18 May 2024
I dreamed that I went to Disneyland with one of my children and my ex who is her father and his new pregnant girlfriend and some other kids. We were at the theme park and we were taking pictures in the photo booth but things kept happening to distort the pictures and I was in line to go on a ride that was kind of dangerous and I was talking to the carnival attendant who was in charge of the ride and explaining to him why it was dangerous and why he shouldn't let small children on it and I would had a stack of papers that belonged to my uncle and they all blew away into the breeze When I was looking for the papers on the way, I found myself looking in a car. The car happened to belong to my baby's dad and his girlfriend. She walked up behind me and asked if I wanted to go back with them to town because we were in L.A. and we had to go back home which is about 6 hours away right outside the Bay Area in a place called Tracy, California. I agreed to go, and on the way back, it was me, my baby's dad's girlfriend, and his mother, and my child in the car. For some reason, we were looking for Catholic churches to go to, to go to a mass. We eventually found one, and when we got there, it was very unorthodox for a Catholic church. There was a lot of dancing and a lot of worshiping unlike Catholic church. They had sodas and vending machines and all kinds of stuff inside. I listened to a man who was talking to the priest there and he was begging for a job as a teacher, but the priest was explaining to him that he didn't finish his degree and he couldn't hire him, more than likely. And the guy just kept persisting. It was kind of strange. I went to a soda machine and one of the sodas came out without me paying for it, so I was looking for somebody to ask them how to pay for the soda and I couldn't find anybody. Then I seen some young girls and they knew me from my Facebook page and they started talking to me and then I started walking around the parking lot looking for the car, looking for my baby's dad's girlfriend and his mother and it took me a long time to be able to find them so I got in and the girl was mad at my baby's dad and she was trying to gossip about him and about his personal business. I told her that it was none of anybody's business and it was none of hers either and she needed to stop talking about it and his mother agreed. We then saw my baby's dad drive across the parking lot and pull up at the church. I guess he forgot his tools there from work so we went out to approach him and he seemed to be drunk or something. He was trying to make her mad or jealous or something, and he was trying to hug me and acting really extra friendly. He said where do you think we would be right now if we were still together and I told him to be honest we would probably be rich. She then got very upset and he told her to go ahead and leave if she was going to be upset about it and she did. Then I asked him how I was supposed to get home and he said he would take me to my car and I could drive home myself. But there was no car seat for my child in his car. The dream ends there