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16 May 2024
I first dreamt a that I saw a bear flying in the sky. Then I dreamt an elephant flying in the sky.
I was walking past a band and cheerleaders at a college and the girls were conversing amongst themselves about something cheer related. I didnβt pay it much mind. I was headed somewhere but I canβt remember where. I was just walking steadily.
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I dreamed that I woke up and my car was stolen and I didnβt know how to even begin to get it back
I had a dream that I came out of an event in a large building. There were people everywhere. I saw my old boss who I do not like. He is hard to be around. I said hello, how are you and told him I missed him. He is bald. He has appeared in my dreams before. Now I am in a new area. It looks like a large wooden house, like my first home. I am next to a large bed, a two person bed. It is my childhood home but I am next to my dads bed. My family is not here. Lots of people are here but they feel like they could be strangers. The tv is on. I poplar twitch streamer named Annita is on the tv. I watch her videos sometimes but she is not my favorite. She has appeared in my dream once before at least. I am next to the bed deciding if I want to masturbate. Now I am outside and a small girl child runs out into the woods. Her mother calls out to her βMariaβ that might have been it, her name might have been Maria but I donβt remember. But instead of Maria coming bad, the mother accidentally summoned the ghost of a girl who was also named Maria
I went through a portal or another dimension because someone took my son. I brought a gun with me & hid $20 in my mouth when I crossed over. Then as I was walking around I saw my other son, then I saw my boyfriend, then I saw my sister. I saw other people with guns but they looked like security. I then began to follow my boyfriend around because I didnβt want to be split up in there.
Sex with three girls and they're my cousins
Okay so there was this man. He was evil and he was taking people and using their blood to drink and sell as drinks. There was tons of random people just chugging blood too. We (my husband and myself) were trying to get away from this place, we had to walk through carnival rides, which gave me mad anxiety for some reason. There was also water we had to get past, and some of the ground looked like it could be walked on, but it was water. My son was with me and I remember my biggest fear was that I wouldnβt be able to protect him.
me and my friend when to this weird pizza place and sat in this back room that they have. while we were in there this big dracula looking creature tryβs to attack us but we somehow kill him. me and my friend run to leave but i remember i left all my things in there so i tell her iβll meet her outside. while trying to get my things i hear two girls talking about steal something from the place. I hide in the closet and lock it from the inside. the girls keep trying to come in the closet, until i pushed them out the way but i started hearing a rumble so i grab my stuff and go back in the closet and lock it. next this creature comes out of nowhere and scares the girls to death while im in the closet.
I had a dream I went camping with an old friend and her family. And they brought another whole family without telling me. I shook it off and was nice to them. I then went to work and completed a work day. There were clowns at work too
Inwas in a house of some sort. There was a yellow candle, one of the big ones in a glass jar, sitting on the counter. It reminded me of butter. The dream shifted. I was with Jess. We were going to the police station to surprise my husband. He was doing a coffee tasting at the Coffee with Cops function at the local precinct. As we were walking in a beautiful lady cop walked up and asked what was going on. I explained that my husband was doing a presentation about coffee and how to to pair it with food. She seemed very interested. I told her she won't be disappointed because he worked really hard on it and the coffee was amazing. She said she's looking forward to it. I opened the door for her and we all went inside. I was a little nervous because I still don't feel entirely safe around cops, especially big groups. But I was there for my husband, not for me. I was just glad Jess was with me for moral support. When my husband saw us he was so surprised but also so happy. He looked so proud of himself and I was very proud of him. We were just talking about coffee when I woke up.
Trying to go home, being chased then facing chaser and attacking them
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