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27 May 2024



In my dream there was an apocalypse of some sort of these creatures that looked like humans they took on formes of people u knew and sounded and acted just like them u wouldn’t know that they where not ur friend until they got too close then they would devour u whole but I was with a group of people who I knew very well they where all like family to me some of them where family we found an office building that was vacant it had a floor that had nothing but bedrooms like apartments and we all picked our rooms and divided up blankets and food and stuff we went to bed for the night then I woke up because I heard someone moving around I’m assuming we had a code or phrase to let people know it was us and the person didn’t say the code so I freaked and I crawled into a whole in the floor that we created and i knew as long as I stayed quiet they would know I was there then the person I was bunked with left for whatever reason and I’m assuming she got eaten one of my younger siblings found me and said that it was upstairs and she tried the whole thing with another person but it found them and ate the adult she was with but it didn’t know she was there so we ran out of the house and we left and she was worried saying those things where everywhere and there was no where safe




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27 May 2024

Haunted house
My crush


junior year, it's a vocationary school, I developed a crush on him. We were really close buddies. I didn't think he liked me like that until a month ago. I confessed my feelings and he said he felt the same way. And I was actually in a relationship, but I broke up with my boyfriend, my current boyfriend I did, and I was scared to give a shot at love with my guy best friend. Until a couple days later after that I told him I liked him, but I feel like he just like brushed it off even though he said he had feelings for me. And now he doesn't really talk to me much, but last night I had a dream about him and it was that we started dating . It was cute but awkward and we kissed in the dream but it was awkward, but enjoyable it just felt like a meant to be thing and it made me feel some type of way about him that I really hope we get a shot. But during a dream we were in our friends house and it was like dark, but there was Sprite lights on the ceiling and we fell for each other and for some reason we were also had guns killing demonic things like ghost and zombies so like we were in a haunted house but we were in love at the end kissed and it was cute and awkward

27 May 2024



I was touring a home to move into with my mom and a man. It was an open floor plan with an indoor pool and small gym on the third level. Me and the man decided to live there as roommates. It was really exciting. I woke up and went back to sleep and had a separate dream that i was a young asian woman. There was a competition going on and two men (one the class president and the other the class nobody) asked me to perform with them. We were staying at a house and it was raining. The house wasn't exactly finished but it was big. The class prez had brought fireworks, but they caught fire. The fire was contained in the paper bag. I threw it on the mattres and dumped a red bucket of water on it to put it out. But it wasn't enough water. I scrambled knew to find more. Used a measky amount of rain water dripping from the roof. And then the class president ended up dippintmg the water into a flooded spot of the unfinished part of the house and put out the fire. I don't know why I didn't think of it. Was it the same house from my other dream? I don't remember. There was a dog and we kept trying to convince him to stay in the other room, but he wouldn't. I don't know if it was sonic or luna. Maybr both? I knew the class president liked me but for some reason i chose to perform with the nobody instead. He was small and quiet with a round face and goatee. His eyes were pure and innocent. He wanted us to dance together. So we danced and i put my whole heart into it for him and we ended up winning the competition. The song we danced to was called canon gravity. The end was really intense and went "never ever be your canon gravity." And then had this huge drumbeat. I think when people saw that part the crowd went wild and that's why we won. But the class president was really devastated that i didn't choose him to perform with. He was a good dude. I don't really know why I went with the other guy. There was a third guy, too, but he wasn't really on my radar. We were just all in the competition. It wasn't clear whether i ended up starting a relationship with the nobody dancer boy. But he hugged me when we won and kissed me too so i think people assumed or suspected. We went to the next level of the competition and met schools from out of state (all of us went since we were finalists, me, the prez, the nobody and the third guy.) The three guys met three guys from the other school in the gym and heard how their school had rewarded them well for their performances. It really opened their eyes. Then i showed up and started teasing them about how they weren't obedient students and that's why they didn't get rewarded etc etc. I wonder why our school hadn't rewarded us more outside of the competition?

27 May 2024



I was on a train traveling with a handful of girls that felt like close friends in a foreign country and we were all trying to travel without getting caught by the government employees. Most people on the train didn’t say anything to us but we mostly communicated through our phones by texting. I’m not sure which country it was but English wasn’t the primary language spoken, but there were a few things in English. We had a plan to meet up after we got off the train and left the car but I didn’t feel confident everything would go according to plan. I made it to the end of my trip and right as I was tossing a few belongings over a high fence to an associate (she was a family me member of someone who lived there) and get my things sent home, a young black man caught me by the fence trying to go back down a hill to the car for my last piece of luggage and used his radio to call in that I was trying to run. I took off running in between the trees but felt scared because I didn’t know where the group of girls I knew went and I was in an unfamiliar foreign country for the first time. I knew getting captured wouldn’t end well so I fled leaving all my belongings behind.

27 May 2024



I had a dream I figured out who was in charge of the survivor TV show seasons and I went and kinda half lied half snuck into her office and I was helping her go through applications trying to figure out how to bring up that I should be an applicant. So I asked about this year's theme and I can't remember what she said, but I Said they should do a pirate theme, then we started talking more and laughing and she told me where it was being held and gave me a form to be a constant so I filled it out and laughed with her as I looked up the weather in that area for the time I wanted to go and picked some of the warm weather time. She told me I was gutsy to pull the move I did of sneaking and lying my way in her office and I just joked back that it sounds like I'm just that entertaining

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