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20 Aug 2024

Dead Friend


Keep having my late friend on my mind lately 💔

20 Aug 2024

Red hair


我同啲朋友一出學校門king sir 行緊上山,我主動問佢去邊,佢話約咗筒音5嘅曲目作者見面。之後,我唔記得發生咗咩事,佢抱起咗我,帶我周圍走。我哋兩個都好開心,但係我唯獨唔鍾意佢隻手掂到我個胸或臀部嘅時候,我知道佢係冇心嘅。咁我就拎開佢嗰度隻手,畀佢繼續攬住我。我哋嘅對話裏面,我途中見到隻龍嘅雕塑。佢問我記唔記得某隻歌點樣吹。我全程都覺得開心,幸福,滿足,係被愛嘅感覺,同埋少少興奮。但我醒咗之後,覺得有啲不適,抖唔到氣嘅感覺。 之後我就同哥哥,爺爺,嬤嬤,daddy mammy玩VR室內過山車。買咗個生日蛋糕畀哥哥,哥染咗個紅色頭髮。然後見到佢個朋友,我哋一齊去慶祝哥生日,佢個蛋糕只係個好普通嘅芒果蛋糕。同我嗰啲好靚嘅蛋糕好唔同,我哋之後去咗一間餐廳,同埋哥同某我嘅老師一齊食生日飯。




DreamApp: Journal & Dictionary

DreamApp provides an answer for what you saw in your dreams immediately after you wake up.

20 Aug 2024



I’m on vacation and my friend is telling me that my flight is delayed because of snow at home. I start having a panic attack and hyperventilating because I didn’t think I had any of my anxiety medication. I’m in a tropical location heading home to snow. Someone asks me if I wasn’t allowed to wear my leg brace and I just shook my head no. I’m getting things straighter out at probation because there was an issue with my monitor again. My probation officer has to explain multiple times because I’m not understanding. In the end, it turns out I’m going to get extended on probation again. I start to cry as I’m leaving but I’m making sure that I’m turned away from her so she doesn’t see me. I’m riding in the front of the bus, right behind the driver. I notice his reflection in the giant rear view mirror- he looks serious. Not in a good or bad way, neutral and without much emotion. I’m watching another couple’s life. The girl could be pregnant and neither of them are happy about it but they’re trying to be positive and happy for each other. She drinks some shots of liquor and orange juice, her hands are shaking. They’re a good looking couple. Her friends walk in and see who she’s been hanging out with and they’re angry with her because they were wronged by the other person in the past some way. They’re are feelings of betrayal.

19 Aug 2024

Home Invasion


I had a dream where we were in war with each other so I chose one side and did what they told me to do. I made some friends and then later on we realized we chose the wrong side so we ran away and found a hidden entrance to the people that didn’t want to fight at all. The place was cool and the tunnel brought us to another part of the world which ended up at the place I used to live when I was a kid. I brought a group of people with me to the house I grew up in but we got lost and it got dark, I apologized to everyone and they said it was fine. I went to look for my friends in the group but the group was big so I lost them and actually ran into one of the guys who I thought was really cute🥰. Once we found the house we broke into it no one was living in there but it was for sale so we took the sign down and went into the house from one of the boys who could pick locks

19 Aug 2024



I was on the street and I remember seeing my brother and a lady next to a car and feeling very uncomfortable and scared. I looked towards my brother and I remember seeing the lady and a man dressed in all dark clothing to conceal his identity shoot a gun and the bullet went through her head leaving her body limp and sliding down the front of her car. I was filled with extreme fear. Then I was oddly in my grandma’s white Lincoln and she was driving wearing some black outfit. She parked and took me with her to a front door of brown brick building with a black door and knocked. It was a funeral parlor and though she didn’t tell me I knew she was trying to schedule her death. No one answered. I could feel my heart beating through my chest and tears filling my eyes as I heard her continue to knock no one answered. I knew I didn’t want her to go in there and I didn’t want anything to do with all this loss. Everything went dark and I don’t know if my grandma ever walked into that building.

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