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8 Jul 2024
I was fighting with my family. I was angry at each individual for things that they did wrong to me. I screamed and cried. Told them that it’s their fault and they need to fix it. I remember walking away from them with angry tears down my face. My family just fought back and were made at me for yelling.
I went back in time like the 70s or something but was somebody else. I was a young kid with curly hair. I was at a cafeteria that had outdoor stadium seating. I was befriending some kid for a specific reason but can't remember what. I was flirting with a girl and protected her from a group of guys that were trying to hit on her and be jerks. After I began singing very loud in the cafeteria. When I left the cafeteria I gave that kid I was befriending something like money and he drove off and acted kinda like a dick to me and I was a little flustered since I needed to befriend him for some reason which was why I went back in time. I then went to where my house was as that kid and the person I was trying to befriend was there with my mom. She wasn't my mom but the mom of the person I was acting as. They were chatting and getting along. I then saw the kid that I was portraying there with them. We were in the same room but only he could see amd hear me. I said I was not there or something trying to get him to stop looking and not make a big deal but I just left because he was about to get freaked out. I went outside and watched from the backyard. It was a beautiful fall day and the leaves were falling and was calm. The whole thing felt like I was dropped into a movie halfway through as it was very cohesive and there were goals associated with what I was doing like I was following a plan.
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Last night I had a dream that I had a miscarriage and when I did my baby was still breathing outside of me but it was soooo tiny and I was so afraid and helpless I didn’t no what to do I sat there crying I felt so alone and scared
Best friend and unknown/faceless friend hanging out until unknown friend's mother starts to fight best friend for unknown reason. I freeze and start to shake, speechless for most of it, but I could feel the pain. It ends in best friend dying, me fawning to go call for help, unknown friend staying and trying to pull her mom off best friend. Fight took place in a car, which ended up with the windows smashed, drivers seat bloody. There was also a random 1 minute side dream right after an abrupt end.
My teacher had changed the seating arrangement and I hated my seat so I tried to go tell him to switch me but he started crying and he wrote me an apology note that was written on sparkly glitter slime.
i had a dream that my step sister elena kept looking thru my stuff and using it and now caring where she put it afterwards and i was getting so mad and telling her she doesnt respect me and to stop and i was gonna put a label saying “daphne’s DO NOT TOUCH”
Felt like a fantasy type dream. I was in a house I’ve never been in before. I was interacting with people I know and don’t know. The house had a few stories. Then we were in a car moving around a city. Or neighborhood. Not really sure.
I been having multiple dreams of me being shot at
I had 2 other dreams and it was crazy the first 1 was about my dad and my almost 4 y.o. Sister and how she needed her face washed but I had an actual face cloth and cleanser so she wouldn’t have issues breaking out my dad was like “Just use this” but my autism was hyperfixated on making sure she had the right type of cloth but I had to go home to get it so I drove recklessly (I don’t have a license) and it turned into the video game grand theft auto San Andreas I went from a white truck to a super cool red 1 that crashed then to a bike and it was nerve wracking. The 2nd dream was me at my Mema’s and I think I might’ve been going through something but all I know is that she and Natalie Nunn were both there talking to me about life and trying to move forward with life etc Natalie’s daughter was at the kitchen table drawing something and Natalie said “That’s why I wanna move back to Miami it’s nothing good out here” (I live in Virginia though) then the songs “Set Me Free” and “Overloved” by Raven-Symone came on and as I’m singing my Mema asks me do I want to be committed to a grave forever? And I say “No” I’m guessing she thought I was suicidal or maybe I was and she was just checking on my mental
I had several dreams kinda rolled into one last night. I was on a family and friends vacation. Some people I recognized some people I didn’t. But it was overall a fun dream! In the beginning it wasn’t as fun. I was feeling really anxious and uncomfortable and kept hearing something about shadow crystal and smoky quartz. In my waking life I had been thinking about moving my rose quartz pillar in the windowsill next to my bed and replacing it with my smoky quartz point. Anyways my anxiety was getting worse and worse and I couldn’t find the smoky quartz. In my dream I was checking all the places I’d thought it was in my waking life like my backpack pockets and things like that but I couldn’t find it. I finally found something similar to it on my husbands bookshelf but that one had some yellow inclusions and I didn’t know what they were but they were very pretty. The only way I k ow to describe that crystal was almost alien with the circular yellow inclusions almost like bubbles that have bubbled up from the inside. As it it had been boiled and then flash frozen to maintain the bubble shapes. It was really cool and also not what I was looking for. Finally I ended up locating my amethyst crystal and when I picked it up it was as if all the anxiety just drained out of me and I could finally breathe easily. It then switched more to the vacation vibe. There was one part where we were in this open air space with a bonfire and some music playing and lots of children running around. And there was one kid who had grown attached to me. Idk if it was my kid or somebody else’s in the family/friend group or what. But I seemed to be either in charge of that kid or had developed a bond. We danced and played and when she was ready to sleep I would ask her or she would tell me and then we would get comfy and I would rock her or lull her to sleep. I could actually feel her in my arms and feel when she laid her head on my chest. It was nice. Then it skips a lil and I remember it was me and one of my friends, I think it was Audri, decided to have a girls day the last day. Did some shopping which was nice cuz I never really get the chance to buy things for myself. And then went to a bar. There were some people that had came with us on vacation at the bar already. For some reason I was fully ignoring one of them. Like at one point I completely turned my back to them and I still don’t really know who they were. We enjoyed our drinks at the bar and at some point ended up moving to a table. The bar scene changed ever so slightly to include a children’s area off to the right and some comfy massage chairs to the left. We as a group were discussing the plans for that night and apparently My husband, Marty, had setup all the plans for it. Everybody was really excited! Then some kid started freaking out and screaming just throwing a huge tantrum. He was a little white boy with blonde hair and I think he also had blue eyes. Maybe age 6 or 7. We didn’t know this kid but it turns out the children’s area was mostly for orphans and this kid was an orphan. Everybody was like one let’s get out of here this kid is ruining the vibe. But I wanted to stay and see what happened because I was curious. How would the caretakers handle this?? His tantrum ended up bringing him over to my table. And I was able to calm him down. To me he just seemed troubled and like his feelings were hurt. He asked for some of our food and I did give him some but then he started acting pretty mean and we talked about it and he calmed down. But then it happened again as we were getting ready to leave. He wanted to come with us and we had told him know so he was being mean again. So I took him back over to the play area and told him why he couldn’t come with us and that he was being mean and he started crying and screaming he was sorry. And I left and didn’t look back but I remember thinking this kid is just so hurt and and lashing out I hope somebody chooses to love him. Once outside of the mall area I saw my dad and he was saying we should hurry back to the hotel to get ready cuz we would be leaving for the Marty Night soon. He also dropped something and I saw him pick it up while he said this. I also remember that we were standing on a slightly curved declining area during this convo. He also told us some people may already be ready and waiting outside so we hurried along and the. I woke up.
I learned to ride bicycle
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