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14 Aug 2024
I don’t know where my dream started. I just remember we were all trying to get away. I don’t remember all the details but it took mulitiple bullets because I still had the round bullets in there from when I prepped for the gun range to kill the people after us. My boyfriend and I left the house to find the car and park it closer. I remember frantically loading up mine and my boyfriends guns when we get home. I start yelling at everyone to grab their necessities and get in the car because we don’t have much time. My grandma took too long because she couldn’t find her shoes and wouldn’t listen to me when i said “just put on a pair, it doesn’t matter. I’m wearing sneakers with no socks” but she wouldn’t listen so i had to go to the other room to find her shoes and by the time i find them the people showed up and locked us is the house. For some reason they weren’t killing us so we were still plotting to make a run for it towards the car. We all made it to the car except for one person and I could see vividly who it was in my dream but now I can’t remember for some reason
I had a black mom and a skinny grandma who was patting my mothers back as she couldn’t stop throwing up because she had an evil spirit in her and my grandfather was not telling me what was going on and I said I knew his head was orange and I knew what happened
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Dreaming it was dark at the sky I could see bones n it was so dirty up there I can see the God is angry at us so I started praying n then the sky becomes bright again
An ancient Egyptian noble mystic was interred with his husband and young son in a astere, but traditional Egyptian tomb. Thousands of years later the tomb was discovered. As the tomb was explored, an ancient spell was triggered causing the Egyptian noble mystic to be brought back to life. His first instinct upon waking was to check on his husband and son; however, the spell did not extend to them. He was alone in this new era to do whatever it was the spell had resurrected him for.
I was like in a band on a stage with a lot of people but the stage was like in the air and after we finished playing we jumped off the island stage thingy in the air and pulled out a wingsuit and flew down to the ground into a bunch of bikes and we all got on them and drove to a desert and started playing around in the sand jumping over hills n stuff on the bikes
There was a virus outbreak which caused people to become mindless cannibals, basically they became zombies. As it turned out, if your will was strong enough and you managed to keep your ability to reason, you would become something like a vampire instead -- you still had to feed off other people but you weren't mindless and less likely to accident murder.
I was helping people close down bank accounts. They had two options: direct deposit into another account or a check. One woman didn’t understand I was asking for her SSN and kept saying a series of letters. I told I needed her SSN to close the account. She and her daughter stormed off.
I had a nightmare that I was being haunted by an evil presence. In some of the dream I was in my childhood home and I was trying to rest so that I could go to work and live my life but the ghost wouldn't stop scaring me and I was at breaking point because I didn't know what to do about it. In another part of the dream I was in a huge abandoned structure that was on an island that was extremely beautiful and there was even a swimming pool there that people were swimming in even though the structure didn't have a roof and was open. The ghost was also in the abandoned structure and was being even more sinister and scary. It would take other people's form and pretend to be them. There was one part where there was someone who I knew and they had a baby and the ghost took their baby and dismantled the baby like in a horror movie. There was another part of the dream where I was trying to ride a motorcycle through fields and hiking trails to get away from a group of people that were chasing me but I kept falling off. I was then at a petrol station trying to fill the motorcycle tank up with petrol and it kept leaking out and then somehow my biological father was there at the petrol station even though I haven't spoken to him in years in real life. In the last part of the dream I was back in my childhood home with my mum and we were trying to figure out how to get rid of the ghost but we never did because I woke up.
i just woke up screaming from a dream where i repeatedly met up with this man and someone else, i don’t remember their gender. Basically, i was trying to confront them about brainwashing me or using some kind of trick to scam me. i don’t remember the context. Each time is saw them i would try to confront them about what they were doing, but i could never actually say what happened. esch time i got close the man would come closer to me and i’d feel intense fear like something was possessing me.
So uhh it was a really short dream so i chouldnt remmber much. So, we were on a house our aunt made a rule where i cant walk, and i fogot the second rule. My uncle's rule were to not go on the other room. But anyway, i completely ingore the rules, bcz i cant think without walking. (Uhh ingore where in irl, someone said to my mom that if have have a disorder cuz i walk too much🥲😭🙏.) i walked on other room and when i went on deeper on room it became like a tunnel so i just walked and the door somehow got locked and i got stuck there. I got teleported on a place where there flying bus or truck where people lives. And one of my roomates said, uhh i think she is her mother. Then my other roomates said "yep, they are " and then we looked outside
I had a dream where there were eight women playing survival of the fittest in a swimming pool where the winner gets a handsome man. They swam for ages until the last woman swimming got her handsome husband and got married in a hot tub. It is revealed that all of this was a video game I was playing on my laptop called the Sims 4 and I was at my grandparents house. I was about to leave with my laptop and belongings. The strange thing is, my grandparents’ neighbours were in the living room and they were just staring at me as I was walking down the corridor of my grandparents’ house and at the front of the door, my Nan was sitting in one of her chairs from the dining room and she appeared exhausted and in pain. I said goodbye to the weird neighbours in the living room and then made a joke to my Nan saying goodbye. I walked around my Nan and opened the front door ready to leave. Then I stopped and turned back to my Nan and told her that I loved her. I shut the door and left the house and my dream ended.
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