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23 Jul 2024

Phone call


היה בשיחת בפאלפון עם מישהו שאני לא אוהב בחיים האמיתיים, אם כי לפני מספר שנים היינו חברים. בחלום אנחנו מדברים בפלאפון. אני נמצא בבית שלי. והוא מתעצבן בשיחה, ואני מתחיל לצחוק ממנו. מה שגורם לו יותר להתעצבן. הוא מאיים עליי ואומר לי,שהוא עוד מעט בא לתת לי מכות.(בחלום הוא חזק ממני פיזית) אני צוחק עליו, ומשער שיש לי בערך 20 דקות עד שהוא יגיע לבית שלי, ואז אוכל להתארגן בעזרת הגז פלפל שיש לי. הוא אומר לי בפאלפון "חכה חכה אני מגיע אליך" ומיד דרך החלון אני כבר רואה שהוא מגיע. ואיתו היו עוד כמה אנשים, מיד אני רץ לדלת הראשונה בבית(שאליה הוא היה קרוב). ומספיק לנעול אותה לפני שהוא מגיע. ואחרי כן אני מיד נזכר שיש לי עוד דלת. וכנראה שהוא עטשה כבר עיקוף סביב הבית כדי להיכנס מהדלת השנייה. אני מאוד נלחץ בשלב הזה של החלום ורץ לדלת השנייה. כול הזמן הזה שאני רץ לדלת השנייה אני בחרדה לשמוע שהוא כבר הגיע לשם ופתח אותה. בסוף אני מגיע לדלת השנייה ומהר נועל אותה. לאחר מכן אני רץ לקומה העליונה לקחת את הגז פלפל שיש לי.

23 Jul 2024



I was back living with my ex. We were in the same bed. I was adjusting for alarm clocks so they weren't directed at her face. I laid on her to snuggle and immediately she sat up screaming at me to get off of her and that she couldn't stand something about me. I sat there quietly. She kept yelling as she stormed out of the room saying that I should leave already because she doesn't want me there. I called back saying I've got till the end of the month. That upset her more and she was crashing around in the other room for awhile. All of a sudden I hear thumping getting louder and louder. She's rushing in the room, I throw the blanket up to shield me before she tosses a bunch of water at me and runs out giggling maniacally. She repeats this a few times. I tried to find my phone to record but couldn't grab it quick enough to get her in the act screaming at me. She goes to shower. 2 of my friends show up. Neither of them seem concerned or ask me what's wrong. I am following them around the house trying to show some colorful paper that's supposed to prove everything but the other side is blank. One of these friends seems like she's head over heels for my ex. I get a call saying that I could go interview at the beauty school i was fired from. I wasn't going to take it at first but I wanted out of that house. I start looking in my suitcases for appropriate clothes. I settle on a black dress with red roses on the top. It might be a but short but I've got tights and spanks on. My friends are leaving. I lock myself in the room so I don't get snuck up on. The door is a sliding door with a latch. I turn around and the door is open and some dude that looks like a pimp is watching me. I go to close the door but he stops me. I panick and almost slap him but my ex who now looks more like my older brother comes in saying that the room is for rent and it's $500. The guy says that's ridiculous and it's not worth it. I tell him good luck finding something this size that's not 1500 or more. As he's walking out he agrees to buy. I wake up




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23 Jul 2024



I had two dreams last night. I can’t remember the first one very well so I’ll just summarize it. 1st Dream: I got into an argument with my mom for not letting me rent a couple of movies from the store. My dad took my mom’s side and said that I was overreacting. Then, they forced me to take out the trash. Now onto the second dream, which I remember most of. 2nd Dream: This dream started out at my boyfriend’s house. We were watching a show on tv while talking about our dreams. In the show, one of the characters got kidnapped and later got rescued by his friends. After the show was over, I went to work. On the way to work, I got kidnapped by an Evil Witch. She locked me in her mansion and was constantly watching me. Whenever a rescue party would come to save me, the Witch would kill them in multiple ways. Then, she took over the world and trapped a bunch of other people in mansion. Everyone got used to it though, so we all learned how to live normal lives with the Witch. That’s the end of my second dream. I think there was a part about my glasses as well, but I’m not so sure.

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