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25 Aug 2024



I had a dream where I was being taught by a famous doctor about how to become a doctor myself. There was a boy there that was in a wheel chair and no one took him seriously because they thought he wouldn’t be fast enough. Then there were these other guys that just interrupted our class and said that we all were coming with him and if we don’t there’ll be bad consequences. They brought us to a small hospital in a small town where there was barely any people in. There was a really rich guy who was sick and no one at all could figure out what was wrong with him at all. Our doctor teacher told us we needed to give him some ideas on what it could be. But then two crazy people came out of nowhere, one that could run really fast like the flash, and the other who was strong and can fly like superman. Everyone else in the class was running around crazy while I and the boy in the wheelchair helped our teacher look for what made him so sick and then I figured it out and gave it to our teacher, he was very greatful and said I was his favourite. We super duper put some stuff in the rich guys body and started running away from the super evil guys that were trying to stop us from saving the rich guy. We found some bikes and all of us tried to get on them together but some of us just had to run. The boy in the wheelchair couldn’t run like we were because of the mud on the ground cause it just stopped raining. I ended up falling of the bike because I had troubles holding on properly, the boy in the wheelchair saved me in the nick of time before the evil superman got me, I don’t know how he got me so fast and it was still muddy I thought he couldn’t go through it. He said to me that he found some better wheels that had more grip on them and wanted to catch up on us to be with us. I said thanks for saving me and he kinda blushed and said no problem. So I went to hop off and start running again to catch up with everyone but he said to stay on his lap and he could get us there, but I was worried I’d be too heavy for him to go fast with his wheelchair. He said that I wasn’t bothering him and he said he had strong arm muscles, winked at me and started to move again. When we caught up our teacher was so relieved that I was ok and that he was worrying about me. To me he felt like a father figure. After managing to get out of the town and losing the evil guys the mini hospital called our teacher and said thank u for saving his life we got rid of the weird ones and put them in a cell that they can never get out of. I told my friends what the boy in the wheelchair did for me and I think that I kind of have a crush on him now. Everyone was surprised how he managed to get here with us and apologized for laughing at him in the classroom. The righ guy told his team to come pick us up and bring us home.

25 Aug 2024



This dreams was actually so funny! Me and my friends Jessica and Destiny were walking through a mall. It wasn't busy at all. We were just browsing some of the stores when Destiny asked if we could wait for her to get her makeup done. Jess and I said it was no problem. So Destiny went into the makeup store amd jess amd I sat down on the floor amd leaned against the wall outside the store. We were just talking about twilight and how cringe it is, but how it's still fun to watch because of the cringe. Then Jess got the idea to go sing the Hoa Hoa Hoa part into the empty mall. We were on the second floor, so she went and stood bu the railing that looked over the first floor and sang. It wasn't long just that part of the song everyone is making a joke of, but she sang it so perfectly, I was amazed. She then realized there were more people below than she thought and got embarrassed and came back over to me. But then everyone started coming up to Jess asking if thatbwas her singing, either to tell her that her voice is amazing or that they also love twilight. Jess took the compliments bashfully. Once Destiny was done we all started walking towards another section of the mall. We were so busy trying to get Jess away from her new fans that we didn't get the chance to look at Destiny's makeup. Once we stopped for a moment and we finally got a good look, Jess and I both tried amd failed to contain our laughter. Destiny said she'd asked for a drag look cuz she wanted something bold and dramatic, but they made her look like handsome squidward but with a very pointy hot pink nose. It was done so well but it just looked so bad it was hilarious. I was trying to ask Destiny how she felt about it, because she didn't seem happy with it either, but I couldn't stop laughing. I could tell people were looking at us but I didn't care, we were having a great time. Eventually Destiny looked at herself agin and also started laughing. I couldn't breathe I was laughing so much. I leaned against a table to catch my breath, then i started laughing again and finally woke up. I even woke up laughing.




DreamApp: Journal & Dictionary

DreamApp provides an answer for what you saw in your dreams immediately after you wake up.

25 Aug 2024

Old Home


The dream started where I was on a water slide at a party, just sliding off the end and landing in someone’s yard 2-3 times because I tried recording it. I don’t remember anything else from that but then, there was a massive old building and I went inside of it and everyone, including family members and random people were fighting and killing eachother, most of them targeted me. There was this girl who lived on this thing I think it might’ve been a ship. She was happy living there, orange hair tied back and a bonnet type headband with a light yellow dress and an apron. She had these powers, one was a lasso that was golden and it would lash around you and come back when you least expected like a boomerang. There was one that shattered glass and did something else I forget. But this girl and everyone else was trying to kill me. I remember having a plan. I snuck up someone and everytime she would I attack me, I forget what I did but I managed to paint all the walls with her face (I wasn’t painting it was the plan or something) and some stuff happened, she ended up joining the cause and I made a simulation of her power to see how it worked. Then I shut it and she said “that’s good, let’s do this.” So I nodded and jumped into the massive crowd (they were fighting with pitchforks and knives, plus other stuff.) and I got stabbed quite a bit. I exited the building but they all charged after me, after being chased for awhile, I got back up to where she was before and I was wondering why she said let’s do it but failed. I’m not sure if I was betrayed or not. I’ve never seen her before so I don’t know. But then I woke up.

25 Aug 2024



a funeral for my grandmother Mini. My cousin Molly tells me that I have another aunt. I’m really upset. Why did I not know this. My husband Keith goes to the funeral-standing in a park. so then I go over. But then I have to go to the dentist. I cross the road and there is joking about retirement. And then suddenly I am at the dentist all day. Sitting in one area talking to my colleague from the college in waking life Candace who is a physical therapist in the dream. And then I go in with the dentist, and I’m really shaky. And I asked someone what time is it and they say like 9 o’clock and I’m like that can’t be right. Then we ask someone else and it’s 10 to 6. No wonder I’m so hungry. I grab some gluten-free pizza no regular pizza. Doesn’t matter cause I’m too hungry. There’s something about Mar-and did Mar Go to Spain. Yes of course she went to Spain. Mar, my daughter Hannah’s beautiful Rottweiler, who lived with me for two years who I loved so much. Who died last year . I really like the dentist. His name is Rebekenezer. Quite the Jewish name.

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