11 Jun 2024
i had a dog, a really cute dog - i then end up in like some cinema room with other people, my dog is alive and well cheering and all - then in the middle of it my dog becomes stiff and is dead, a woman sat next to me with the exact same dog as mine but it was alive and well, i got scared and i got up with my dog and then ended up walking into another cinema room with my dead dog where they were showing the same same dog as mine but it also dying, but when u rub them on their side, they come back alive - however it comes up very violent and kills.
I rub my dog and it wakes up but has red and black eyes and i leave it in the cinema room and can hear the screams of the people, from its vicious attack.
Later on, things get a bit blurry, but i end up hanging with friends at a party and iโve ended up signing my life away but only if i mention something, i forgot the word but if i say something negative about something, these things from the dead will come and get me.
It was very creepy, i woke up from the stress and scariness of it.