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13 Apr 2024



I was still with a cat and beavis and butt head. The four of us where heading on some sort of grey hound bus. Going to do some cross country stuff. I would sit across from beavis and butthead. Thoes two would laugh and hit each other. I sat next to this kitty cat that was my emontional support animale. This kitty cat wanted to be hold but on its terms. It was a long ride until we hit Los Vegas. Where there was where we stop for a few days we all gambled but didnt win much. When we all got back to this bus, it was full to max compatatcy. It was the same as like alwasy but me and the kitty cat sat next to this small elderly woman. Beavis and Butt-Head sat across from us with this tall elderly man. He was extremly skinny. Beavis was gluping down sodas and eating bunch of candies then he was spazing out when we go to this stop of Los Angles CA. He was going on that he couldnt score. Beavis became his alter ego "Corholio". He really was going on the goverment is ridged and he cant score. He said this old fart he probably he scored then this slot was in her prime and score alot. Us young folks can never score i just thinks it not fair. Butt-head said preach on Beavis. Then i stand up and said to this Beavis I feel your pain becaus all of the old farts had score before I was 18. Yes Beavis the system is rigged. Then i saw this kitty cat hiss and then seem all happy because it seem to agree with Beavis. I was like" i wish that i can score like this sloot". Then this kitty cat smiled sad meow and was smile and this old lady was like yeah the system is rigged. The bus driver said this is thw finnal destineation. Everyone got off we all marched onto the sunset.




DreamApp: Journal & Dictionary

DreamApp provides an answer for what you saw in your dreams immediately after you wake up.

13 Apr 2024



I was in the mall shopping with my mother and father and little sister, and also my male bestfriend that he confess to me in reality,That person came to mall with me as a date, and I was hugging his arm because he was tall, and I told him I want to buy a bag. And we kept watching the sections, he was buying everything for me. He wasn't caring about the sales. I immediately took it out and take only one bag that I want and left with him to the restaurant. After a minute, he left immediately, but it was surprising to me because he didn't tell me anything. When I went in searching for him, a small homeless boy took my bag,and ran away. I caught him running, and I returned my bag and sat again, after time I went to continue searching for my date but I entred a place for college students only and I left to my seat but a friend I know helped me to return to my seat, and suddenly my date texted me on my phone to tell me that he wasn't feeling alright and he returned and he wanted to go another time. I retuened home in taxi not with my family car.

13 Apr 2024



I was walking around trying to find some cool stores, before sunset. But I wasnโ€™t able to find anything I liked. So I went to this other place thatโ€™s kinda hidden by a building. It was like a small store. The thing you pull up to actually let yourself in was closed halfway. I knocked on the thing. I heard soemone, and the thing is lifted up. There was a guy, around my age maybe a bit older, long hair, wearing black, gory band shirt. โ€œHey, come on in,โ€ he says. I walk in and I look around his little shop he has going. He went into the back of store. I seen cds, vinyls, band shirts, posters, a lot of things like that. The room was red. Making it have a really cool vibe. I was flipping through a poster book. So many different bands and solo artists. He comes back out and says โ€œSo you finding what your looking for?โ€ โ€œYeah, this is like a really cool store you have,โ€ I say mesmerized looking around. Looking through the poster book we talk and talk around different bands and about his store, I chose to buy a Rob Zombie poster and another poster I canโ€™t remember. I had gotten there before sunset and I look out the front and the sun has set already. โ€œWell I should start walking home,โ€ I say. โ€œYeah, well I should start closing the shop also.โ€ He replies. I walk out and wave bye. I see this part of the store, a door is open. I look into it. Itโ€™s a basement. I choose not to go in and mind my own. Then suddenly I see woman, she is in all white. I freeze, and suddenly Iโ€™m down in the basement. As I reach the bottom she is sitting down talking to herself. I turn around and try to walk back up. But she is standing on the top of the stairs. She falls forward and just disappears. I run out and when I reached the top, Iโ€™m at the bottom again looking at her sitting down in the basement talking to herself. I get confused and try go up again but she is there. Falling again and disappearing. I run to the top. Im stuck in a loop. I keep looping. I get scared. Idk how many times I did that but finally Iโ€™m able to leave. I walk home. Next day I find myself at the store again. I see the rest of the store is open. The store has like sections. Only one was open the day before. I see him talking to two customers in another section. I go into the one I was before. I look at the earrings. I grab cherry earrings and a necklace. I place money on the counter with a note. Then I leave. I then woke up๐Ÿ˜”

13 Apr 2024



Itโ€™s hard to describe, but this week I have been having dreams that seem to correlate with one another. They are not scary or negative in any way, but they feel similar to one another in a positive way. The only way I can remember what goes on in my dreams is to remember the feeling it gave me and usually certain imagery will pop up in my memory as if i was experiencing a real life memory. Hereโ€™s a list of things that I do recall: - a city/town that I feel familiar with but doesnโ€™t exist in real life. - homes/houses/buildings and or stores/malls that my mind sort of made up but made it feel familiar to real life. - downtown parking garages and restrooms with plenty of stalls. - motel/apartment type of building where I meet people Iโ€™ve never met in real life. - transportation such as: cars, trains, walking, running, gliding/flying, and planes. - bridges that go miles to a theme park. - cities with restaurants, malls, theatres and more. - sometimes I will dream about a place that I have worked at and that I am on the clock for my shift as well, but I feel free to leave whenever I please. - lastly, I will usually travel to a quiet town in a really pretty foothill landscape with cottage style homes.

12 Apr 2024



My dream started off with me, my sister, and my friends, hanging out in the master bathroom of my old house. We were playing hide and seek together and it was my turn. During my turn, I find my friends hiding in the closet of the master bedroom. After my turn, we come up with a rule to not hide in there since my parents are trying to sleep. On my friendโ€™s sister turn, I hide in my own closet. I move some of the stuffed animals around so I can hide better. I hide in there for a while, so I start making garlic bread out of pumpkins to pass the time. After a while, my sister appears in my closet and starts eating the pumpkin garlic bread. After that, weโ€™re found by our dad and are told that we need to get ready for work. So, we do just that. Once weโ€™re ready, our dad starts driving us to work, but he gets lost and drops me off at the wrong place. I start to walk around while in my work uniform, and asked others if they know where my job is. This one lady and her daughter tell me to follow them, so I do. After a while, we enter a school and the lady tells me that the building that I work at is right behind the school. So, I explore the school, looking for the exit. The school building was very confusing, and everything was some shade of green. After a while, I enter an empty room and see both my cat and my late dog hanging out with each other. I hang out with them until they leave to eat their food. Then, my dad enters the room and takes me to work.

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