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29 May 2024



I‘m walking in my garden on a nice day and at the same time I‘m somehow following a recepie.

29 May 2024



I was laying in bed next to my mom in the inbetween, upper level. (I usually don't realize immediately that I'm in the inbetween.) For some reason, I decided to crawl over my mom to get off the bed. As soon as I started stretching over her, a hand grasped mine firmly. It yanked me flush against, what I realized, was a very muscular man's body.  I knew then, I was in the inbetween. I had assumed it was Lucifer.  He said, “you need to be punished,” and then spanked me. MF SPANKED ME!!! LIKE OMFG. You may think that's- Well okay, I don't know how a normal person would react to that. My virgin self had absolutely no ability to process what just happened. It was def hot tho- Remembering it, that it. My heart hammered in my chest, as I lurched forward, Falling off the bed in utter surprise. His large hand clutched my arm firmly as I flustered beside him on the floor. It was impossible to escape his tight grip, yet it didn’t hurt.  He then said “Where do you think you're going?”  And swiftly yeeted me forward, Smashing his lips to mine. WHEN I TELL YOU MY SAD LITTLE FANGIRL HEART EXPLODED I MEAN FCDYKTFKYTUDFJYRFhgfv brUH. He knew exactly what he was doing. Asshole. And the worst part is who he really turns out to be.   The next day, I have another dream in the inbetween (lower level) that I’m sleeping in my bed. (Every dream in the lower level will alway take place where I fall asleep, in the position my real body is currently in, with the real objects and people that are with me in reality.) Suddenly, A man crawls into the bed, curling around my back. He wraps his arms around me, just cuddling me into him closely. I was just so warm and cozy. I didn’t turn around, just let him snuggle into me. I needed that. The moment was so kind. It made life feel worth it, peaceful even




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29 May 2024



The dream begins, and I realize I’m in the inbetween, lower level. Or maybe I didn't realize it immediately, the fact that I was asleep. I didn’t rouse, when the thing started talking to me. It was almost soothing at first. Their voice was deep, gentle. As if he wasn’t there to devour me. (Also what is with everything trying to eat me. Like y’all please, What happened to classic murder. Is not that hard.)  Anyways my dumbass never writes shit down, so I can’t remember exactly what he said. He goes on for a while in an arrogantly gentle tone, drawing me into a hypnotic vulnerability. He said, “You are so cute my dear, your soft arms are so light, delicate even. Your smell is nearly intoxicating. It’s sad to see something as lovely as you, so vulnerable. It’s as if you’re teasing your demise, flirting with it. Are you truly that of a minx, sweet summer child?” (For some reason a lot of shit calls me that) his words were many. Like he kept complimenting me, expressing sadness of my weakness. Telling me how great I could be. This probably went on for over a half an hour, until he finally said. “It’s sad that this must come to an end. A being like you deserves more than this fate. But I am no hero, no knight in shining armor. And there is no escape. He talked a lot ok, like bro hurry up, why u still talkin.  I’m not sure when I started feeling scared. As he talked, I began to picture him in my mind's eye. I didn’t move, didn’t open my eyes, as when I’m in the lower level, I always feel this intense tiredness. I only move when I’m extremely desperate. His clothing was abnormal, to say the least. Like it was kinda a suit that he wore, yet it was casual, scruffed up. I didn’t pay attention to what his hands looked like. His body was that of a fit man’s, strong and muscular. Lean. Yet the true oddity about him was that he had the head of a lion. Like a deadass Lion. Fur, fangs and all, Down to the whiskers. I don’t know where the “human” started and the Lion stopped, but as he finished up with that last horrifying line, he leaned back. An excited growl coming from his muzzle and he leapt on me.  I instantly was filled with terror, as the entire left side of my body lit up on fire. It was horrible, but as quickly as he rushed me, he was yeeted off the bed. I don’t know who rescued me. I always assumed it was the shade but… now I wonder. You’ll find out who the other options are at the end of all of this.  They didn’t let me see the fight, whoever it was. But I awoke immediately. Completely fucking petrified as my body shook. Staring at the spot where he talked to me. The left side of my body buzzed with this foreign energy, like foreign trauma they don’t teach us about in elementary school. This was my first attack in the lower level. It left a nasty mark on my consciousness. Yet I always remember it, when I think about saying something stupid .  I couldn’t go back to sleep that night, it was too scary. So after a while of staring, I finally went to sleep with my mom in her room. My dad leaves town a lot on business trips. So I had his side of the bed to myself. My moms snoring usually keeps me up for hours, as I’m a very sensitive sleeper. But tonight, it was the most calming noise I’d ever heard. Eventually I did fall back asleep. And to my horror, I was back in the inbetween, Lower level. I didn’t even realize at first. My mom, still snoring beside me. I had opened my eyes to gaze at her, when her body shifted over to mine. She continued to snore as she “unconsciously” moved closer, keeping me in a false sense of security. But as her face was a breath away from mine, her mouth unhinged like a snake. I couldn't breathe. Not able to compute the fear from the total fucking shock that coursed through my body, knocking the wind from me. I gasped in surprise, making my mom? Creature Like monster, stick its venom like tongue into my mouth. I couldn’t even scream, as terror overtook me again. I don’t know if fear held me still or I was being restrained, as its tongue swept over my teeth, drinking in my saliva with this horrifying desire. It was not lust. The thing was simply playing with its food, And it liked what it tasted. Its tongue seemed to thicken, becoming almost tentacle-like, as it pushed deeper into my throat, painfully forcing its way down my esophagus.  But just as before, it was like something shot it dead before it could do any irreparable damage. It died, tongue still writhing in my throat, as my saver melted it away. Not stepping forward, they let me awake in a cold sweat. For the first time in my depressed life, I did not want to sleep. This is something, that if you knew me well, you’d know the sun had fallen from the sky if I said these words. I was terrified to be attacked again.  I didn’t sleep again that night. As I cuddled my dog, desperately tight. I wrapped blankets around my body, convinced that if even an inch of my skin showed, it would be bit off, like someone's leg in Shark attack.  I’m not gonna lie to you man, I give myself whiplash with how easy my thoughts/feelings change. I literally slept like a baby the next night. Like wtf me. You were just traumatized and your reaction the next night was like, if they come for me again I will eat them. WHERE DO YOU GET THIS FALSE SENSE OF CONFIDENCE FROM. WHERE!? I ASK YOU. I'M STILL LIKE THIS. WHY AM I LIKE THIS.

29 May 2024



I’d like to start this next dream by saying, one of my biggest fears in this world is spiders. Which I know is so stupid, Especially after the shit that just happened but shush, you don't always remember ur trauma in dreams. Anyways the dream begins back at the house/mansion I was previously in, yet this time it’s like I’d gone back in time, before it was turned into a breakout room. It was the early afternoon, and the sun peered brazenly through the dusty windows of the estate. Janet, from the previous dream, was kindly showing me around the mansion, acting as if, what happened previously never did. She told me the place was primarily used as a Preschool. And let me tell you, this was the creepiest preschool ever. And It was completely empty, besides us. Janet led me to, what she referred to, as the “Arts and crafts' ' room. It was definetly a craft room, so to speak, a really morbid one. The walls were covered with inappropriate, racist, pedophilic and just too strange to describe type things I’d ever seen. Obscene portraits of humans being tortured or burned alive were everywhere. And it was all different mediums of “art”.  All gruesome drawings or sculptures. Some had real pieces of the human body. Like a whole ass rib cage with dried blood on it.  She told me how all the children there had made these pieces, and then led me to the place that hers lay, from when she was a child going there.  So basically what she showed me resembled a pretty basic looking flower. But on top of the flower, still in the glass frame. Was a bunch of webs tracing the lines that she drew. She explained to me that there’s this kind of spider (can’t remember what she called it but it had a different animal’s name) that would trace lines with its webbing when it was scared.  Also I forgot to mention, the drawing had a bunch of rusty nails stabbed through it. I’m guessing that’s how she kept the spider motivated.  She told me to reach into the frame, and grab the drawing out for her, so we could look at it better. Which I did (not sure why) Anyways, I reached my hand in to grab it. Stabbing myself on a bunch of the rusty nails. And as I struggled to move it, The spider jumped out at me and I woke up again. My heart beating erratically in my chest-  SPIDERS ARE SCARY MAN I’m like shitting myself in fear at this point, so I call my dog to lay with me. I can't remember if I slept with the light on at this point or not.

29 May 2024

Violence and death


The dream starts out with me and a few of my friends (One being Ava) Entering a mansion around Nighttime. In the dream, the Mansion was supposed to be just a really large breakout room that multiple people can join at once. Anyways when we get inside, there’s 5 other people there. 3 boys around 10 years old, just very rude kids, constantly making crude or sexist comments to us, throughout our time there. There also were 2 Attendants, One being a Younger man that was about 6 '1, short Fluffy brown hair, and just a pretty cute guy. He worked on the computers, and watched the cameras scattered throughout the house. I never found out his name, but for the sake of storytelling, let’s just call him Steve.  The other attendant was a tall young woman. 5 '10 maybe? She had brown hair that was done in an updo of some kind. She looked like she was in her 30s Anyways throughout the time my friends and I were there, trying to solve the puzzles, I was often flirting with Steve, so not really helping much . I’ve never been good with solving puzzles so ya~ (This breakout room was throughout the whole mansion. In all the corridors and even outside in the surrounding woods. The sun was setting while we were there)  I finally decided I kinda wanted to help a bit, so I wandered off in a random direction, But I honestly suck at these kind of things. This is where Janet comes in. She takes pity on me right away and leads me to an area that “may” have a hint for me, Then leaves me. I enter this room and after a while, find that one of the paintings is hiding a hole in the wall. In the hole sat a pedestal with a blue book on top. I excitedly grab it up, and run outside into the backyard, heading towards the front of the estate. On my way, I find the boys trying to move this large box, that’s taller than me, by a lot. They aren’t seeming to get it to budge though, so I ask them if they need help.  They snarkily said no, which I flipped them off, and continued my trek around the house. Once inside I try finding my friends but Steve stops me momentarily, interjecting by rudely (very out of character) snaps at me for not helping those boys. I kinda just looked at him in shock, because we’d been flirting the entire time, and had this really good vibe going. Yet all of a sudden he’s completely against me. I try to say that I offered to help but he just angrily storms off. A lot of boring stuff happens, so Ima just skip ahead to the fucked up part. TW So it’s about midnight now, and this entire time I can feel Steve’s anger for me, growing stronger and more deathly. The more his hate grows, the ugly/older he seems to become. Yet it’s like his features weren’t actually changing, so I’m not sure how to describe this.  Anyways it’s officially midnight, meaning we all had to vacate the area. As we are heading out, my friends and I/Janet hear the boys screaming. Out of the house comes,  Steve drenched in blood, with a long machete ax hybrid.  Before anyone can even breathe, he runs at my friends, stabbing the blade into their throats, and twisting. I could vividly hear the crunch as he tore through bone and muscle. Their screams became slurred, having had their vocal cords slashed. He so simply slaughters them, as Janet throws herself at him. Attempting to buy time for me, but is quickly killed as well.  The vision before me was sickening, and incomprehensible to someone who's never witnessed such horrors in real life.  My precious friends, covered in oozing blood, now sprawled across the yard like thrown out litter. I tried to run, I sincerely did. But he catches up instantly. Grabbing my wrists, and throwing me to the ground, on my stomach. His hand gripped the back of my neck, my face plastered in the dirt. He proceeds to cut off my clothes, scratching them with his weapon. I can't scream, I can't move, I can't think. I’m just a kid, I’m a virgin. But what did that matter now? I’m embarrassed okay. I had squeezed my eyes as tight as I could and wished to be anywhere else, and then he touched me and I felt pleasure. I expected pain, I wanted pain but it felt so good. And I was angry and embarrassed that I liked it. I didn’t consent. But I didn’t want him to stop. I’m feeling this all as if it was happening in real life. Vividly.  It was so horrible. Once He had his fill on the lawn, He dragged me back to the mansion, Tying me up on a wooden X. I had no energy to fight back. And as hateful tears fell down my face, I felt completely numb. (Note: My dreams happen in long periods of time, as in he kept me there for days) He starved me, tortured me. And not once did he let me relieve myself. He kept me there to rape whenever he pleased.  Eventually he even began talking to me again, Telling me how “I’m a worthless human being, that I’m ugly, that I have no importance.” again and again. Different words, but the same meaning. I was nothing.  And the most humiliating part of it all, was It started to feel good. Finally after an eternity, I wake up in a cold sweat. It felt like I had been actually raped. I could feel him inside of me. It was so sick, I just wanted to kill myself. To hide myself away and just disappear. I was utterly traumatized. My body tingled with this sickening buzz, like I was on some crazy psychic trip. I wanted to hurl so bad. But like the absolute queen I am, I checked the time and it was 2am, so I simply went back to sleep. wtf

29 May 2024

Car Crash


It was the most vivid dream I’d ever experienced. Several times I thought I'd awakened because I could smell/taste/feel everything that was happening. Including pain. It truly felt as though I was awake, and it remains in my memory- like a real event. When I have moments like these, I like to refer to that place as the inbetween. Like I’m conscious but not, like I'm in my body, but outside of earth. There are 2 levels too the inbetween, the upper one being in a dreamland. Someplace my body is not. The lower level being, I'm in my body, in my bed, in the exact position I fell asleep in. If my mom walked into the room, I’d hear her. I like to think of the lower level as the more intense of the too, because you're basically still awake, but you can feel the entity if they touch you, just as if a normal human was touching you. It's petrifying when they have inhumane characteristics. Though, I worry I’m starting to enjoy being afraid- From what I can remember, it starts with myself watching 4 of my best friends' cats. (My best friend is Ava, she currently only has 2 cats and one of them I’ve never seen) I don’t remember much from my time with the cats, other than one of the cats was kinda mean to me, (in a playful way) and kept scratching my hands (which actually hurt, like it was happening in real life) this information becomes important later.  Anyways in the dream, I bring the cats to Ava’s house to return them. We go downstairs to her bedroom to talk, but she gets called away for some reason. So I’m sitting there, on her bed when all of a sudden, a 7 foot tall man  (maybe taller) was standing in front of me.  He wore a very loose, low cut shirt that resembled pirate clothing, I  could kind of make-out strange markings on his skin. He reminded me of an elf. Anyways he stepped closer to me and I can’t remember exactly what he said but it was basically like this. “You are currently dreaming, but I need you to remember what I say, Ava is in danger, she’s going to get in a terrible car crash, make sure she knows this, and changes what she’s currently doing.” He then did something that I can’t quite explain. He gave me a few of his memories, but in senses. Like I suddenly could smell my friend's bedroom, hear my friend talking to someone, I could see through his eyes but not everything. Just specific things. From this, I learned that he adored Ava. In like an overprotective brother type way, but without a normal human attachment. He was sending me some emotions that weren’t human, I couldn’t quite grasp them. It just felt so overwhelming. I think he did it to show he was real though. I learned from these memories that he met Ava when she was very young. Like around kindergarten age and that she had saved him in some way. He didn’t reveal how, but he also showed that he grew up with her. I don’t think it was in a human sense, but the best way he could describe it to me was showing me him growing older as she grew older. Anyways when I first saw him, I was like, GADDAMNHESHOT OMFG, and I think he could read my thoughts because his energy became really annoyed with me. But no facial features or words gave it away. Just my knowing. He never did speak another word to me, but he’ll become relevant again later.  Now this next part becomes kinda hazy for me, but where I start to remember again is I’m back at my house, in my bedroom, and I feel like I'm in the inbetween again. I’m getting ready for bed, but I get this horrible feeling, like something cruel or malicious is in the room with me. I hurriedly went to turn the lights on, but the flips wouldn't switch. Then all of a sudden all the candles in my bedroom (which consist of my ancestors/guides, and Two haunted dolls) burst into flames. I feel like this was to signify that they were all here with me, trying to reassure me.  Then I noticed something that was strange. There was a small, long black doll on my floor. It resembled a cross between Slender-man, and an Enderman from Minecraft except it was solid black with 2 white slits for eyes. Once I noticed it, I felt terrified, absolutely shitless, petrified. I’m not someone who scares easily (in real life that is, though I've noticed I’m much more of a lil bitch in my dreams. It's HELLA embarrassing.) but omfg, when I saw that doll, something was terribly wrong.  It started flying across my room in a sitting position. It didn’t move itself; it was more like an invisible thread was yanking it across the room, but it had no recoil, it just sat straight up. It was Horrifying.  I just remember thinking how I wish I could control it, how it needed to stop moving, and how it was probably going to kill me in a horrible way. I’ve never felt as much fear as I did in that moment. And it was all real. Like I could feel the carpet beneath my feet. The warmth of my skin. It was as if I was really there. Anyways it becomes hazy again, and then I’m back at Ava’s house. When I first come in, I see the elf-like guy in the kitchen, and he’s removing his shirt. It looked like in the situation, he didn’t know I was there. But now I think there was some significance to why he let me see his body. He had these very strange tattoos in all shapes and sizes. It looked like someone had embedded random shapes of acrylic paint into his skin. I don’t know what it meant, but there were a few shapes that were blue, that kind of resembled a rose. 3 of these markings were on his chest, and when he turned around, 1 large one was on his back. I think they mean something. I think it all meant something, but the only ones I could kinda comprehend were the strange blue roses. Anyways Ava came and got me from the kitchen area, and brought me down to her bedroom. Her stepdad, and a stranger were also unexpectedly there. While Ava was talking to her stepdad, the stranger came over to me. Now I’d never seen this man before in my life. He was older, and when I first saw him, I just got this feeling that he was Ava’s Grandfather. Anyways he walked over to me and very sternly/seriously said, “Ava’s in serious danger, tell her she must drive better, to pay attention more to her surroundings. Something bad is coming.” Now that I think about it, I never actually responded to him. But I guess I didn’t have to because it felt like a switch had flipped in him. He suddenly became a very jolly old man, dragging me over to Ava’s closet, where he’d hung up a bunch of baby pictures of her. He excitedly pointed out a specific one with her in this red dress that kinda resembled a dance costume and proclaimed,  “I helped design this! Doesn’t she look so precious!?”  I remember smiling and nodding, which caught Ava and her stepdads attention. They apparently didn’t see the man next to me. I didn’t try to tell them what was happening either.  Then Ava’s step dad walked towards the pictures of Ava, and pointed at the one the grandpa was so happy about and said, “This one looks like shit.” WHEN I TELL YOU THIS GRANDPA WAS PISSED I MEAN OMFG. They couldn’t sense him but I could. He was outraged, but all he said was “I hate this man. I despise him as my granddaughter's father in law”.  All of a sudden, before I could ask any questions, this strange lady with wild red hair (kinda like Ava’s) ran into the room, and started telling a ‘true story???’ (yet everyone found it funny??) about how when she was alive, she caused some massive plant shortage in Germany. I think it may have been potatoes? Again, before I could ask her any questions, my dad shook me awake (For real this time) and told me I was late for therapy. Which I was, so that’s the end of the dream. Now here’s where things get interesting.  As soon as school was out, I drove over to Ava’s house to tell her about my dream. (if you're wondering, I was in day treatment during this time, therapy for 3 hours, then school the rest of the day.) And then strange things started happening.  The first thing that happened was, Ava’s cat’s came up to me, and layed on my lap. Now you may be thinking how is that weird, but let me tell you it is.  Ava’s cats are terrified of new people and I’ve only been over to Ava’s house a handful of times, she always comes to mine. Well these cats have been known to not come out of hiding until at least a year of regular visitation by the intruder. I’ve never even seen one of the two cat’s other than in the dream I had last night. Ava started screaming excitedly, and taking pictures when she saw them with me. Also the cat that was mean to me was apparently Ava’s childhood cat (that died), same color and attitude as I described from the dream.  Another thing was, well, 1.)  Ava had recently received a Psychic reading, without my knowledge, that told her she was going to possibly get in a car crash soon. (Which a week later she almost was in a car crash several times) And 2.) The grandpa I described to her, in the dream, had died when she was in fourth grade. I didn’t even know what her grandpa looked like, let alone that he died. She then proceeded to show me pictures of him, and it was the same man from my dream. Also, Ava also hates her stepdad. He’s kinda a Prick.  Also Also, Ava told me she moved to this house a little before she started fourth grade, and said she thinks she could remember hearing whispering in her room when she was younger but she can’t remember. I think this was the blond elf guy.  We thing the elf guy was Micheal maybe idk we didn’t ask questions

29 May 2024

Blonde hair


I was a black guy with braids around college age. Poor and no real place to live, but I came in touch with my aunt who enrolled me in a famous music school were I’d be accompanying a very gorgeous girl with blonde hair to sing. I know I’m good at rap but everyone looks down on rap music there. I want to prove myself. Before I moved in with my aunt, I lived with my grandpa who had four magic beans for teeth. When he died I decided to remove my bottom row of teeth so that I’d now have those four large brown beans as my bottom teeth. They were cracked open slightly and you could see some green growth inside. My aunt was upset I got rid of my normal teeth to have “magic” beans instead. She told me if I wanted to live with her I have to hide my teeth at all times. So now I talk with a fat lip to hide them from everyone at the studio. Dollar per mile door dash Hey! Just wanted to let you know I picked up your order and I’m on my way 😌✨ Track everything

29 May 2024



I was transporting some butterflies outside in a tin but I didn’t realize they were drowning in milk. Once I noticed I quickly poor the milk out and nudged them outta it so they could breathe. 3 butterflies and it looked like they all would make it. I met him. At first I just felt arms holding me, tightly around my waste. He was laying on top of me. But then I’d feel him squirm a little and I got excited- His hold on me just kept growing tighter, he kept rubbing me- like massaging almost. It felt like he was trying to hold onto me for dear life. Later on I was looking at a computer- but it was turned off. But when my eyes focused on the black screen I didn’t just see myself. He was behind me, wide eyed and still holding on. He had a very youthful face and I think black hair. And he saw my face too. I got so scared tho cause I couldn’t feel him that I immediately dropped the laptop. Later on he was laying in bed with me again and I slumped to the floor to talk to this girl and she was like, wanna try a sleep exercise? Basically what she did was hooked me up to a tv and whatever I focused on became reality on the tv. It was kinda scary but also kinda fun.

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