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19 May 2024



In that dream, I had a white cat. And after the cat died, it became a handsome boy. The dream end while we both staring at each other. And then i woke up, and feel something happy.




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19 May 2024



In my dream I was o. This boat. I was on this ship. Kind of a like a cruise ship vacation and it t was with some of my family. I remember my grandma was there, my aunt Lee was there. My mom was there and cousin Ali. There were others but I can remember which ones. We’re discussing something. But we were having fun and about to dance or something I remember I was drinking and I was noticing that the boat was getting choppy. But before that. My mom and grandma were fussing over having to work together. Apparently there was this opportunity for them to work with some art type of business I believe we they had art supplies because I remember them having small tubes of paint and trying to put the tops on the paint. Grandma was telling my mom that she couldn’t mess this one up this time. That she had to take this serious. She was saying that this was a really good opportunity how important it was for us to make a good impression on these people. Then I remember the water got choppy and I knew they were near. We were on a cruise but we were traveling back and forth in a circle around the same part of the ocean like they do on cruise ships. Anyway the water started getting rocky so we all ran outside to the deck to see what was going on. I cant recall how but next we were out of the boat. And the water turned to streets and we were running. Running from something and there were all these other people running around screaming. It wasn’t a monster, or a person, it was like trying to outrun a portal, trying to out run a portal. I remember us trying to stay together as we ran. I was like let’s try to stay together as best we can. My cousin Ali took my hand and we ran together. We ran but what ever we were running from caught up to us. It’s as if we were trying to out run the shift in the atmosphere. A shift in the earth elements. The ocean was shifted into the ground. And next the ground was going to be shifted into the sky. Others knew this shift was coming and they told us to lay down with our arms out stretch ed so we could float on the air when the shift happens instead of plummeting out of the sky fast. So we laid down, I think we still had each others hands and the the world shifted to the sky and we were floating in the sky among the clouds with the wind.

19 May 2024



We were in a war room, on the ocean. I was an engineer who needed to maintain the fish between movements. I also helped out a lot with security, by making people access badges. I was heading down and my access badge had its chip removed. We landed my old neighbor hood where I was helping a few people get their vehicle unstuck from the mud. I was so focused on helping, my computer and books fell into the mud I jumped over to save them. My part time job was beauty and styling while landed here, I was doing a wax for a face. I didn’t find it weird that there was no person attached. I was about finished when Trump walked in asking for his face. I kindly told him to lay on the table for the finishing touches. He proceeded and I completed the wax, he paid my bosses and went about his business. I entered back to the ship and began inspecting the fish, some were dead and not removed; making others sick. I began to clean each tank carefully and quickly. I looked in the next tank over and it had many more fish than necessary, I asked the man looking after the tanks and he replied β€œthose ones were dying so I took out my favorites.” I was confused and began to cry, they were all precious to me- how could he pick favorites?

19 May 2024



I was in a new city, and I started dating this guy, but he had A total of seven siblings like four girls and three guys. And their house was chaotic. There was no authority in that house. So when I got there I like stepped up into a mother type role. Le, I made sure their rooms were clean. I was helping them get through daily things like advice with girls or sharing toys. Eventually they all kind of accepted me as like a mom roll. I took them swimming and I took them out to like movies and stuff. (But it was 1800s where you had to find a marriage person early and only in the season like in bridgerton) So I was helping the girls with being yourself and finding someone that you love with. No pressure to get married. Eventually it got to the point where they're ironing on who was my favorite. So I made a funny little thing where each of them had a different pair of like stickers I could put on my glasses and take them off easy. They were kind of like magnetic. So if someone was my favorite, I'd wear their stickers on my glasses or if I had two wide wear one on each eye. And that was really funny and they all enjoyed that cuz I would just change my stickers randomly throughout the day.

19 May 2024



I was a part of an underground reistsence group and we were doing a top secret mission to get some sort of power device from a government building. It was me and two others, one a beautiful man. We got most of the way into the building without being detected but then the alarm went off and suddenly there were armed cops everywhere. I hid in the changing room of escorts who were there for the politicians and disguises myself as one. I found my comrades who had gotten the power device, but my beautiful companion double crossed us because he was going to use the power device for evil. Well he got caught by the cops and was put on a chain gang. I disguised myself as a prison gaurd to help him escape. All the prisons and guards were made to walk in a deep black lake, the full moon overhead. We were heading to the prison but the water was calm and the moon beautiful. He was in the back and I revealed myself to him. He said "I betrayed you, I'm not going to help you save the world so why are you following" and I said "because I know deep down you don't mean that. Plus you're beautiful and I'm going to marry you" he sighed as though exasperated but then said with a shy smile "you really think I'm beautiful" and I said "yup and I'm gonna bust you out" then I woke up

19 May 2024



my mom was lost in another country she was taken into this place where its a field but within the field it was a bunch of rooms of multiple people who were also trapped and were not allowed to leave i found my mom and got her but when i was driving away she wasnt with me anymore and i couldnt find her im back in my home town and i keep calling her phone and they answer miss jacobs and i know its not my mom so i called the police and they said "are you calling the right place i see your call is coming from sarnia ontario" i said yes and yold her my mom was kidnapped but i had an outstanding ticket they werent going to help me with finding her. so i call my mom she saying she home and im like what no youre not than i see her i go and hug her crying my eyes out and my mom starts talking and i realize this women isnt my mom theres something wrong with her so we go to the edge of canada and the usa where the waters meet and tried to figure out ehat happened and why my mom was taken and than i ended up at my house and we were hiding from the ones who took my mom and we found a way to break whatever it is and once we figured it out a girl i was with turned around and smiled at me as she wasnt helping me she was helping herself create and kidnap more

19 May 2024

Teeth falling out


My first ex-husband came to my home with two other men to show off his new charter bus. My first ex sees my second ex husband and instantly gets upset. I reassure ex #1 that ex #2 will be leaving shortly. I walk ex #2 to the door, and he leaves. Once that happens, I am shown this huge grey charter bus. Then, ex #1 and I are in something that looks like a tree house. He is looking at me, and takes my ankle and starts licking it. He says don't stop him, while I ask him to stop and remind him that he is a married man. He stopped, but the dream then showed me in my living room and strangers come from nowhere to do a makeover. After the makeover, I go to the mirror and look at myself. I start to check myself out and notice that I am missing one of my front teeth, with the second one breaking off after I touched it.

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