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5 Aug 2024



I had a very interesting dream that I listened to an affirmation and I listened to affirmation before bedtime and then my friend invited me to come to her place. He invited me to come to the country club in Malibu. And somehow, some way, we found out that we are both earth angels and she told me that she's the one that's doing those installations on YouTube before bedtime to give people motivation. And then she said that she's making a lot of money from the videos on YouTube.

5 Aug 2024

White dress


I was in an upstairs room, and idk what I was doing, but it was like my moms house maybe? Or my aunt/grandmas? My aunt and grandma live together. Maybe I was house sitting , but I also might have been waiting on my mom? I kind of remember feeling like I was disappointed by something. There was also the sense that a dog may have been present? Maybe lylah? I remember seeing things that belonged to my aunt Angie. & maybe things that belonged to a dog she had. The dog has passed away but he seemed to be alive in the dream. It was dark and I was in a remote place in the country. There was a window I could see out of & I was scared that I would see something scary out of the window. When I started walking toward the tv (the tv seemed like an old tv from the 90s) I was looking out the window and I saw a tall lady with her back toward me in a white Lacy dress. I couldn’t believe what I was seeing and got really scared questioning if I’m really seeing this. I was saying in my head I hope she doesn’t turn around and see me. Then she did and I could see she was a tall blonde woman. But now she was in nurses or doctors scrubs. They were teal. I was scared that she saw me. She was smiling at me creepily. She had a long stick and started sanding it or chiseling it and at first she was doing it slow and then she started doing it really fast all while staring directly at me and smiling. The dream was so scary to me. I’m scared just writing this.




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5 Aug 2024



Today I dream of that I was in school and after school I have to attend my art classes, okay? So, like, my art class was in different place, okay? Like, in the rain. So I don't know the place where it is. Then I was all alone at the gate of my school after the school dismissal. I was alone waiting for the bus to take me because I don't know the address of my art class. So my computer teacher came and asked what happened. So I told him everything, like, I don't know, I am confused, I am lost. Then I told him to call my mother, okay? By my phone. So he called, but he actually called my friend's mother, okay? So she don't know the address, she just tell here, go there. And I got lost in the bus, like, in the forest somewhere. Then I started saying why he called her, not my mother, okay? So, yeah. Then I got lost and I couldn't go to the art class. Or I don't remember. Or maybe I just got the art class. And I also dreamt that I was in the rooftop, on the rooftop. And I was going somewhere with my sister and we were wearing some shoes. And then we jumped to another building. And another building boundary broke off. And the boundary broke off and we couldn't go to our own house. I also saw my cousin that time, I don't remember that much. That's all.

5 Aug 2024

Make up
Dead Relative


I was with my ex and we were still in a relationship. His two sisters were also in the dream and asking if I would like to get tickets to go to a rave and go out for the day. I was insisting to get my hair and make up professionally done but they were saying we have to be up very early as the minibus was booked. At one part of the dream I was sitting in the chair getting my hair done but it was days before the event and I was thinking that it was not still going to be nice. I was then sitting on a bus with my ex’s sisters and his nan who has passed away and one of their friends. As we arrived, we went in excitedly and were told the tickets were fake and they weren’t even going to open them. The doorman started talking to me about people coming were fake tickets as if I wasn’t with them. We then walked away and my car was there- a hire car that I have recently been driving- and I got in to drive home and realised when I’ve been gone the keys were still in it.

5 Aug 2024



I was at a venue and there was a wedding being held that day. Everyone that was in my dream was recognisable as someone I went to school with, but I was never necessarily friends with, more acquaintances or I'd known of them. While we were in the venue watching this wedding get set up, the fiance or bride walked in to help finish setting up and the girls I was with started taunting her and making fun of her. I felt bad for her so I decided to lend a hand. As the bridesmaids were drinking and didn't seem to be very helpful, I tried getting into it, but for some reason I either kept dropping things or putting things in the wrong spot or messing up. I was happy helping though, so I continued to try and help out. The groom and grooms party seemed to be drunk and disinterested in helping the bride as well. Eventually, the bride came over and she seemed worried and stressed about her day. I reassured her that despite all of these things going wrong, her day will still be the best day of her life and very memorable. I continued trying to help set up while we chatted and we even mentioned that there was a goat at this venue despite neither of us having seen it yet. I then had a switch in my dream where the scene was now a beach but instead of sand it was all pebbled and it was very overcast and gloomy. There were people on the beach almost as if they were soldiers or fighting each other and I wanted to get rid of the ones I was fighting against so I sent or unleashed these ferret type animals or monsters to attack them. The monsters were these sort of grey smoke or cloud like creatures. No faces but long claws. They started attacking everyone, not just the people that I was fighting against. And so everyone started to try to run away from the beach as people were just laying there getting attacked and eaten by these creatures. It was as if the more these creatures attacked people, the more creatures came out. Then it switched back to me at the venue and I could see everyone running over the hill towards us and away from the beach while also getting attacked by these creatures. I ran into the venue to try to shut and lock the doors to keep everyone safe. When I shut the doors and turned around, it wasn't a wedding being set up anymore, but more looked like a cafeteria. And there was a person standing in the room that I didn't recognize, but I knew by name. I called out to him and he didn't acknowledge me, instead just watched a room intently. I looked into the room that he was looking into, and inside it was the figure of a man, an older gentleman with a white beard and wore red clothes, and he saw me looking at him and got quite angry and a wash of fear came over me. As he started to walk towards me, he also grew in size and looked like as if he was almost crawling. I then woke up.

5 Aug 2024



晚上,我從一個聚會要騎車回家。我的包包好像很多個,我光是要把包包安全的掛在摩托車上就花了一些時間。 我跟著一個身體不舒服的同學(皓婷)一起騎。同學順利的騎回去,和我分道揚鑣,但沒想到騎到我不認的路,而且導航也壞掉,一直沒有辦法定位。我想著先想辦法回到台中火車站,因為我知道從火車站到租屋處的路,這樣不用導航也沒有關係。 好像是下雨了,讓我的視線更加模糊。我不斷想辦法騎回火車站、不斷繞路。 不知道怎麼的,我代替一個女生接到一個任務。我覺得接這個任務可以幫助我回家,所以我偷偷接下本來是這個女生應該接的電話,獲得任務的資訊,不讓人發現。 這個任務似乎就是要回到台中火車站做一些事情。我根據電話指示,找到一個抽屜,裡面似乎放著可以幫助我回到車站的工具。 但其實我只是想要回到車站後回家,根本沒有想要執行任務。如果執行任務或者被任務中的人看見的話,我似乎就會被發現我是該組織之前逃脫的特務。 我似乎歷經千辛萬苦終於到了車站,但是也被發現我是冒名頂替另一個女特務,所以有一些人在追趕我。 一路上十分緊張驚險,但是我做著我該做的事情,不斷解決困難然後往前。 我一心想著我要從車站裡逃出來,然後回到我的租屋處。 為了躲避追捕我的人,過程中我還在難以移動的土色泥漿溫泉中游泳,他在這裡似乎是看不到的,總之我小心翼翼地在泥漿中移動,終於離開了泥漿溫泉。 我騎上我的摩托車,準備回程。儘管仍有組織的人在追捕我、儘管我騎出去之後路還是不熟悉,但是我不管,我相信我只要往前騎,我就可以回到我的租屋處、我的家。 這時已經是白天了。 路上還經過一些摩托車十分難騎的地方,追捕我的人甚至不相信我會通過,但是我仍然通過了。 我繼續往前騎,終於騎到我熟悉的路上,我想說不定回到租屋處之後也會被抓起來,但是我不在意、也變得不害怕,我想著追捕我的人可能也變得認可我的決定、而放棄追捕我。我只想要騎回到我的家。

5 Aug 2024

Getting Married
Make up


I dreamt about getting married and guests being there for the wedding. I was getting ready, doing my own makeup and putting on my wedding saree, in a minimalistic way - as if it was just another day of going to another occasion. I looked very pretty in pink and silver. However, the groom and his side were getting delayed and I was getting tired and hungry. As I retouched my makeup, my father and sister walk in and I ask my father about the long wait and expressed my anguish, hugging and almost crying. However, even as I did that, I knew that neither of them would actually do anything about it. My father because he could not question other people, and my sister because she would be too occupied with her own interests. I then think of calling the groom on his phone but I can’t find my phone nor remember where I put it before getting ready. I do not ever see the groom’s face in all such dreams I have about something going wrong at my wedding (which is a recurring dream). I then realised I was in a rather sexy outfit, with a sheer lace blouse and nothing underneath. I cover it slightly and head out to eat something and see what was going on. I see a lot of people as guests, many of whom I didn’t even expect. Then the dream took a different turn with some soldier shooting down another soldier’s mother in his home while trying to sneak in - a scene almost straight out of a movie.

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