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20 Jun 2024

Angry at mom


⁃ We were in a school…a warped version of my middle school and the main hall from Albert Einstein High School. ⁃ Climbing stairs to different floors ⁃ TwistedDisaster (Michie) was there? With a promise and coloring character designs ⁃ Someone in a wrap similar to an Arabian Woman but the wrap was fully colored in Gradient rainbow was being drawn. Even outside the lines ⁃ Mrs. Walsh & Mrs. Harris were there as I did this— ⁃ Michie eventually turned me away for any more drawing ⁃ Both art teachers were giving me medicine(?) through my wrist—needles? ⁃ At sole point I started being able to jump floors and stories and land safely with no broke bones and legs ⁃ After awhile I was sent to Mrs Harris again and she gave me another shot ⁃ I was no longer masking. Unable to mask what I’m thinking or feeling, and unable to hold either back. ⁃ At this discovery from saying what was on my mind, I found Mrs. Harris. And she asked, “How do you feel?” ⁃ I let her have it. Explaining how saying what the Fuck I thought all the time was dangerous, how it contributed to my bruises, cuts, and majority of my physical and mental abuse by my mother. I was angry at Mrs. Harris. ⁃ Thoroughly explaining also why I was terrified to speak my mind, as I’m now only way to speak. As it’s caused me to be I betrayed and ousted by several communities ⁃ I see someone in the distance. I chase them like they’re the White Rabbit in Wonderland. He’s been evasive and even managing to trick me and a few others byby disguising himself as a cop. ⁃ The cop was in his normal clothes but I had a “Wait a minute” moment ⁃ Looked behind him and saw the person I was chasing with his hoodie or strung up shirt wrapped around his body like a harness running away as I chased him—hot on his tail again ⁃ He goes one way and I suggest to two others to cut him off at the exit but the longer way. And to be quick about it. ⁃ A white dog with black spots—A Samoyed? Or a very floofy bear dog, I also gently commanded with urgency to pursue the running Individual. ⁃ I also start running. I wake up to David’s dark tabby male cat Lister purrs and loud audio in my headphones. Both are taken care of.




DreamApp: Journal & Dictionary

DreamApp provides an answer for what you saw in your dreams immediately after you wake up.

20 Jun 2024



February 18-19, 2024 ⁃ Bugs…There was one that was yellow and black..akin to a murder hornet but something else. A black and yellow skull…a narrow beetle that could fly? But was poisonous? ⁃ Bought my younger siblings something from my wishlist as a surprise. A kid Jeep they could drive around. A blanket for warmth and safety. ⁃ The mailman remembered me when delivering the first package and gave me the items right there as we were at an event. ⁃ I remember such a deep sense of fury and anger. I still feel it. ⁃ My abusive mother tried so many times to take credit for what I did. Raising the kids she had including myself, providing emotional support, and protecting them physically. ⁃ Often enough prior to entering the vampire performance(?) I fought my abusive mother. Throwing her, beating her…truly as much as she did to me. ⁃ We went inside. I Noticed the performers were wearing the things I bought for two young toddler girls…including the pants I had set aside for dinner. ⁃ I remember…One of the performers telling me to put on pants? ⁃ Another performer whose vampire fangs were not so fake after all. Tried to eat from my neck. But I stopped him and left, not from fear but from trust. Thinking I would let him do it later, as I had something to take care of. Which he understood and smiled warmly. ⁃ Abusive Mother called paternal grandparents for reinforcements at dinner. After I had to run around and grab so much stuff that she thrown away and gave to others, these were items meant for the abused and neglected children abusive mother had. ⁃ I was furious and I remember my grip tearing through fabric pillows and tossing said pillows in the dumpster. ⁃ Seeing someone familiar with green YMCA Staff shirt running out the door. ⁃ My abusive mother has reigned in all I knew of folks she thought I knew; and they were trying to hide. ⁃ So I commanded they all come out to hear my story. Starting with how “I had to lie to stay alive in the midst of abuse.” But I woke up before I could finish my sentence past, “I had to lie.” I’m still feeling the effects of fury…indignance…the need to prove myself.

20 Jun 2024



I was in the streets of Louisiana as a practicing witch/spiritualist, then I recognized Princess Tiana and her restaurant and I figured out that was the target building. So I managed to sneak in as they were on the brink of closing. But Tiana was no where to be seen. A white southern belle girl in a pink dress marched passed leaving a door open. So despite out of place I looked I slipped through. But turns out Princess Tiana had enlisted her “Friends from the other side.” She was the villain in this dream. So I was trying to avoid her through hide and seek, to grab two boxes. I can’t remember the first thing but I know the second was a few packs of opium. A security guard has been noticing movement so I had to dip fast. Then I found the door to jump outside from stories high. There was no stairs, but there was an orange cat mewling. I greeted her, and she acknowledge me, happy to see me ready to come with me. I looked to the right and the security guard started to pull up, and I looked back out of the window and noticed ladder like stairs. So I used those to get down to the orange cat safely. The cat leaped into my arms as we dipped away from Tiana’s restaurant. We jumped onto an armed speedboat, and sped down the river to get to the contact in the bayou. There were several, armed to the teeth, tanker boats who saw me as a illegal target. But before they could fire at me, I swaddled the orange cat close to my chest, to protect her from the loud sounds and debris. Before I fired mortars at each of the enemy tankers. Successfully blowing up several before they tried to corner me in the river bank, and I squeezed through and escaped, blowing up several more in my bayou swamp witch apparel. I made it to the pier, which was a shack with an older wispy haired, seemingly, white man. But he had Afro Centric facial features, along with a gnarly beard and a camo cap on. I dropped off his packages (the opium box and one other thing) from Villain Princess Tiana’s restaurant; and I took the time to get to know him and talk to him. Before I suddenly had to dip again. My orange cat had alerted me to enemies on the prowl, and I went further into the Louisiana bayou in quiet. When I woke up, a stray female calico passed me and headed towards the crates by the homeless shelter.

20 Jun 2024



Had a dream I join the Military. In the dream I joined and didn’t really tell anyone. There was a moment in the beginning when they told us to do 100 push ups. I was resisting but they sent home two girls sitting right next to me. I instantly started. The next time I was cuddling up with a new recruit. We were friends but connected instantly it was a boy I met in the local town. For some reason we were training in the Bahamas. During our mile run one of my superiors made me do, I was going the wrong way and a friend helped me get back on track. During that run we were redirected to a different area bc I tropical storm was on the way. We all huddled up in a room until we were told that we had to go watch movies. We were taken on a base still in the Bahamas and were redirected to a town home on the outside but an u huge theatre on the inside. For some reason small groups of people started doing choreography waiting for the movie to start. During the dream I couldn’t wait to finish bootcamp bc I knew it would greatly help me family.

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