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29 Mar 2024



I was playing in a Brazilian friendly futsal match and I was the famous Brazilian soccer player Neymar. Brazilian fans came to watch as I played soccer with Brazilian kids who were aspiring to become pro. I would pass to them, assist to them, help them score and celebrate. After the game, I celebrated with the kids who scored goals, taking pictures with them in front of their parents. I felt happy to make others happy. At the end, my Brazilian godmother and her friend were in the dream came to see me.

29 Mar 2024



In my dream, my mother and I were in an apartment (the same apartment we live in reali life) that I recognized, but it was slightly bigger. It was daylight throughout the dream. There was a creepy stalker man outside the window peeping into the living room. I tried to scare him off by yelling at him through the window but he kept coming back each time. Then I was dialing the number for the cops but I was fumbling which numbers to press when it came to the operating system asking me what type of crime it is. Then I saw the creepy stalker attack our neighbor. Then I saw the cops show up and tackle the man and handcuff him, taking him away from the vicinity. Then a cop came up to our door and my mother opened it. We were both panicking but our voices remained calm. I showed my gratitude to the officer but for some reason we were placed in handcuffs for security reasons. My mother were only placed in handcuffs for 30secs and then I was placed in them for a minute, but after the minute passed by, I was still in handcuffs. My mother was let go by the handcuffs. The officers were kind and I was happy they were there. I was chatting and having fun with the male officer while my mother wasn't talking much and uptight with her female officer. Nothing much happened after that. Dream ends. Interpret this for me, please.




DreamApp: Journal & Dictionary

DreamApp provides an answer for what you saw in your dreams immediately after you wake up.

29 Mar 2024



I was at my previous apartment, it and the town had all become run down. Almost post-apocalyptic. There was an old tree that had fallen and rotten under the moist conditions. Rain and humidity were very much common in this environment, both in dream and real life. But it was far more prevalent in the dream. It served as a great hinding spot for hinding resources. At some point, my sister and I were young enough to need a caregiver. Our parents had both died and we were being looked after for years by my coworker, who in real life, is actually a Philosophy teacher. He was always kind to us. My sister and I were young adults and were out in this harsh landscape of what the city had become. We ran into a few pokemon, some I recognized, others I didn't. There were evolved forms of Koffing, the smoke pokemon. And a few electric-type that were familiar only in the dream. It sortof looked like Electebuz meets Elekid. For some reason, in this dream, pokemon evolution was achieved by combining two matching pokemon instead of gaining experience or any other means. So, we just went around evolving the two pokemon mentioned earlier. While walking along one of the sidwalks in some broken down part of town, found out that he had suddenly died, my sister tried to prevent me from seeing the text message telling me. I assume this was to protect me since I'm the youngest sibling. But I had told her that I had already seen it. We had become old enough not to need caregiver (very young adults/teens), but not too old to require support and guidance from an adult. After this my sister and I suddenly aged rapidly. We became old women. I ended up guiding a tour of kids around my previous apartment and showed them the local flora and fauna that had started growing after all the devastation. I was even teaching them survival since this whole place required it. One little boy pointed out the little jar of stones I had collected. And I just sort of glazed over the subject. The old tree that had fallen and rotten earlier had now grown a lichen inside of it right under the bark and around the exposed inner surface of the tree. It started falling apart the more you kept digging.

29 Mar 2024

My crush
Large rocks


I was trying to get off the titanic with a group of people and one of them was an old friend from high school I haven’t seen for over a year. I remember running around the ship trying to find stuff then trying to escape through a window that we broke because that part of the ship went underwater. I remember thinking it was weird I could see underwater because it was supposed to be night, which it was but I could still see underwater which was convenient. Once we got to the deck of the ship, the climbed up to the back of the ship that was still above water and I had the thought to do what they do in the titanic movie which is so jump at the exact time the ship goes down so that you don’t get pulled under with the boat. My friend Will was suddenly also there and we jumped to avoid getting sucked under as far. I could see his legs underwater so I swam up and over towards him and was able to reach him. Then I asked him where Landri and Luke were at (my best friend and my crush) and he said he hadn’t seen them for awhile and last he saw they were in the ship. Then I saw my aunt and uncle who I hadn’t known were aboard and swam over to them and their kids and found my grandparents were also over there. I told Will that my uncle Tony couldn’t be there cause he was supposed to be one of my pallbearer, which was a conversation me and Will had had in real life. My uncle Tony had a camp chair he put on a beach towel and somehow this made it float so his four kids were on top of him and his wife was also on a camp chair but hers was half sinking. My brain tried to explain this by deciding to put a large rock underneath Tony that his chair was half on so that’s how it was staying up. I told Will that we needed to go look for Luke and Landri and he said it was dangerous because if we stayed totally in the water for 15 minutes we had the chance of getting hypothermia and wouldn’t be able to recover no matter what even if we got saved but I told him we had to go so he told me he’d go with me. I could feel in my heart what direction to go and quickly found Luke (my crush) next to some driftwood that Jack and Rose from the titanic movie (who in this dream I knew we had been friends with especially Luke) were also hanging onto. Luke had been in the water for about 15 minutes and I was scared had gotten hyptothermia so me and Will dragged his half passed out body over to the rock where my family was. There I took off half his life jacket and also mine and since he was sat on the rock I sat on his lap and hugged around him trying to warm him up. Will asked if we should go back out looking for landri and so I asked Luke if he’d seen her and he said he didn’t know if she’d made it off the ship and I knew it was a lost cause to go looking. Even though I wanted to be sad I was just numb and couldn’t really feel anything. Nothing really felt that serious. Eventually an hour later a life boat came to look for survivors, and they picked up Rose just like in the Titanic movie and then came our way. I waved them over and they came to save me, I was also still across Luke and told them to bring him in the boat too. Will was floating nearby and I told the people in the boat to grab him and they told me he was dead, but I told them sometimes he just looks really out of it even if he’s not (which is something he will do in real life with sleeping) so they grabbed him and he was alive and my brains logic behind this was that he is an outdoor nature guy and kind of built so he just survived. In real life 6 people were saved from the water after the titanic sank so I had the same logic in my dream and my uncle Tony and one of his kids were still alive and able to be saved. The next morning came and I was talking to Will about the events of the night before and Luke finally came around and I was relieved because he was going to make it.

29 Mar 2024



I went to live with a foster family in England at the age of 10, happy and hopeful that my life would change for the better. They deceived me, and carried out a coup d'état luke the handmaids tale, and forced a puritanical society where it was acceptable for 15 year old girls to marry their fathers if their mothers died, only church and oppression were accepted. They banned clothes, books, technological devices, cartoons, comics, music, movies, cosplay, nana, EVERYTHING. 5 years passed and I still lived in the basement I thought would be my room. it was still decorated the way it was before the society was implemented, but they threw away all electronic devices they could find. but they didn’t know i hid my phone and books and charger. they didn’t know i still had everything. I discovered that I could use my things hidden. my mother was a bit unstable and I was accused of killing my foster sister's husband (which I did because he tried to hurt me, and then I kept his hair in a box in my room). I started watching YouTube videos and reading a book about nana and listening to music in secret. Once, I tried to escape, but they found me and beat me. Another, my foster mother had music playing loud and accidentally shot something. I found a gun too, and started shooting knowing she wouldn't hear it. I just wanted to feel something. when my foster father arrived, he smelled the gunpowder and found out. The mother gets sick. The father starts to show interest in marrying me. I go out with the foster mom and three of her friends, and they all talk about how amazing it is that he wants to marry me. I was 15 years old. "that's disgusting!" I scream, but they don't want to know. “It’s natural,” they say. The wedding day arrives. I almost vomit. In the end, instead of leaving with him, I hit his head against a wall and ran home. There, I see my foster mother in a state of shock and despair. I don't think she was so cool with the idea of him marrying me. She looks into my eyes and screams “electrify my heart!”. She was an executioner; At home, we had machines to take the lives of people who were sentenced to death. Without thinking twice, I connected her to the wire and pressed the electric chair button. she was immediately electrified. When she died, I cut her hair and put it in the box with the other one – but she had so much hair that the box didn't close. it was a big mix of blonde from her and black from my foster sister’s husband that took up more space than it should have. I pack my bags as quickly as possible and leave the house, heading to the house of an old friend who would help me escape before my foster father and now husband could find me.

29 Mar 2024

New Job


me and my boyfriend were at a club place downstairs in my house but my house had changed into a hotel almost with my family there but only my room. ollie switched body’s with this boy randomly and he was acting strange . he liked his new body and face . me and him had intercourse and he started splatting out blood from his penis all of a sudden he acts really horrible and i go on his phone it gets logged out , i asked him who logged in his snap and he says everyone all the girls i don’t want you anymore . i ask if he gets back with his ex and he says yes im talking to her and we’re getting together permanently . i asked, breaking down crying ,what i did wrong and his excuse was idk ur not her u don’t talk to me .this is said when we’re are still in a relationship i scream at him to get out of my room and he gets out and disappears i then have never spoke to my mum about my feelings but she was the first thing i ran for . i said mum he cheated on me again i can’t do it anymore he’s left and i’m going to kill myself send me somewhere please i want to be taken care of . i get to this place and end up helping everyone but myself

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