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13 Jul 2024
I’m in the country with family. We are sitting outside and have guests. There are two different houses on the property. One older house where we stay and a newer place where my brother in law and his husband stay. We are eating outside and have a fan blowing. My brother in law and his husband move to a place closer to their home to get away from the fan. Our guests tell us about an excursion they went on and it is the same excursion my brother in law and his husband were on earlier. When I asked my brother in law if he saw the guests he was shy to answer if he had. He mentioned that there was a Philippine woman and a young man at the excursion who seemed to fit the description of our guest.
I was operating a software, and software had a lot of buttons and things like that. It was very advanced software for social media, taking pictures of stuff. And I was trying to get one clip recorded of a girl dancing with balloons. Also, I got hold of a lot of dogs, and I took them over to my friend's place. And the people that take care of dogs were there, and they let them out of the car. And I remember a few particular dogs, indistinctively. One big one, and a few small ones.
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I had a dream I was back at school and I got expelled, I remember hating being there and telling a teacher as I was leaving that I don’t need to be there as I already have qualifications
Me and dai in the bedroom in 69 position and he stopped and told me I tasted gross and started laughing not at me
I was in what looked like a hotel room, I was wit dai but when he left some skinny n lanky Hispanic dude came and was trying to get with me n the Hispanic had his other Hispanic friend come speak to me I got up and had a cop outfit on the boy had a neon colored vests on and sunglasses and the other had white collar on suit like .
I am driving at night to go somewhere. I notice the stars in the sky and felt the need to just admire it. I speed across the street and up a hill so steep I felt I was going to fly into the sky. I parked my car on the side of the road, and stood watching the stars at what seemed the highest point of the steep road. Going back to my car I noticed plastic bags or balloons are tied to the top. I seem to be working at a childcare center or some sort of school for young children. I remember looking out the window to see staff members out side with the kids. I’m in front of a whiteboard, I seem hesitant to write something, and another staff asked me if they could write on it so I stepped aside. I am in the bathroom. I closed the door behind me and sat on the toilet. I noticed the bathroom was flooded as my feet were submerged in water. Everywhere inside the bathroom was wet and smelled clean. It felt as if it was just cleaned by some sort of cycle, like a washing machine cycle. I close my eyes for a few minutes. When I opened my eyes a child was crawling into the bathroom. I stopped them and told them to leave. She was pointing at something but I didn’t stop to noticed because I was in panic. I am back at the whiteboard. I am struggling to write something on it. Whiteboard and I are outside. It seems the person who’s lesson I am to teach gets out of a vehicle and asked if they can present their work using the whiteboard. Someone was asking me why I am not able to teach the lesson. It was as if they are disappointed the owner of the lesson had to do it because I couldn’t.
I was being chased around a large hotel-like building by someone with dwarfism and I managed to win and not get caught.
-My friends (Yas and Naomi) and I were meant to be going out but we all were running late, at 1 am I text the group chat telling them that I am leaving but Yas finds me and suggests that we stop at her friend's house to pregame, on the way there I notice that the sun is already coming up and I look at my phone and see that the time says 123:1. I forget to tell Naomi that we are at Yas' friends house and we don't know where she is. - In London, in a shoe shop, a TikTok Influencer (Clarke Peoples) tells me about her friends from LA who moved to London and how they recommended me as a guide/friend. It turns out that I already knew these people. - Also there was a Jack Quaid superfan that was looking for love
I was a begger on the street. My clothes were rotten and torn and I smelled awful. I was holding a sign and asking people for money, I felt so much shame and guilt for not being able to afford to live. Everyone was so mean to me, some people threw food at me, others spit on me, kids laughed. I felt like I wanted to die. So I pulled my pistol out of my shopping cart I was pushing around, and I shot myself in the head.
I walked out of my bedroom into the living room of the house I live at, to find our parrot out of his cage, he’s aggressive so we don’t let him out unless we have all the proper equipment. I called for the other members of the household but nobody was home. Our parrot, Loki, started to fly around my head and I got scared so I sat down on the floor and just stared up at him watching him fly around me in circles.
Last night I dreamt that I was hanging out with 2 of my guy friends from high school. It was very relaxed and safe. They explained to me that I need to lose weight. (My weight is becoming a very difficult subject in my daily life)
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