16 Apr 2024
My last dream was strange and became a nightmare at the end.
I was in a rough part of Pittsburgh or somewhere on its outskirts. I had bought some products that I thought would help my health. One was a small tube of gell that was supposed to be a topical weight-loss product. I put some on the sole of my left foot. My boyfriend saw this and said even he would not mess with that because of how strong it was. For that reason, I didn't put it on the other foot. I thought he was being a little too cautious, even silly about it. He later said that you could have it work better by eating gummy bears while using it to "create a weight-loss vacuum". I didn't understand what that was supposed to mean, but I also didn't understand the way the product worked either. My boyfriend is very smart and I trust his opinion, so I wandered around town to find a store that was open late. I wander down a street similar to one in our current town. There are cats everywhere roaming the streets and buildings and they can also speak, but only say so much. I see a black cat and an orange and white calico walking down the street. I believe I tried to turn into a cat to properly communicate affection. I changed back after a while and get into my car, but get out and start walking to find a convenience store and decide to pick up some snacks and iced tea too. My mother ends up driving around where I am with my step-dad. In real life, my relationship is strained with both of them due to severe abuse. I'm hesitant, but I let my mother drive me farther out to a gas station to get what I'm looking for. I grab some spicy chips that I like and a half gallon of raspberry ice tea that I like and get into the car believing my mother will take me home. Instead she takes me to her home and tries to force me to stay the night, isolating me from my boyfriend that I live with and cutting me off from my vehicle so that I can't leave. I swore I would never stay with her again after everything that she and my step-dad had done to me. I start crying in absolute anger and dispair. I was being kidnapped. We get her car back down to the gas station and leave try to leave on foot, but remember the things I had left in her car. I go to grab them and my mother decides to start controlling the car remotely to make it drive. At this point, she makes the vehicle drive around while I am halfway inside with the doors open which is very dangerous and is a purposeful attempt to put me in harms way. I try to stop the vehicle from inside the car, but it does no good. I try to collect my things, but I'm struggling to stay inside the vehicle. My boyfriend heard my shouting and knew something was wrong and came to help me. I woke up after that.