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8 Jul 2024
I dreamed that my younger sister and I had found out that the government was keeping a secret about the weather, particularly a hurricane. We proved it by sharing photos to the world about a lie that was being covered up. For an unexplainable reason my older sister started accusing us of lying about it. She started sending me photos claiming that the shadow government had manipulated the images we took. My younger sister and I knew the images that we took had not been manipulated but my oldest sister was desperate to prove we were lying. She was sending harassing messages to my phone that were clearly crazy. I sent her a message back and told her to get help and that she must be on drugs. Right then I felt something attempt to remove my voice from my body. The words inside me were “you’re trying to take my future” but whatever the evil entity was that tried to steal my voice was not successful at taking it from me.
The inside of my right ear was itchy so I scratched it and when I look at my finger there was blood
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A drum n bass DJ was playing a show down a street but the crowd were all behind a fence. He walked down the whole length of the fence and got everyone to move toward the stage instead
i was at shop with my two friends and we saw some clowns and we ran i went to opposite side os theys and then one clown catched me. my phone stopped working. i got to meet all of the clowns in the mall and i got one clown's snapchat and we became friends.
I had a dream my sister tried to rob me while I was walking down the street hanging out with my friends (we don’t talk)
I spent Fourth of July weekend with John. It was four days and four nights spent with him at his apartment. We started by smoking, he asked me to stay after he hadn’t talked to me for the past week. I stayed the night and told him no sex and that he was going to have to wait to do that again and he was very understanding of that. In bed he told me he missed me, that he loved my eyes being blue and greyish and when I opened my eyes to look up at him both of us smiled wider. When we woke up we went to see some of his friends who I only know some of them. Then we went to Jill’s parents house to go swimming and I met more people with him. We stayed and drank all day. I overheated and almost passed out, I got dizzy and felt nauseous so I went to the bathroom for a while before even getting in the pool. Everyone ate without me while I drank in the floatie to cool off. Going back to John’s apartment we watched tv and smoked before going back to bed. We woke up and went to run errands, ended up driving around in his tow truck all day towing other cars and doing a bunch of stuff for his work. We saw his friends to drink for a while and then went back to his apartment to sleep. We woke up and that’s when we had sex before getting out of bed. We saw his friends again, I was learning their names more. We went to one of their houses for a BBQ and they played baseball while everyone was drinking. I ate that time, we smoked some and then we left to go back home. Some of them came to his apartment and hung out while I sat there. I found it was hard to talk because I felt that I’d get yelled at or reprimanded later on like Cristian used to always do to me. They left, John and I went to bed together. There was no sex that night just holding each other. Waking up we ran some errands then saw Ian for a while and went drinking before going back to the apartment. We met another friend of John’s to smoke before I went home. But getting my stuff from John’s room I saw a dress in his closet that I know belongs to his ex girlfriend even though he told me she already came to get her stuff out.
I was looking for an apartment again. I think I was with someone but I can’t remember who it was. I was having trouble finding one for myself, but I found a place and was suddenly just living there. I think I was with a man but again I can’t remember who I was with I can’t remember their face. There was someone else that showed up causing problems and we had to leave the apartment, I don’t know why because I woke up.
I was in a car with my family driving and I look to the side to see a tower in the middle of all the highways where there was a mall. Had a very strange feeling that I have been in there a long time ago , a sense of Deja vu. Asked if we could go shopping there and expressed that it feels like it’s been such a long time since we visited there. Everyone else said no but I asked to go alone instead. I entered the tower and the parking lot is empty. Enter the elevator area and avoided some creatures resting there. It was very eerie being in the mall and I finally reached the shopping levels. All the shops were open but no one else was in there. I was exploring the mall , looking for the shops I needed to visit. My mom joins me halfway through the journey in the mall.
I was rock climbing with two people. I don’t remember why. But we were at a beach, there was water and sand, and I was just climbing the rocks.
I was dreaming about Derived new child
I had to protect my daughter from these rhinos and when I did I ran outside and there was 2 apes stealing my truck and one ape in the trees orchestrating the whole attack
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