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1 Jun 2024
I had a dream it was me and a older man bundled up in a locked up cabin w boards on the windows and the snowy wind howling out side we were cooking something on a ember fire so low but hot enough to cook and we weren’t even speaking only through sign language did we communicate. The old man warned that even w the storm we needed to move tmmrw in the daylight because even if they were vampires they were tryna escape the storm too. We were humans in an apotolyptic world of vampires hunting down humans. A little later the dream shows the old man putting the fire out and signing fearfully that something was tryna get into the cabin shadows whisked back and forth on the windows eventually we begin running out the back into the winter storm something chasing us eventually i’m caught and dragged to a group of people they look normal except for the fact they wore normal clothes in this frigid weather and had a tint of red in their eyes they don’t bite me but tell me i’m coming w them same w the old man and poke me w a iv and siphoned blood out storing the package for later. Through this time of us traveling together me and the vampires become close as they were once humans all w their own lives. However the old man i was with is getting sicker and sicker and the vamps have toooed siphoning his blood which they had done w us everyday since grabbing us. I was also slowing following for one of the guy vamps and when the group made it to shelter at a abanadoned barn there me and the vamp have sex where he bites and sucks my blood and discovered how special and tasty my blood is. He tells the other and they begin drinking the bags of my blood they had collected getting sort of drunk in it. Because they are drunk they don’t realize the big group sneaking up on them a huge party of humans attacks the barn killing 4-5 of vamps while the rest begin running. The vamp i had feelings for picks me up cause he drank to much and i couldn’t move and behinds running he doesn’t make it far before a person kills him. The humans ask if i’m okay giving me medical attention and making sure i don’t turn The old man sadly died during the exchange from his sick use . a the group of humans takes me to their main layer which was a little past the cabin in the beginning i comment on the irony of how close me and the old man were to safety, The end of the dream shows me talking to them as my mind wanders back to why the vamps loved my blood in owrticuwkr so much
I had a dream I was standing outside of my grandmother old house. A house me and my cousins grew up at. And I was on the phone with my deceased cousins and we was having a good conversation until I mentioned sending money to my other cousin who was with my deceased cousin when he got murdered. My cousin then started ignoring me and his energy changed it was like he wanted to tell me something but he didn’t
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I dreamt I was in a futuristic Walmart with some new friends and I got really excited cause there was a virtual billboard that had my OC, Conney Lemay selling products. I kept squealing how cute I thought that was. They just laughed and said that I’m the cute on for getting all excited 💀 said I was like anime girl but like I’m not that dense! I think 💀 Oh then I woke up and fell into the in between lower level. A guy kept tryna force his dick in my ass. It was horrible I wanted to die. I’d move a little and wake up, and as soon as I’d lay down again I’d feel it pressing into my ass. It didn’t go in, like he was teasing me. I hate him. And his dick was small 🤪🤏🖕✨
Me and my family were out to eat and saw my grandma at the restaurant. Me and my mom went up to here my mom hugged her and said to her “its okay you dont have much longer” and then we went back to the table
I was signing a very important contract. I was signing a very important contract. I was on a traveling with the Kardashian and the mom really liked me. And she asked me to sing on stage and I didn't prepare to sing the song. And it just made up and she really liked how I sing. So she started to say, Oh my God, you have a beautiful voice, Annabella. And then she said, I can make my daughter singers too. And we were traveling. It was a tour bus. It was a private jet that we were going on. It felt like I'm like working with them. It felt like I'm working with the Kardashian. I was very close to Kim and Khloe and the mom, especially the mom. I remember signing important contract. I remember flying and taking a big tour bus, like a big motorhome bus kind of.
being raped multiple times
All I remember is that there was this girl and she was super pretty and we hit it off immediately and towards the end we kissed and it flashed forward to a dirty scene and then went back to normal of us just “liking” each other
I was doing a project with my friend and her bf upstairs in a building. Downstairs was the rest of his band and my ex working out. We all left at the same time and my ex and I kept bumping into each other while walking out and it was weird
My dream last night was about being in the program again but as an adult. I was away from my kids trying to fight the counselors to see my husband and children. Begging my mom to please let me out. I felt trapped.
Had a dream i was in a cooking chalenge. I started knowing what to make. Then i forgot and had to ask what we were making again but no one would tell me. Then some how the challenge went from a cooking challenge to a character creator challenge. I was making my character. And as I walked away to go, find some thing to help me build my charachter i came back to my charachete reset. I went to my husband tk ask for help. But he was being an asshole and wouldnt pay me much attention. He was talking with other women and giving them attention. Also at some point in my dream i saw a sex doll in a closet and i knew it was his.
In my dream, my husband was attempting to shave my legs with scissors. He said, “sorry, that’s the best I can do.”
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