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20 Jun 2024

Black Dog
Brown Horse


My front was open and a black dog with its mouth covered walked in and came straight to me. My husband was on a brown horse and rode it half way down the stairs, then went back upstairs with it, he didn't come all the way down to me.




DreamApp: Journal & Dictionary

DreamApp provides an answer for what you saw in your dreams immediately after you wake up.

20 Jun 2024

Best Friend


Having a camp in the seaside resort and the mountainside college campus My paternal aunt’s family is accompanying me and my closest best friend from school(in a class year younger than I) are there with her family The rest of the class(mine, hers and a few other strangers of similar and older ages combined) are present The school seems like one of those british super-traditional boarding schools I do magick spells for protection and cast simple wards around the camping cabins(because that’s just what I do, I practice sea magick irl) I get a cut in my right foot from the seashell I used for the protection spell while casting the ward in the bathroom The floor is sandy and wet from the shower water, and outside is visible through an awning window; it’s foggy, slightly drizzling and the whole area is covered in forests canopies There’s the ocean peeking from amidst the woods; it’s gray, tempestuous and shades of blue and red I check to see that the skin is slightly peeled as the seashell has made diagonal cut against the flesh Seeing the blood mix into the water auntie’s children and another voice that sounds to be masculine, somewhat nagging and somewhat frivolous-sounding, like a salesperson comes into my head as they approach While the auntie’s kids(all girls, three, they are irl) dresses the wound it heals itself quickly There is a nagging, *very* unwelcome guest among us all that keeps pestering and harassing me and the best friend Along with our families and this one generous, fair and reputable school prefect/warden who’s in some two-three years older grade When things get too much and outrageous and they start mocking my family and their quirks, I stab them in the gut and bash their head They revive himself and is sent to penance for what he did to me, but I’m also henceforth labeled a lunatic and a dangerous person, being forced to eat with the school’s prefect as a punishment He’s fair, generous, intelligent and has a warm personality, so he is well-liked by everyone And then there’s my best friend, who the nagging ‘jester’ personality torments psychologically At this point I’m seeing this dream from her point of view Having enough of his mockery, she(I) kills the jester amidst her family’s(mother and younger brother, no father) protests She uses a meter-and-a-half long tachi(great sword/katana) to slash, dice, and bash his mangled body The prefect, seeing the problematic dynamic between the ‘jester’ personality and the students, protects my best-friend in the council after the case to dish out the penalties and treatments for the assailant and the victim(before and after the tension reached its peak) So now my best-friend’s family is eating the meals with and basically living next to the prefect in the cabins, who has been set aside for a de-facto penalty for basically defending a man-killer(my best friend and myself) My best-friend’s(my) mother and brother calls me to the table, and I’m still very dazed from the actions and the emotions caused by it that fill me I slouch over to the table, covered in blood and slowly washed by the rain, still looking somewhat oddly calm and disturbed The prefect smiles and we start the meal When asked about how he takes the ‘punishment’ given to him for speaking up, he responds calmly to the situation, and to us remains merry and generous, the intent to keep us from being attacked by our peers even at the cost of his impressions to the other class-men evident We start to form a bit of a bond in solidarity, being in the shared circumstance revolving around the ‘jester’ personality, who is now interacting with my peers from the other classes from jovially behind bars The prefect, through conversations and him interacting with me(my best-friend), is growing on me Like an attentive older brother I never had, the one my best-friend does have, but upgraded Somehow after all he’s done, both the prefect and the jester never loses his likability in the face of my peers It feels absurd

20 Jun 2024



I was being transported to an unknown location in the back of the car. There was no indicate threat at the time but I figured it was best to stay hidden. I remember one street being extremely busy as there seemed to be loads of people. The driver drops us of and I’m in this room there are 3 beds lined up togeather. My daughters are in 1 of the 2 beds so I assume that bed is for me but no idea who the other 2 beds are for. Here’s where things pick up out of nowhere there is a group of people who seem to make it their mission to come after me. It’s not clear what they want from me but none the less they are after me. Either I fend them off or they disappear before making another apesrence later on. The only other person of note was this attractive goth girl. It’s actually not clear weather she’s there to help me or if she’s actually part of the group that’s attacking me. There was one part of the dream where I ask for her number and the group of attackers reappear with one of them saying “you really shouldn’t be falling into traps like this one”

20 Jun 2024



My mom who passed away March 23, 2023 was greeting me into a garden lots of flowers vibrant colors. There’s 2 huge castle like arches, and in the background, there was like green, and like country with the white sheets of linen, just blowing with the breeze of the air, lots of flowers, and she was showing me pointing with her arms in the air look look where I am, I am fine! don't you worry about me. Then she proceeded to show me that our hearts were bonded since I was a little girl and she was always gonna be with me. The hearts were , floating in the air with flames coming from the ground blowing up and holding a crystal jewelry box outlined with gold trimming and inside there was like magenta colored blood gushing from the sides, but the magenta colored blood stayed inside the box and there was 2 hearts that pumped at the same time and that's where she said” I'm always going to be with you because our hearts were bonded since we were a little girl, I'm always gonna be with you”

20 Jun 2024

Sleep paralysis


Another dream I had was be watching my mom naked in the kitchen like going in circles but also like she needed help my mom passed away last year the year 2023 somehow there was a feeling of she was in danger wherever she is the other side in heaven, but she was a danger that was feeling From there, my dream went onto me for somebody looking for something and I open one door and my sister was busy. I opened the other door and my sister was vacuuming with one hand because she was holding her granddaughter or something like a I want to say like an eagle or something on one arm, kinda like it that position And those two are my older sisters and from there I kept walking all because I wanted to know what it meant for me to have a dream that I was dreaming because it was really happening in my dream like where I had like sleep paralysis, and one arm was up and then my leg was kind of bent and just paralyzed but I was fighting someone in my sleep, so that’s why I was searching for this lady because she was going to tell me what it meant And this actually happened three times at night where I actually I think I was having sleep paralysis but the second time when I woke up from my sleep from having sleep paralysis, I felt like I stopped breathing like it actually was dead and that’s when I went to go look for this lady and she was telling me that what that is it’s some thing That started with the word ES or scant or Epson I’m not sure exactly what it what word it was it’s very vague what I have in my memory from that dream but the lady said oh that’s what it’s called but I’m busy right now if you’re don’t mind waiting Please wait for me and I’ll explain it but you can also find this meaning in the Bible and it’ll tell you what you’re going through what that sleep paralysis means the way it happened three times. This lady was telling me in my dream so then I said OK I’ll wait for her so then I walked away and there was like if I was on top of a like a cliff almost, but to the right there was like benches like Stadium benches or like bleachers from a basketball court inside the school, and then on the left, there was a cliff, and when you looked down, it was the ocean and on the ocean foam it spelled Jesus, and there was children and older woman walking through there, and we all looked at each other and smiled like oh wow, so beautiful earth knows about Jesus and how it’s the name is so wonderful name makes us feel peace so then I never went back to the lady and I woke up thinking what is that word? What is the word E Epson at Ed Son🤴 I’m not sure but the word started with an E and ended with an N then I looked up. that was my dream.

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