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30 May 2024

Photo shoot


Sky becoming all grey, then a ball of cloud with litghning started forming. Itโ€™s in fact aliens were invading the earth. I took pictures of this ball to then show to my family who werenโ€™t aware of that happening




DreamApp: Journal & Dictionary

DreamApp provides an answer for what you saw in your dreams immediately after you wake up.

30 May 2024

Hair Loss


I was at my house and there were a lot of other people here I wanted to see some people who I felt were being kept in another room unjustly. They were indigenous. Some of them were very thin and I was teaching them to read. There were a lot of pumpkin seeds , and we were eating them my siblings mostly my brother Iโ€™m upset with me and said I wasnโ€™t being a good sibling and I was across between him and one of our aunts that nobody really likes. Then I was stuck in my bed and I had visitors all of them were Males, and they would come see me, but only one of them was kind to me. It was someone that I slept with before he would bring me he would bring me little anime dolls. I was sweet, but still able to take care of people from my bed there was hair everywhere on the floor because my ex-husband had to cut my hair for me. my eyes were showing signs of pink eye with green discharge

30 May 2024



I ended up at this street, it looked like a big city, and as I was walking down the block, something, I don't know what it was, but I can hear something talking, and when I looked up, on the top of a building, there was a huge, like, dragon thing, or snake, I don't know what it was, but it was huge, it was taking up all the buildings, and it kept talking to me, but I couldn't understand what it was saying, and when I was paying attention, this little girl came up to me and was asking me if I wanted to play, and I don't even know how old I was in this dream, but I remember going off with her into this first small park, and we were playing hide and seek, and when we all ran off to go hide, she came with me and said, let's go hide behind this tree in the back, all the way in the back, and when we got there, it was so dark back there, it was so dark, we couldn't see anything, we couldn't hear any of the other kids running around, I don't even know how many kids were even in this game, I just remember her grabbing my hand and running, and as we were waiting behind the tree, we heard a noise, and we looked back, and we could see something looking at us, and we screamed, and I remember her running from behind the tree, and something grabbed her and killed her, and then it snatched me, and I woke up, but I've had this dream at least a dozen times, and it's the same outcome, no matter how many times I try to change it.

30 May 2024



I had a dream that I was with people I donโ€™t know who they were now but in my dream I did. We went from doing stuff canโ€™t remember what but we went from doing stuff to everyone laying down to take a nap. Iโ€™m not sure who they were but there was a man there I wanted and one there I didnโ€™t want but he came to lay down where I was on a couch that was there. I stayed sitting up and he kinda put his hand on me as for protection, but some how I ended up hold a new born baby and started to rock it to sleep but noticed it needed it diaper changed. So I got up and walked down a little ways through a door that went into another area and as Iโ€™m walking over to where I can change the baby another women came in who I felt was like an aunt to me but I couldnโ€™t really see her. She was going really fast. And as Iโ€™m laying the baby down to change she grabbed something and pushed it over saying here use this stuff to change it and not sure but whatever she moved ended hitting the babyโ€™s head and I had to fix how the baby from being on its head. I told her to be careful cuz if she hit the baby on the top of the head she could kill it. And I went to change the baby but it was like a Band-Aid that was on the babies forehead I tried to pull it off but it hurt the baby so I stopped thatโ€™s when whoever the lady was said letโ€™s go into the other area with the others. So I started to walk towards the door and the baby was gone and the lady took off running because there was something trying to get in the other door. I was scared and I tried to run but really could run that fast. She made it to the other door open and as I was getting to the door she closed it and I started crying saying aunty open and then I woke up

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