, I think I was about to work in a garden and there were statues covered in moss. I was in my childhood home, my cousin was sleeping on the couch in the sunroom. I went into the kitchen and saw orange juice in the fridge that said โmore pulpโ and I didnโt want to drink it because I hate pulp. The home office had something written on a chalkboard. I was later in a classroom, saw some former coworkers in there. The director for a movie I worked on last year was sitting in a desk right behind me. A teacher had her baby in a cubby and everyone was looking at them saying how cute they are. I was still writing in my notebook, and saw it was almost out of pages and I didnโt finish the plotlines yet. I realized I spent too much time writing about the characters that I didnโt really have a story and the notebook is almost completely full.
I had this dream where my brothers were living with me for some reason. They were creeping up on the time where I wanted them officially out. It sucked as I had no privacy with them in my apartment. They picked on me a lot too. I tried calling my mom but she was of no help either. I threatened to call the police on them if they didnโt leave my home and figure out their own living situation as I didnโt want them on my lease agreement and them staying longer than a week was in violation of my lease. I woke up before anything else happened
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