22 Jul 2024
I dreamt I was in a small plane being flown by women I somehow knew. They were all just learning how to do this as a new task, so a bit uncertain but capable. It was a peaceful post-apocalyptic world, in the rebuilding stage. We had loaded some valuable personal belongings, like boxes and books and papers, into the cargo hold beneath the plane and were about to take off. I turned to one of the women, who had a vibe of being like one of my daughters, and said "You shut the cargo door, right? Because I didn't hear the thump of it closing!" Then, just like my daughters always do in waking life, she hesitated for a moment, thinking, then said with confidence "Yeah, yep I definitely did." And, just as I do in waking life, I pressed my lips together sceptically and smiled and shook my head. She and another women began the take off, and just as the plane lifted into the air, we heard the banging and thumping sounds of all the cargo rolling out of the cargo bay, through the open door. I burst out laughing and we landed immediately to pick it all up again. We got out into a pristine field, full of autumn wildflowers, the grass going golden and a cold mist hovering. I think there were white rabbits in the grass. Winter was coming and it was going to be beautiful. It was a breathtakingly beautiful and serene scene - and covered with our belongings and papers which we laughingly set to gathering up.
I woke up at this point, had a drink of water and laid back down and thought about the dream, and then my mind began to worry over the many things in waking life I have to tend to.
I was wondering about this busyness and overloadedness in my brain, when I slipped into another dream- state and I was approaching a large wooden cupboard. I put my hands on the tops of the cupboard doors, and instead of opening them, I pulled them down and they slid down while also crushing like dried leaves beneath my fingers. Inside were shelves with stacks of folders and papers, so much that it was overwhelming. I understood that this was my brain, so this was all work that had to deal with. I took a pile out to deal with, and was relieved to see it was a little smaller that it looked initially. Then I heard an authoritative male voice say "RECORD THIS DOWN" - clearly meaning this image - and it startled me awake.