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Dream Meanings – page 814

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16 May 2024



It was a Minecraft dream, on the togethercraft smp. There was an event but it was under ground. It was in a tall spruce forest and all the dirt was gone but the trees were still there floating on small islands of dirt. I said “You know what this makes sense for Rockit.” Then I’m on top of a shulker box with a player giving me diamond blocks and a shulker box. The owner Rockit was there just flying around. Then my mom started to bug me messing with my room’s lights my mom answering with “I’m just trying to get you to sleep”. I say fine turn them off, then once shes gone I turn them on again and keep playing Minecraft. I say in chat “dang my mom entertained me for 25 minutes”. The event was of a maze, but to get there you had to pass a bunch of tunnels that all looked the same. Rockit showed us what tunnels to go through. Then I started to lag pretty badly and i crashed out of the smp. In the dream said 6:25pm. When I joined back I was glitched through the floor, at that point I knew it was a dream, but I couldn’t control it, I was just stuck going through the motions, to I got quite and let the dream take its course. Anyway, I was glitched through the gourd every time getting lower and lower into different tunnels. The first one the floor was covered in water puddles. The second floor down had a much of tunnels but different from where I started. Then I went one more down before I stopped glitching, it four tunnels each lined with rails and mincarts and a bunch of red stone. I didn’t know where anyone was nor where I was, but I didn’t want to ask for help because he had shown us the way earlier. The event then ends. People winning a shulker full of goodies and 32 diamond blocks. Rockit said “yeah this was a short event, maybe next time.”




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16 May 2024



I was working at the restaurant I work at except it looked a lot different. I remember talking about what I do for my tables with a coworker and then her telling me to be careful what I say in front of certain people because they gossip a lot and can’t be trusted. My manager from the bar was in it to, he had come to visit me. I remember him asking me for his tab. There was someone’s dad who was a drunk and would get naked and we all had to take care of him whenever he would strip all his clothes off. I remember putting him in the shower at one point. There was also a time I was in the pretty much destroyed basement and I asked for help and then someone just started sprinkling cocaine through the hole in the floor. There were a lot of dumb college students coming in and sitting at the tables. It was all over the place.

16 May 2024

Running away


My dream started off with my sister and I in the waiting room of a counseling center. Then, my parents enter the room and say that they spoke to the counselor about their relationship. Then they saw that the counselor gave them a riddle and hands my sister and I a piece of paper. Before we could look at it, our parents led us out of the building and told us to solve the riddle. My sister and I concluded that the riddle was actually a treasure hunt and that we need to find the place that the riddle spoke about. So, the four of us go exploring. After a while, I come across a fancy hotel and start exploring it. While I was there, I hear a story about a young boy who ruined the decorative chandelier in the hotel’s main lobby. Suddenly, my mom comes out of nowhere and asks me to help her. She says that both my dad and my sister have disappeared and that the riddle was talking about a prison. The two of us then head to said prison and start looking around. For some reason, all of the inmates were really small. They were also in these glass containers. It looked more like a zoo’s snake exhibit than an actual prison. Anyway, my mom and keep walking until we find my dad in one of the cells. We ask him what he was doing there and he says that he was put there by mistake. So, we help him escape prison and leave. Unfortunately, we get caught and are put in jail. A lot while later, my sister comes to bail us out and we all go home. Once we get home, I turn on the tv and start watching “Adventure Time.” In this episode, Marceline grows wings and creates a a body guard out of candy. She tells it to protect Princess Bubblegum, and it does just that. Unfortunately, it goes too far by trapping Princess Bubblegum in its candy body. After realizing what happened, Marceline calls Finn and Jake and asked them to come help her. Before I could watch the conclusion of the episode, a small dragon appeared in my house and started attacking my family. My mom and my sister escaped, but my dad and I were trapped inside the house with the dragon. At one point, the dragon threw a fireball at me and my dad jumped in front of me to protect me. That caused him to get injured, but he could still walk. Then, I come to the conclusion that the tv show summoned the dragon and that if it gets turns off, the dragon will leave. I didn’t get to test my theory though, because after my dad recovered from the fireball, he took me outside. Together, the two of us start running away. As we run through the neighborhood, it starts to snow and the dragon calls out to us. My dad and I come across an RV in one of the neighbors driveway and ask them if we could borrow it. Before they could answer, the dragon reappears and tells us to calm down. He tries to explain himself, but we didn’t want to here it. Then, I wake up because my alarm went of in the real world. I’m sure my dream would’ve continued further if my alarm hadn’t gone off. Oh well.

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